Matter of Supply (2)


Happy New Year Brothers and their Sisters (if there are any), keep reading my novel even if you have to sell your souls to some sus devil (you might become a villainous protagonist)

Then this year don't make useless commitments, you know and I know it you won't follow any of those commitments more than a day so just give up 😈😈😈

Make money and donate it to me after that and join the discord, though it is dead, but I will still complete my roles! 😸😸😸

Then without any waste of time waste your time in my novel here! 😋😋

Roses are Red

Violet are Blue

Faces like yours belong to zoo

That's Painful_truth_

Told by this God to

Single dogs like you!

_ by your one and only Painful_truth_


'Oh you innocent kid...'

[God's Descendent title is showing the effects!]

[The subjects are unable to betray you!]

With that the deal had ceased for eternity, nobody can betray Klaus after showing their faiths towards Klaus

And with that the biggest fear of all businessmen had been taken care of by Klaus within a second

Next moment 10 times more cakes and pastries appeared all over the place, all fairies immediately caught all of their shares

Klaus moved his gaze and everyone seemed satisfied with what they got but just then Alette suddenly popped out right in front of Klaus's face and said

"We fairies will collect whatever you want and as the first elder, I myself will deliver all these things to you directly! Okay?"

It didn't seem like she wanted to hear anything else than yes for this matter, Klaus just nodded and looked back at her with a smile

Alette seemed to be blushing a little and next moment Klaus offered his finger to her as a sign for happy cooperation

"Then let's do our best from now on ..."

Alette nodded and shook Klaus's finger with both of her hands and tsundere look on the face

[Ruler of Magic title's effect had been triggered!]

[Duke of Demons title's effect had been triggered!]

[Dragon Slayer title's effect had been triggered!]

[Holder of Beyond title's effect had been triggered!]

[The respect among the fairy race is increasing immensely!]

{You have obtained the title of 'Friends of Fairies'!}

{Fairies will follow most of your suggestions like your good friends!}

'Finally God damnit! I thought these titles will die without even being used once! They became truly useful for once!!!'

Klaus smirked and after that Klaus made his way directly to the Dragon King's mansion, this time too Klaus went around the territory of dragons without any trouble

And as he was floating around all over the dragon territory Klaus noticed most of dragons were lazy as hell

But at the same time the masters of magic too, some of them were literally using Ancient magics just to drink or eat and to avoid using their phisical bodies

'God... Oh wait! I'm the God too!'

Klaus seemed to be going on the wrong path of thoughts but as this was going on suddenly inside the gigantic mansion of dragon king which was practically the biggest castle Klaus had ever seen in life

In that castle literal dragons walked around with casual healthy faces, but suddenly the one being who seemed the centre of whole life in the castle suddenly moved her gaze towards the direction of Klaus

"What happened to Aroa?"

"Is there someone there?"

The Dragon King and his wife suddenly looked at Aroa with worry in her eyes and moved their gazes towards that direction


Next moment Aroa suddenly flew towards Klaus with a bright face and shiny eyes, seeing her sudden move both dragon king and his wife suddenly became worried


"Where are you going child!?!"

Aroa directly rushed outside of the castle through the huge designs on the wall, in just a flash she managed to travel hundreds of meters without any trouble

""""Aroa! Don't suddenly run like that!!!""""

Next moment Uther the red dragon and Aroa's brother also rushed behind her with huge wings covering the sky

"Don't you dare break the wall again!!! This is already the 25th time now!!!"

"Hey! Watch out! I will break my hor- kuaaa!!!"

The dragon king was also about to follow them but he was immediately smashed to corner by his wife within a flash

And next moment his wife caught his leg and dragged him outside through the complicated castle paths

On the other hand Klaus was still slowly moving around the dragon's territory with calm and interested face

'Now I'm looking around here, this place just seems like last neighbourhood of those lazy old men, it's just that this neighbourhood is made up of large lizards...'

Just as Klaus was thinking about things here suddenly Klaus sensed something approaching at him from long distance at extreme speed

As Klaus turned around suddenly a big soft belly smashed right into his face


Klaus immediately removed the being stuck to his face like lizard and noticed it was Aroa tilting her big eyes with cute face

""""Missed you Klaus!""""

Klaus released Aroa with bright face and questioned with surprise "Woah! You already reached Tier 6 and you can already use telepathy!? Our Aroa is so smart! Amazing!!!"

Klaus gave Aroa lots of belly and head rubs with melting face, just then Uther also arrived at the place but with his speed he came there like a sports car with failed breaks

""""Klaus!!! Watch out! Escape from there!!!! I can't stop!!!""""

Klaus moved his gaze and noticed Uther who looked like reliable and almighty dragon at start of the chase was now looking like lizard trying to make a break in middle of air

Tier 8 Magic _ Hydro Net

As expected Uther couldn't stop himself on time but Klaus's magic caught him in air like a net but next moment he was launched back like jumping on trampoline

""""Learn to be gentle bastard!!!""""

Poor Uther's screams were unheard to world as he was tossed far away somewhere in dragon territory

Aroa looked at Klaus with bright eyes, like the princess saved by the prince in white horse of her dreams

Next moment the Dragon King and the queen also arrived at the place with bright faces

"Oh! You are here Klaus!"

"That's why Aroa ran away like that, she seems to like you more than us..."

As they arrived they observed the situation with bright faces, Klaus nodded and next Aroa directly sat on top of Klaus's shoulders with a smug look on her face

"I had a little favour to ask from you Syrax..."

After they arrived back to dragon king castle Klaus started the conversation first with straight look on his face, the dragon king just nodded and gave immediately reply

"Yeah! Ok! What is the favour? I will do it if it's within my capabilities!"

Klaus grinned and replied "Why don't you give me things that aren't useful to you in your territory! They must be piling like trash here but all these things are treasure in human world!

I can do business with all that, and if I can get the nails of dragons too then it will be a huge help too!"

'Nails are also part of bones of dragon, the things made from them will be very inferior to real thing but still even the grass growing near dragons is treasure let alone the nails!!!'

Klaus had a bright business smile on his face as he stared at dragon king with bright face

Dragon King looked slightly confused but still gave Klaus a nod and replied "Well that things are really of no use to us, it will help a lot if you free up the space for us...

That's not even a favor, it's just you helping us, ask real favour next time..."

Dragon King sighed on his own, but getting this reply Klaus reached the objective he wanted and next moment Klaus took out a big gigantic plates filled with Leviathan's meat from last time

What was right in front of then was huge seafood that was even a huge treat for dragon king

"Then let's start with the celebration of our long lasting cooperation! The fairies also had little celebration so don't hold bac-"

Klaus was just saying but it seemed like the dragon king's family wasn't much about formalities like humans but just true to their feelings

The whole family directly jumped to the treat, Uther also suddenly appeared there out if nowhere

'Damn being ignored hurts a lot...'

Klaus sighed in his heart but next moment Klaus took out a lot of other dishes in large quantity and quality with smug look and shiny face

"We will provide you with the supply of any kind of dishes you want here in exchange for the things here to all the dragons!"

The dragon family glanced at Klaus with shiny eyes while stuffing themselves with all the food in front of them

Tier 8 Magic _ Multi Directional Space Delivery

Next Klaus used his complicated magic to supply big bags of delicacies all over the dragons of dragon territory

Big wooden boxes filled with delicious foods fell all over the place with Golden Turtle Organisation's symbol on it

And as the box broke huge delicious dishes with fragrant smell appeared in front of all types of dragons

And even these lazy dragons were forced to move their bodies in front of such treat

But just then suddenly Uther looked at Klaus with shocked eyes and shouted

""""Then! Aren't you human!? From what I know this will cost astronomical amount to make these supplies how are going to handle that?""""

Klaus looked at him with smug face and next moment lot of gold coins popped out around Klaus and Klaus replied

"I'm rich!"

Seeing that exaggerated appearance with all those gold falling in the background with back glasses and a rich old man style appearance the whole family felt a little weird

Next moment Klaus tossed all those things aside and said "Haha just kidding, I'm just successful with business here and there..."

'And having highest grade production materials in exchange with food that is literally an inexhaustible thing in this world because of endless monsters that keep multiplying in numbers each day is honestly

A fucking godly deal!'