7 Great Realm Awakening (2)

Klaus observed the place, it was absolutely covered with mana, mana there was like moisture in air

The mana here was so dense and thick that normal humans of elves will directly explode into smitten just because of the sheer presence of overwhelming mana

"Well not a bad place for the starters... But it just seems lonely..."

[I'm here though!]

"Oh!!!! That's a huge relief then!!! Let's get to work right away, I seem to have a good feeling about this!!!"

As Klaus said he unfolded all the black wooden slips and started reading the golden runes language inscribed in them but before he could much

Next moment all the rune words started rushing directly inside his mind and information about the technique spread throughout his mind

Klaus's eyes immediately changed to divine white and the whole body immediately turned to celestial look

This time Klaus didn't even have any chance to control anything, Klaus's whole body looked like it was made up of dark space and galaxies itself

Klaus right now was literal personification of ever expanding universe itself with uncountable stars and galaxies shining in his body

Klaus consciousness was completely blank for a few minutes and finally Klaus managed to regain all his senses but his physical condition was still the same

"Fuu~ that's quite a lot of complications... I feel like mastering whole quantum physics in a day after learning this..."

Klaus sighed next moment and closed his eyes while sitting in a lotus position, as Klaus did that he started floating in the same position

And the clear blue skies of day suddenly started changing to night and at same time various kinds of 'Spiritual Energy' with different nature started rushing inside him

Spiritual Energy is different from Mana, Mana just strengthens the physical body of beings but Spiritual energy directly strengthens the soul and mind of being along with body

All kinds of colourful Spiritual energy started to gather inside Klaus refining his soul and mind as priority

Klaus followed the methods of the techniques and the time passed extremely fast for Klaus

Klaus was lost in his meditation before even knowing it because of the effects of practicing this technique

But a dull red light was starting to glow a little at the base of Klaus's spine

The days passed, the weeks passed, the months passed, the years passed and even a few decades passed by there was absolutely no change in Klaus's position

And along with that there was absolutely no change in atmosphere or climate of Klaus's surrounding

The place was still filled with endless Spiritual energy and mana just like before

And just like that a 9,000 years passed with no trouble

And now a bright crimson light has originated into the base of Klaus's spine

And a blue and red coloured something like threads also appeared around the red light

Those threads went upwards but it was still very blurry and unstable

[The first seal of Kundalini has been unlocked!]

[The 'Base Chakra' had awakened!]

Klaus had no reaction and the process continued the base crimson chakra seemed to have slowed changing

The life energy in Klaus became almost endless, this was the first characteristic of a 'God' but Klaus seems to have gone beyond the Gods in terms of the life energy and his cosmic presence

With this it was confirmed that permanently killing Klaus was impossible in any way

As time passed it seemed like the two red blue threads had slowly turned into phantom of two new born snakes coiling around the red light with divinity

The eyes of both snakes were still close but the presence seemed to have enough power to destroy planets with a gaze

Like that time kept passing with massive changes taking place all over Klaus's body, mind and soul

No matter how much knowledge or experiences Klaus had he was still just a young guy in his heart

Even though he was mature and maybe the most mature being at the time but even then he was no more than just a new born kid in the world he was destined to live

Klaus's destiny wasn't just fighting monsters, it was much more beyond that, his enemies right now in future were literal God level entities

And as Klaus climbed the stairs of power Klaus finally started realising gravity of the presence of his enemies

The Devil Lords without a doubt have become far more stronger than from the novel,

The two God level Devil Lords have already touched the ground of the world while in the novel the only God level entity was just a clone of Evil God

After taking that plot into words of the real world that situation was absolutely absurd

The luck of Reus might have been an all time high there, he only encountered a mere clone of Evil God which very coincidently helped to seal the Evil God in reality

There were various factors involved in that mere coincidence, the chances of such a thing happening after Klaus's interference were truly absolutely zero now

Klaus had already replaced the role of saviour right from the start of his presence in this world

But Reus was still the second most important factor for survival of the world, if Klaus was like force for this mission then Reus was the soul

But the true evil God Klaus needed to kill was already the peak level existence in the universe

The journey ahead was tough but that was the true thrill and adventurousness because the story was just beginning

Like that another 90,000 years passed with no trouble and this time there were indeed few changes in Klaus's presence

Klaus's presence seemed much more orderly and mighty, there seemed to be air of domination, maturity and discipline in him

Klaus's posture and presence both seemed to have improved a lot, the current Klaus was not only at the peak of the food chain by his strength but mind and soul too

The current Klaus could dominate the whole world or even galaxy with just his overwhelming presence alone

The dragons might explode like balloons after experiencing just the pressure from Klaus's presence alone

And by now Klaus was floating on top of the clouds with direct contact with the power universe and the rays of the sun touching directly Klaus's Celestial Body

And along with all that a orange coloured light had started glowing at Klaus's waist along with growth in size of blue and red snakes but those eyes were still closed

But now the dignity and calmness could be sensed from those snakes

The current state of Klaus was like gaining a sense of responsibility and a state of deep consciousness along with overwhelming strength

The God seemed to have matured and teen Klaus seemed to have become truly worthy and respectful lord now

There was a certain calmness on Klaus's face like an enlightened buddha, he seemed to have reached an absurd level of discipline in his heart and mind

The overwhelming strength and trust had finally gained some restraint and creativity had bloomed while various kinds of desires had been diminished

The current Klaus was absorbing Spirituality directly from the Space, the elemental Spirituality had already been completely absorbed in Klaus

[The second seal of Kundalini has been unlocked!]

[The 'Sacral Chakra' had awakened!]

The time kept passing along with that the small snakes also seemed to have moved while coiling around both red and orange light and moving towards a dim golden yellow light just little below the chest

This time directly another 900,000 years had passed with absolutely no change in Klaus's posture or present conciseness

The dim golden yellow light just little below the chest had completely transformed into a ball of golden light indicating the infinite wisdom Klaus just gained

Wisdom and Knowledge are two completely different concepts

Wisdom is a healthy perspective and ability to make sound judgments about a subject while knowledge is simply knowing

Anyone can become knowledgeable about a subject by reading, researching, and memorizing facts just like Klaus had done till now

If we explain that Klaus's IQ had reached the inhuman realm, it had stepped into the world of high grade gods with ability to annihilate or create worlds with mere desire

And this time Klaus was already floating in the middle of the galaxy surrounded by various stars at unknown distance

Klaus's body was surrounded by a pure white light of divinity making him stand out or else Klaus might get completely mixed with the space and galaxies at distance of light years

The snakes had already coiled around the third golden light too and finally an distinct movement appeared

This time they have grown too, they already had overwhelming strength in them just like Klaus and presence of discipline and restraint too

But as both moved their eyelids and their true eyes came to view there was a sense of endless wisdom in those eyes just like Klaus's consciousness and soul now

The wisdom of Klaus might already have surpassed any God in existence right now reaching the realm far beyond anything the existence has seen till now

And along with that a blur lotus also seemed to be forming behind Klaus's head

The current Klaus had the power, discipline and the wisdom worthy of being beyond fates