Noble Party (1)

After Klaus left the place, Isis appeared at the place with Robert and Lumina looking at beings gathered there and muttered

"This will take a little time here..."

Next moment dozens of more people teleported there with big boxes behind them and started moving towards the city

They were currently at open field outside of the city of Rosario, where all of Klaus's subordinates trained and practiced

The news about Space Gate was still secret from the public so they needed to show a means of transportation to avoid trouble for now

And next day all beings under Klaus were provided with high grade materials that have been under production for years

These were made up from Klaus's high grade loot from all over the place

The knights were provided with Unique and Mythical Grade Weapons and full body armours

The assassins received more hidden weapons and some equipment according to their needs

The archers also got high grade elemental bows to show their full capabilities, but the elf unit was also provided with spiritual artifacts to increase favorabilily with spirits

The elves can be used in different manners even after excluding archery from scouting, support and magic to highly skilled hand to hand combat

They were quite important assets for Klaus and then were the mages

The Mages needed more artifacts compared to Knights, Assassins and Archers so they were also provided with their equipment like robe, staff and buffing mana artifacts according to their elements

The beastmen from Godly Beast Clan were weapons in themselves, but even then to show potential beyond limits or to show control over their strength

They were provided with some weapons and defensive artifacts to protect them

The requirements of other units were also fulfilled with ease and now after taking on all reformation of Klaus's Organisation, expanding the city

Spending money like a flowing river over his territory to solve all problems and gaps left by the previous corrupt lord, Klaus's personal funds have approached the lower side

But now after all that investment it was finally the time to reap the benefits, Klaus had already prepared a large-scale plan for that but for now was time for celebration

In the span of a week all preparations for the party has finished and now was the time for guests to make their appearance here

Within this week various nobles and even royalties had arrived at the city of Rosario, it would have been quite an impossible event if it wasn't for Klaus's preparations

The City of Rosario literally had the title of 'City of Dungeons' and 'Adventurer's Home', there was always a possibility of some high grade monster suddenly popping out in the middle of the journey of those who are coming or going out from here

But from the last 6 months all of Klaus's subordinates have been training in the great forest of Rosario that was a literal den of monsters

With that the number of monsters who jumped out of the forest had been lowered considerably and Klaus had managed to gain control over the Great Forests too

If it wasn't for that there was no possibility of nobles who value their life more than anything in the world to visit this place

The city usually was filled with adventurers and commoners walking around in the street peacefully

But right now this week it was very easy for high class and lower class nobles to be spotted all over the place and with more nobles comes more trouble

And such events occur more often if the protagonist is present at the place, that's right

Reus's party has also arrived at the city and they were currently staying at 'Sword's Edge Inn' just like Klaus's expectations

Klaus had got the news of this and Klaus was on his way to visit the inn right away, he had already informed Reus and others previously to avoid commotion

"Hey Reus... Do you have any news about Klaus?"

Sam asked with a bored face while chewing on his wooden spoon in the middle of breakfast, others also seemed to be in a similar situation

Reus sighed and glanced at the door and replied "Well it's about time he arrives here I guess..."

Others just nodded and seemed like they will just melt any moment now, but just then their attention moved to a direction because of a commotion

"Can't you hear me!? I want a room here!!! Get these peasants out of here right now! I'm the Son of Count Greenriver!!! Don't you want to live anymore!?!"

Everyone in the inn was currently looking at a young noble with few lackeys at his back threatening Brock and Merie with an angry face

Brock and Merie also seemed to be tired of explaining him again and again and again, but still Merie tried to fulfill the formalities again in front of the noble

"I'm sorry sir but we can do nothing about it, all the rooms in the inn have been booked already because of the event, you can go to other inns if you want..."

As she said that the young noble turned his face towards Merie with nerves in his head and shouted

"If there was room at other places you think I will come to these filthy places filled with the smell of lowly commoners and adventures!?

Ha!? Are you making fun of me right now!? How dare these idiotic poor folk make fun of me!!??"

With that the enraged noble immediately took out his sword and rushed the blade towards Merie but before he could do much

Brock caught the sword in the air and crushed it with nerves on his face and said

"We have told you again and again but there is no room left in here, please return back!"

Brock had almost lost it right but with this the young noble had completely lost himself here and he shouted

"Mobin!!! Kill these bastards, they dare to challenge my authority as a noble here!?!"

As soon as he said that next moment suddenly a Tier 7 knight rushed towards Brock along with few more knights

Brock was currently weaponless on top of that he had his daughter to be protected, it wasn't quite logical for him to defend himself between all these trouble

But just then Reus, Yumiko and Anna appeared between the blades of all knights with swords and daggers

Reus was currently blocking the sword of the knight named Mobin with his sword and looking at his eyes

"Please leave this matter here..."

Reus gave a clear warning with cold eyes, the knight also seemed to understand the strength of Reus and looked back at the young noble for understanding

But this in turn offended the young noble more thoroughly and he shouted

"Yo-you!!! Lowly adventurers!!! How dare you all! Get out of my business! I'm giving you a clear warning here!"

Reus and his team were still standing there with cold faces but on the other hand Ariana and Sam also seemed to be ready for the combat with that aura and magic circles on their hands

Reus showed his little presence of mind here and took out a noble identification card from his storage

"I'm no lowly adventurer, I'm the Viscount Reus Ragnar, the noble title was bestowed upon me by directly the Emperor...

And all the people on my back are also Barons, you better get going now!"

The noble finally recognised Reus from the Genesis Academy, but this young noble was not much of a sane or mature person

He was extremely jealous of Reus and his friends and he gritted his teeth

'This bastard! Riding on the tail of that Klaus from Whiteblood Family, he thinks he can take on me, the heir of Greenriver County!?'

"Mobin!!! Kill all of them right this instant! This is my order as the heir of Greenriver County!"

This time knight also seemed to have no choice left and he moved his sword towards Reus once again

"Prepare for combat!!!"

Reus also commanded with a serious face, it was clear that a battle between two Tier 7 beings in the middle of the city, with close skill levels will result in more casualties

Reus was prepared to take on most of the damage here but before the sword of both Reus and Knight Mobin could even touch each other

Various beastmen suddenly appeared at the scene and immobilized all the knights and the young noble to the ground with their excellent combat skills

"Kuh! Who dares to touch me, the heir of the County!?!"

The Noble turned back and noticed Simon the red beastman of Godly Beast Clan sitting on top of him in brown tight clothes with a loose upper coat with some golden lion badges on shoulders

"Hi~ loser~"

Simon grinned and looked at the noble from the top, noble became more enraged

"Son of a mothersucking beach!!!! Mobin what are you looking at!? Killing him too!!!"

"I apologise... But I don't think I can sir..."

Hearing the knight's words the noble turned his face towards and noticed another brown haired cat beastmen named Felix sitting on top of his knight Mobin with tired face
