Rin (3)

"What do you think of Rin, you should have met them I guess?"

"Ohhhh! Big sis Fae! Luna and Cassie!? What are they doing here!!!"

Klaus's guess was right, it was quite logical for the three weird fairies to be acquainted with another weird one

All fairies and Elena woke up because of the little girl's loud voice and as soon as they did that the fairies also recognised the Rin from old times

"Woah! What's Rin doing here!?"

"Yeah! Did you run away to meet us!?"

"Ohhhh, what to do?~"

The fairies immediately surrounded the Rin with worried and excited faces, Klaus casually picked a pie from the table and said

"Stop giving yourself too much importance dumb people, she isn't here to meet you, she was recruited by Orion and it was just coincidence to meet you..."

Next moment suddenly Klaus's casual tone suddenly became serious and layer of mana appeared between him and Fae and he asked again

"I thought you all spended hundreds of years in the same place so you might as well be acquainted, that's why I brought her here, so now explain to me in detail what her story is?"

As Klaus finished his words he sat at the seat besides lying Elena, Cassie and Luna were now rubbing the head of Rin like big adults with melting face

Fae was the one to explain it to Klaus "She is quite the rare existence you know, she is the only being that could be born after marriage between dragon and fairy

She is the treasure of our place, both Dragon King and even that Alette recognises her presence,

She is daughter of commanders of Dragon and the former Elder fairy who retired after birth

She had characteristics of both Dragon and fairies and because both races consider the pure blood more than actual results even when adults recognised her the younger ones didn't

She didn't receive the love she was supposed to get from her parents either, I want to kill those bastards for neglecting the kid even when she was getting bullied by others! Those damn losers!!!

She lived alone and spended more time researching but one day she managed to acquire a skill from her new race

She can make contracts with dragons now! We were free so we gave her tips from time to time so she just goes around calling us master but it's really no big deal..."

Fae seemed a little shy with her words, but Klaus nodded with recognition

'So basically even her own parents neglected her, this shit doesn't even make sense but I guess that's what it was, the threads of fate seem to be good...'

As Klaus thought that he watched the bluish threads binding Klaus with little girl, Klaus had noticed that since she arrived in the room there and it was also the main reason he observed her a bit more

And more that was her status, she was another hidden gem just like Robert that can barely rival the fate of Reus as the protagonist


Name_ Rin

Age_ 322

Race_ Draconite (Unique)

Race Skills_

1. Flight. 2. Element Mastery

3. Core Melody 4. Dragon Memory

5. Thunder Heaven 6. Nature Manipulation

7. Dragon Lord 8. Elemental Breathe

9. Fairy Queen (locked)

10. Magus Monarch (locked)

11. Dragon Gear (locked)

Blessing_ God of Creation, Goddess of Magic

Tier_ 8 Level_87

HP_ 352,000 MP_ 500000+

Str_ 142 Sta_ 231

Agi_ 331 Int_ 5033

Charm_ 832 Luck_ N/A

Traits_ Cheerful, Bratty, Lonely, Curious

Titles_ Unique Miracle, Broken Protector, Massacre Lord, Prodigy of Fairy and Dragons, The Dragon Master, 7th member of Circles]

'As expected... She is beyond the expectations but the past doesn't seems to be very good here...'

"Fae... Did something specially had happened in past?"

Fae looked back at Rin who was being adored by Cassie and Luna in distance and replied with heavy heart

"Back then when she was only a mere 85 years old, in human terms her mental age must be about 5 years old

She was just minding her business but a group of young fairies secretly bullied her quite harshly to the point she was in bruises and almost died

They kept calling her half blood again and again, we noticed that and helped her but even when we asked her to be witness for her bullying

She instead decided to save the fairies, even when we took this took her parents those bastards just blatantly said 'She was just an accident anyways, who cares if she lives or dies?'

I saw the eyes and heart of that child breaking that day, she kept distancing herself from everyone and after a lot of struggles we managed to find a little space in her heart,

She isn't just rude, she is just broken... A broken hero..."

Klaus softened his heart a little as he looked back at Rin again and asked "Yo, kid, you will need an identity to live here you know, do you have any gaurdian here?"

Klaus asked the kid with kind look over his face, Rin looked back at Klaus and asked "Can't the masters be my gaurdian?"

Klaus looked at fairies with blank expressions and replied "These fools themselves need a guardian to live here with how they behave, they are unqualified to be your guardian kiddo..."

"Klaus you!! Mmmm?!!!"


"Hmph! Hmph! Mmmm!?? Mmmm!?!"

As Klaus said that the fairies seemed annoyed but even after they tried shouting no words came out from their mouths

All fairies just kept punching Klaus with their small bodies, but now Rin seemed to be a little panicked now

Her face darkened, Klaus could see the same look of despair he used to face in past when feeling completely alone in world

Rin's face had become extremely nervous and fear of lonely past once again started rushing at her

"Um! I-i, I can do... Pl-please let me stay! The guys from team are all good! The masters are also here! I don't want to return to that bad place again!!!

I will do lot of work without any candies so please! Just one time!!! I don't do mistakes!!!"

Klaus could clearly feel the fear she had for returning back to place where she was treated coldly and lonely

But next moment Klaus knelt directly to ground and hugged her in his chest and asked

"Do you like your mom and dad back home?"


She was about to reply instinctually but Klaus placed his hands over her head trying to calm her down and asked "Only speak truth in front of me little one..."

Rin stopped on her words and after few seconds she replied with dark look on face

"No... They are also bad guys just like the others who bullied me... They don't stop others and just leave me alone... They don't give candy... They don't even play with me... They called me accident!"

As she was saying the sadness also kept growing but it wasn't only her who was getting sad

The look on Klaus's face was really getting the same as when the fairies almost died back in past and world saw the wrath of God for first time in a while

Klaus hugged her tightly while gritting his teeth, the clouds over the city of Rosario also seemed to be getting denser and darker as time passed with thunders roaring as time went on

But Klaus dispersed all his thoughts and asked in a lovely tone "Then do you like me?"

As Klaus asked that with his face right in front of Rin and big bright blue eyes staring right into her red eyes

"Yo-you are not bad! A-aha - hahaha! A handsome man! But don't think I will lose easily! Ye-yeah right!!!"

Rin's face was very shy right now and emotions were getting more and more unstable

Klaus suddenly grinned and next asked in the most casual and sweet tone be had ever used "Then do you want to be my daughter kiddo?"

As Klaus asked that Elena puffed out all the wine she just drank at once, the fairies and Rin herself seemed to be extremely surprised with that too

The seconds passed and then minutes and finally Rin's consciousness returned to her mind again

"Don't joke haha! It's not funny! Hahaha!"

Rin tried to brush Klaus's question off, it seemed like time and her broken heart had matured her a lot

But Klaus was not the one to let go of his decision so easily and he asked in dense seriousness "I'm serious"

Rin looked at Klaus's eyes with serious look both kept staring for few moments, Rin's little body started trembling because of her storming emotions

But at that moment for the first time in her life she actually went with the flow of her emotions and replied

"I-i want to..."

Klaus's eyes widened in happiness and he kept looking at Rin's face with excitement and finally he got the words he was so excited to hear

"I want to become your daughter, will you love me if I do that? You won't ignore me right?"

Rin's face was filled with tears, at the end she was just a child with soft soul and broken heart