Leaf Dawn on Quest (1)

'Andrea Bless the character in the novel responsible for providing the event that gave Reus his strongest and fated cheat information about devils

She would be useless for Reus's situation because she won't have that any information about devils now

But even then she is an important character for me, she is more than just a support character in this world here

It's quite a luck to see Imgur here though, I guess I will be able to get some more help here with this...

But that all aside, it's been a while since the situation of Reus, it's about time I get the knowledge of his situation'

Klaus thought all that and dismissed the others for the day and decided to make his way directly over the city

And of course the place where Klaus can see Reus at this time was.... Adventurers Guild

"Been a while~"

Klaus muttered while wearing a hood over his face and entered the guild with a chill look over his face

Klaus presence was close to none right now, no one among the mortals could even sense him against his will just like... a God

'hmm~ hmm~ now where is my guy in the bunch here...'

Klaus started searching for Reus through his eyes and as he was doing that Klaus finally got Reus's location on front of quest board choosing the quest for himself and the party

The others were also standing besides Reus with calm and cheerful expressions but there were few more people Klaus was able to recognise

'Rion... He has already returned to the City of Rosario?'

Klaus recognised the guy who has assaulted him because of a misunderstanding on the day Klaus came to adventurers guild

Noticing this important event Klaus heightened his senses to hear them

"Hahaha! Reus, you seem to be more interesting than I had expected! Since you all are also S Rank, why don't you try participating in 'Ruin Exploration Quest' too

With your strength you all will be safe and more than that if you are lucky you will even get something good you know!"

Rion guy suggested Reus with wide smile over his faces, Reus on other hand seemed to be first time hearing this event

"Are you also going on that quest?"

Hearing Reus's question Rion suddenly became much more excited and pointed at himself with a confident grin on face

"Hahaha! Of course! Including my party, there are about 4 more adventurers party participating in the quest and there is also the Flame Sword adventurers party participating in the quest

If you exclude the 'Deity of Death' who had cleared the whole Giant Tower in a few months,

The Flame Sword is the only adventurers party who had reached stage 90 of the Giant Tower, from what I know they will be attempting to clear the last floor of the Tower in a few weeks too

Don't you think it's exciting? The Quest will take place tomorrow, why don't you ask to register for it too?"

Rion looked more and more excited as the time passed, Reus saw his reaction and nodded with a little awkward smile

"Le-let's do it then..."

"Ooohhhhh! Good choice! I'm sure you won't regret it!"

Rion smiled and dragged Reus to quest registration area of guild

"Klaus is really popular everywhere..."

"Still it's amazing that he only took months to clear the Giant Tower that took almost a decade for others to clear"

"Aaah... Don't start the comparison or we might die from despair..."

Sam silenced all the argument with big sigh and heavy look on his face, Klaus watched all that from distance and smile

And next followed Reus's party Leaf Dawn to the forest to watch their progress over the quests

"Our target today is subjugation of Cockatrice, a sub species of dragons just like wyverns...

It's an S Rank monster but it is considered as one of most dangerous monsters even among the S Rank subjugation targets..."

Sam was currently explaining their strategy for hunting the monster while others were hearing him with deep look over their faces

And just like they kept walking while Klaus was following them from distance and in a few minutes they finally arrived at inner parts of the Great Forest which held their subjugation target

"So that's our target hmm..."

Reus muttered seeing a giant cock with a serpent as its tail, the monster looked extremely fierce and worthy of its name

His wings were made up of something that can be called to be a mixture of rooster and dragon's wings

Leaf Dawn party looked nothing more than little worms in front of that giant, the monster even managed spot Reus's party within a second and looked at their direction with fierce aura leaking from its body


Anna was caught off guard by that sudden pressure that sent shivers down her body but Reus was much more calm and he immediately like the leader he was

"We have no time for reactions! Yumiko move to the right! Sam, block its movements from here!

Anna and Ariana will protect him from the back!"

As soon as Reus did that next moment everyone rushed to their roles, the Cockatrice also immediately dashed towards them

But this eyesight from the left side was immediately blocked by Anna's arrows

A literal barrage of arrows was approaching the Cockatrice but before it could even touch his face

The wings of Cockatrice blocked all the arrows within a moment and the giant cock kept making its way towards them

But just then both Reus and Yumiko suddenly jumped over the air while being buffed by Ariana's magic

Reus and Yumiko immediately launched their blades over the Cockatrice which stopped the Cockatrice on its tracks there and crashed him to ground

The Cockatrice had fallen to ground and even then due to speed he had he was crashing towards where Sam and Ariana were

But before it could come here Anna caught Sam from his hands and Ariana also jumped away with them

But even then there was no scratch over that Cockatrice, he stood back within a moment and only thing that changed was more rage in its eyes

The whole place was enveloped with extreme bloodlust of Cockatrice

"Alright! He has lost its temper! Now Sam!!!"

Reus started grinning watching this and commanded Sam for the next move

Sam also became happy seeing the chance for himself and instantly casted the magics needed for next move

Next movement two huge hand rose from the earth smashing Cockatrice's head and the another head of serpent which was on the tail

And ground below Cockatrice's legs suddenly grabbed the Cockatrice's legs and swallowed them under the ground

Next moment as Cockatrice tried to rush towards Reus and the others again he fell directly to ground right over his face


The Cockatrice screamed with rage and next both Reus and Yumiko once again dashed towards the head of the monster

But just as they were halfway to their target both Reus and Yumiko sensed the serpent on Cockatrice's tail rushing at them with wide fangs

"Dodge it!!!"

Reus commanded and next both Reus and Yumiko suddenly jumped backwards and Reus just barely avoided the poison spitted towards him

Both Reus and Yumiko landed back to ground and Reus observed the poison that fell the ground in a little distance from him

The whole ground had melted right on that spot, Reus and Yumiko gulped the saliva in their throats and watched the Cockatrice with serious looks

The Cockatrice once again stood back and crushed whole ground that had caught its legs releasing him once again for the fight


The Cockatrice roared in sky and next moment a flame breath like the dragons was released towards Reus and Yumiko

Both Reus and Yumiko immediately started running while the flame breathe kept following them

That continued until Anna's arrow suddenly came to the front once again

Anna's arrow made its way towards the Cockatrice's head and even when Cockatrice tried to block it with its wings,

The arrow sharply passed through the wings and then pierced the left eye of the Cockatrice and exploded right there making it half blind


The Cockatrice screamed in pain with a large pile of blood leaking from its eyes, with this the flame breath of Cockatrice also stopped

And grin appeared over the faces of all people from Leaf Dawn party of Reus, Anna immediately shouted

"Got him!!! Now attack from left side, it won't be able to see from there!!!"

Anna successfully created a blind spot for Reus and Yumiko to use and attack that Cockatrice safely

Reus and Yumiko also didn't let go of this chance and rushed at the Cockatrice from the left side where it was blind

Ariana gave a full buff to combat power of Reus and Yumiko while a heavy coating of earth blocked the giant serpent tail of Cockatrice to take action

But even then as Reus and Yumiko jumped to air Cockatrice tossed them away to ground through its wings

Hitting them perfectly on right spots, Reus and Yumiko somehow found the right balance to land on ground and Yumiko shouted

"How did he see us!?"



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
