Leaf Dawn on Quest (3)

"The Organisation is having difficulty with the Kingdom of Elves and Beastmen

The rulers of the kingdoms there have asked for a meeting with you to discuss anything related to business

They are basically asking for personal meetings with personal reasons, they are just using the business and excuse here..."

Klaus nodded in understanding and muttered "We are suddenly having a lot of meetings ehhh..."

Klaus thought for a few moments and commanded "Start making plans, we will have a meeting with the Rulers of Elves, Beastmen and Demons after the marriages of the brother...

With that we might even get some kind of international treaties too, and for Isis, tell her to finish the warm up, we are going to launch all the products and services one by one taking our time

Focus on mass advertisement and create new hype for massive sales, with that we might get an explosive profit and depending upon the quality of our product and services we will be able to reap explosive benefits for a large amount of time..."

Orion nodded and left the place, Klaus was now once again standing at the hallways with a mysterious smile over his face

"Seems like I really do have some big dreams in this world..."

Next morning Klaus was once again ready to stalk-! I mean observe Leaf Dawn adventurers party of Reus in case of any uncertainties

Klaus was just standing in distance while leaning to a wall at the corner of a room inside the adventurers guild

And that room contained all the people who were participating in Ruin Exploration Quest including Leaf Dawn party too

"Oh Reus! Come here!"

Rion asked Reus who just entered the room, Reus smiled and everyone sat there next to each other

"Hu~ the room somehow feels kind of heavy right?"

Reus asked Rion with a nervous smile on face, Rion looked at Reus and nodded

"Of course it will feel heavy man, everyone here is veteran S Rank Adventurer, and on top of that the party that will lead us in this Quest is Flame Sword

The Flame Sword adventurers party is one of 4 SS Rank parties you know

SS Adventurers as individual and SS Rank Adventurer party are two different concepts, an adventurers rank is decided upon his achievements and strength only

But a party's rank is decided by the strength and ability of all members of the party and the effectiveness of their team work

The rank 4 SS Rank party is led by highest SS Rank Adventurer Maximus and even the other 5 members of his party are S Rank adventurers

Then the 3rd Rank Adventurer Party is made up of 4 S Rank Adventurers and the leader is SS Rank Adventurer Susan"

As Rion said that the eyes of Reus and his party shined in excitement

"I didn't know Susan's adventurers party was so good! To think they are this good!!!"

"I know right!"

"Guess we never know..."

"We didn't even see her party though!"

Reus and others commented after getting the news, they had already been acquainted with Susan in their adventure days

Rion looked at them with surprise and asked "You know Susan?"

Reus nodded and replied "Haha... Actually we met during a quest, she was really kind and helped us a lot, but if her party is 3rd rank then who is above her?"

First of all Rion was just too surprised here to say anything more but next he immediately replied with a deep look of surprise on face

"What a small world is this... Anyways, the second strongest adventurer party only has two members...

The Leader of the party is the Strongest Adventurer and the only SSS Rank Adventurer Lord Klaus De Brahm, hehehe~ I don't like bragging but I met him and even did a quest with him when he was a newbie

But guess a hero is a hero, he rose so high and so fast that it already became a legendary achievement and dream of all adventurers in the world..."

Reus and others seemed to be a little happy hearing this while Yumiko seemed to be still embarrassed by her last meeting but even then none of them said anything more

'hahaha they are amazed too!'

Rion looked satisfied with the reaction of Reus's party and while rubbing his nose he continued

"And second member of their party is S Rank Adventurer Zoya, the sword of wind she used to be quite a name a decade ago but suddenly she disappeared

And after years she was taken in by Sir Klaus, I heard she became a high ranking knight who directly serves under Sir Klaus now, she was even promoted to a noble

So by taking all that into account in terms of strength she might be even stronger than some SS Rank Adventurers...

The name of the party is 'Frost Tempest', it's not a well known name because both of them mostly did quests as solo adventurers..."

As Rion said everyone looked a little surprised and even Klaus seemed to be a little low on his mood thinking about past

'I did promised Zoya that I will go on adventures with her when she has recovered but I did nothing on reality...'

Klaus sighed with heavy heart in himself but Rion continued over there

"And the strongest party of adventurers is 'Flame Sword', the leader of the adventurer party is Kine

As an individual he is 5th rank SS Rank Adventurer but with his amazing leadership his party is an unbeatable SS Rank Adventurer

They basically live in the Giant Tower, so there is rarely a chance to meet them here, but I heard each one of them is Tier 8 being..."

As Rion said that the room suddenly went silent and the Reus's party seemed to have little admiration in there eyes

But just as the room was going cold because of sudden pressure by the presence of all adventurers there

The doors of the room opened once again and next a man with straight long red hairs covering the right side of his face and cold aura around him entered the room with few more peoples

There were 6 more people with aura of S Rank Adventurers, but these S Rank Adventurers were on a whole another level compared to others in the room

Everyone except for that red haired man sat among all the adventurers with straight faces

Only the red haired man was still standing in front of everyone in the room and he opened his mouth to start his introduction

"I'm the SS Rank Adventurer, Kine ... The leader of the SS Rank Adventurer party 'Flame Sword'

We will be taking the lead for the quest of 'Fallen Ruin Exploration' this time, there are a total of 5 adventurers party here

With our SS Adventurers party there are 4 other S Rank Adventurer Party here, so for starters let's start with discussing our main rules for the Quest

The Ruins we are exploring are situated in the opposite direction of Great Forest from the city,

We will be sent there with help of capable mages from the guild and we just need to explore the ruins there and finish off all the monsters as the quest says

The adventures are free to take the treasures they find in the ruins or they can sell it to the adventurers guild directly

According to our information the Ruins are in the form of a fallen great castle from the ancient ages,

We will be entering the underground castle which is the Ruin and finish off all the monsters in there

There are basically five paths inside the Ruins and each adventurers party will go in different directions according to the situation

And next everything will depend on your luck, each party is obligated to help each other inside the Ruins

The issues of the Quest at the Ruins will be solved outside here either with official ways or with just a simple individual duel...

Any problem or does anyone have objections present here?"

After hearing out the man everyone present there shook their heads in denial of any problems

Kine also looked around the room and everything seemed to be normal, well that was until his gaze met Reus's party

"Who are you?"

Kine already looked quite cold type of guy but this time his tone seemed far more chilling and sent shivers to everyone present there

Reus's gaze also met the man and he stood up to introduce himself

"S Rank Adventurer Reus Ragnar... I'm the leader of S Rank party Leaf Dawn that is participating in quests..."

The red haired man thought for a moment and suddenly he remembered the name of the party and the man standing in front of him and he commented

"A sponsored adventurer party... I did hear that a mere newbie S Rank Adventurer Party had been sponsored by the 'Deity of Death' but to think they were just a bunch of kids

I haven't met the Hero, but he, who can slay a dragon and clear the whole Giant Tower in months is a being I acknowledge as strongest

Just what was he thinking when he sponsored these brats instead of someone more deserving...

He might have seen potential in you all but for me you all are disappointed..."



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
