Leaf Dawn on Quest (5)

"An sponsored party won't have any difficulties handling such a simple task right?"

Kine asked Reus with an evil grin over his face, Reus also didn't seem to have left with any sane choice now and he just nodded with heavy mood

"We will try our best..."

Kine grinned and directly entered the orange portal with his party members, other adventurers also just sighed and went to their own ways

Rion's party members also have Reus pity full look before entering the portal, Rion stood there for a few seconds and before leaving he stated

"Just write the flowers you want in your grave man, I will search for it from your body if it isn't in the stomach of any monster..."

With that Rion also entered the portal he was assigned to, Reus and his friends couldn't help but to sigh and silently entered the portal

"Whatever! We just have to do our best like always, not like it is the first time facing difficulty!"

Reus cheered up the mood of everyone from his party saying that, a little confidence returned to their minds and next everyone entered the portal with little smiles on faces

"Ahhh... It's embarrassing to call these bastards my friends now..."

Klaus also sighed and entered the same portal and by next second all portals disappeared in air

And everyone of them got teleported inside some kind of floor, they were all alone except for the monsters and traps everywhere

The structure in there was just a straight hall way with nothing but broken or cracked walls here and there with a lot of cracks everywhere

Klaus was just silently following Reus's party from the back while using his passive job skill 'Moon Shine'

This skill made it difficult for even Gods to see through Klaus's presence instantly let alone the mortals like Reus and others

"It's too quiet for looking so ominous..."

Ariana muttered as they walked inside the place, everyone nodded because even though they have walked for more than 100s of meters they have yet to encounter any kind of monster in here

But the sense and instincts were still tingling continuously warning them against hidden dangers in future

"Everyone be ready... It's dangerous from here on out..."

Suddenly Anna warned them with a serious look on her face, everyone nodded silently and tightened the grip over their weapons and equipment

They continued walking but just then suddenly Reus suddenly looked upwards and his sword also rushed there

"Be ready for impact!!!"

Reus warned and next moment everyone noticed Reus was just barely blocking the fangs of one dark lizard looking monster with scales and purple tongue rushing out

Reus bended his sword towards the edge and directly divided whole body of that monster into two pieces

But just Reus did that dozens of red eyes started shining from all corners of whole area

"It Poison Drake?!! That's an A Rank monster, be cautious of its poison or scratch, you might get paralyzed!"

Reus warned everyone with a sharp look in his eyes, everyone got ready for the close combat in there and

Next moment dozens of such monsters rushed at them with wide fangs and wild eyes

Anna immediately took her bow turning into twin daggers and started blocking all monsters from her side

Reus and Yumiko were also talking out the monsters from all corners, Ariana was busy defending for Sam who was continually using his spells to disrupt the movements of those monsters and even crush them with earth magic

"Just keep holding for few more minutes, we will finish it in few minutes!!!"

Reus boosted the morale of his party mates and his sword started moving faster and faster

Others also smirked with a look of nervousness over the faces and boosted their movements and within a few more minutes all the monsters coming at them had been slaughtered into pieces

The whole place looked like living hell with so many dead corpses everywhere

Everyone looked exhausted and next Sam opened his special storage pouch and collected all the corpses with help of earth magic

And used the same earth magic to remove all the blood and other disgusting materials from the upper parts of area

"Let's take a rest in little distance..."

Everyone was tired and Reus dragged them to a few more meters away from that place, they sat there in the middle of the hall way

The hall way had a lot of flame torches in that area that so it was good area for them to take rest with little sense of relaxation

Everyone was tired so they just fell right on the place and after the breathing and mind calmed down a little Yumiko asked

"Hey Anna... How long do you think this place for exploration is?"

Anna nodded and next she used her job skill and her eyes shone in golden and green light and she replied

"I can only sense upto 4 km away from here, seems to a large place for exploration..."

Everyone nodded and Reus commanded "Let's rest for a moment and check your equipments and other materials then let's continue..."

They nodded and after a few more minutes making sure they had everything like before everyone continued on their way

Klaus was also there leaning to wall besides them taking notes with a serious look on face

'Team work is good but not very effective, they are relying too much over Ariana's combat abilities here

Totally relying over her is not a very good idea, in the end she is a healer and soul of party if by chance she got injured whole buffing and healing system will go on mess for them

Not to mention in long terms it is quite a bad idea to have her like that, these idiots are missing the difference between party balance and raw abilities here...

And why the fuok are they not using their contacted summons when they are in this state after just the first battle?'

Klaus sighed and continued his observation, after a few minutes Reus's party once again stood back to face the future combat

But it seemed like from last time Reus had understood something here

"I and Yumiko will take care of the front, Anna watch out and alert us and Sam, immediately use the magic to immobilize the monsters if they come in large numbers like just now..."

Everyone nodded and Reus smiled with little more confidence and shouted

"Ok! Then let's win more wealth today!!!"


Klaus who was observing them looked at each of his friends with dead fish like eyes and sighed heavily

'Why the heck are they shouting like that!? This is literally a close place what if more stronger monster hear them and assault all at once

And considering Reus's command, he is literally asking Anna to take care of back in such a closed space

Her main ability is long and mid range combat with her bow, the dagger fight is only her secondary usage field

Why is this Reus the simp asking Yumiko to stay in front man, she is far more useful for the back with her darkness attribute

And Reus can be more effective alone in front, he literally had flame attribute, he can use himself as effective damage dealer as well as torch for others to watch the dangers ahead!!!'

Klaus seemed to be getting more and more frustrated as the time passed in the place

In just a few moments they arrived at an circular hall with a stone giant snake like structure at the centre of the place

"Wow... That looks quite awesome right?"

Anna muttered while watching the structure and as soon as she entered the hall the path that led them here suddenly got closed by a thick stone wall

"Seems like some kind of Sub Boss fight area..."

Sam muttered with a nervous look in his eyes, everyone looked nervous too because it was their first time with something like this

"Be ready..."

Reus muttered with tight grip on his sword, everyone nodded and they slowly started looking around the place

But even after observing the hall for the next few minutes they found nothing except for the same giant serpent stone structure

Klaus was also present there watching everything with surprised face

'Are they blind or what? Why can't they see such a big red flag right in front of them...'

Klaus was just about to reveal the danger but next as Reus stood right in front of the face of that structure of serpent suddenly the eyes of the serpent shined in cold light with green slit eyes there

"Where is the target in this place, hey, Sam did you foun-!"

Reus was just about to ask Sam for the target but next moment he also sensed the danger behind him and before he could do anything

The structure of serpent had already arrived right behind his back

Reus's body was immediately covered in dark armour and Reus looked deeply surprised right now and he shouted

"The serpent structure is the Monster!!!"