Secret Room (3)


I know, I know, I know everything you single bastards! To ease your pain take an extra chapter!!!

And at least comment! I know you can't imagine much so just say 'Fuck the couple bastards!'


Reus and his team suddenly stopped in the middle of their run, the Chimera also slowed down and stood on his way

Reus turned back with cold eyes along with his teammates and commanded

"Start the hunt!!!!"

Yumiko suddenly bended towards the ground in direction of the same Troll Chimera rushing at them

Her hands moved the end of the cover of her katana to the hilt and next moment she grabbed the hilt of her katana sword

As she unleashed her katana she moved like an absolute bullet and even before that Chimera could even react Yumiko had arrived at Chimera's other side

The Chimera had stopped by now and it's gaze moved towards the sides of his chest, it noticed two deep wounds over there leaking immense amounts of blood out from its body


The Chimera suddenly started roaring in closed space, which was actually quite terrifying because mere shockwave of his roar forced Reus's team to cover their eyes

"It's close combat this time!!!"

Reus commanded everyone and to this everyone nodded with agreement, Ariana turned her staff into gauntlet and Anna was already rushing at the Chimera along with Reus and her daggers

Ariana had already buffed everyone already, there was only Sam who wasn't very proficient in this close combat type style which was quite an obvious thing in normal cases so he kept distance while playing his role as mage he was

The troll was still confused but next moment Reus and Anna passed right besides his shoulders successfully making deep cuts there

The troll Chimera turned back to the direction where Reus and Anna left but next moment Ariana appeared right at back his head with her gauntlets

Troll Chimera turned his head back but next moment a strong high quality punch smashed all the teeth inside his mouth

The Troll Chimera was quite shocked there but still it was a monster that seemed to be in top level even among S Rank Monsters

It immediately moved his beast like hands to catch Ariana right there and it's both limbs were easily as big and strong as to block all escape paths for Ariana

And obviously Ariana's strength was weaker than the Troll Chimera to resist it but before those beast like hands could even touch Ariana

Two earthen chains binded Troll's both hands with the walls of hall way, Ariana landed to ground and next moment with a grin her round kick landed right into Troll Chimera's face to take out remaining few teeth there

And with that she retreated back and as soon as she retreated the Troll Chimera broke all the earthen chains and dashed at her direction

But before it could take more than two or three steps Anna arrived right on its back thrusting both of her daggers on the both shoulders of the Troll Chimera

Troll Chimera slowed down on his way and tried to grab Anna on his back but just then both Reus and Yumiko flashed by his sides like bolt of lightning

The sword and katana moved in complete unison and sliced right through both hands of that Troll Chimera cleanly

The hands of Chimera fell to ground and next Anna took her both daggers out of the shoulders of the troll and pushed his head forward while jumping from his head

Sam moved smartly and created a sharp pointed earthen spike over the ground, the Troll Chimera fell right there and the earthen spike passed half way from his stomach

He was half dead at the moment but next moment Reus jumped on top of his head and thrust his sword right at his head

With this the earthen spike completely passed through the stomach of that Troll Chimera and the danger was successfully eliminated

"Fuuu~ Barely finished..."

"Hah! That was actually really close!"


"I can't feel my hands!"

The cool team suddenly fell on the ground because of over exerting their muscles here and looked at each other with slight smiles while taking deep breaths

Anna's eyes shone for a moment and she stated "We are almost finished here and I can feel other adventurer parties in a little distance...

It seems like everyone is arriving at the same place at the end"

As she said that everyone felt a little surprise in their minds and Reus commanded with a brighter face

"Then let's finish the rest and get out of here as fast as possible!!!"


Everyone nodded and started their little break there, while Klaus who was also sitting in the middle of them observed their behaviour

'Well this fight was actually real good, but as I said their stamina and endurance is a mess, and they just keep forgetting the actual roles of the party members

It is good and all for now but in the long term this shit will be taking a lot of toll over their performance and it might take more time to get their pace back again...'

Klaus was thinking quite deeply about this but nothing could be done right away, and just as planned Reus's party took their time for the rest and once again picked up the pace

As they kept going forward they even started seeing more and more light and various new types of structure and designs and finally they arrived at the place

They entered the hall which was bigger than any hall they had seen till now, more than 5 times bigger than the last ones

But this time it wasn't only them who arrived here, all the five adventurers that have entered the place arrived here fit and fine

"Ohhhh!!! Reus you are still alive!? Eeeh!!! Good! I won't need trouble with buying flowers then!!!"

Rion was the first one to greet Reus with a bright look over his face, Reus just had a dry laugh at his words

Kine also gave Reus's party a sharp gaze for a few minutes silently and finally gave his words

"Guess not too bad for someone like you, but still not up to standards for a party that had been sponsored by someone like an honorable SSS Rank Adventurer..."

Reus and his friends looked at Kine with awkward gaze and just seemed to give up thinking more

"Did he praise us or insult us?"

"Can't he just praise us directly instead of making sarcastic comments!"

"Damn this guy..."

Everyone gave up thinking more and Kine started first "This place looks like it used to be some kind of mansion in past

And the give portals led us to five floors in the place, whoever made this might have been quite a guy with understanding of magic and alchemy

But I think this is not all, why would anyone and how will anyone set monsters in a place like this, it is almost like dungeons..."

As Kine said that the mood of the place suddenly changed and everyone suddenly got serious

Next moment Reus stated "Then from what you say this place had been long abandoned and turned into Ruins but after that some person settled the monsters inside here

He might even be controlling all those monsters... Isn't it something that those evil cultists do? But why here though?"

"That's the question we came here to find..."

Kine said this in a serious manner and the others also started saying their experience here, Rion was first one to share his words

"I don't know about you guys but I felt like some creepy guy staring at me the whole time and our party was even attacked by some Scorpion Chimera on our way here...

That was quite the close call, we exhausted most of our potions there!"

"OMG! You guys too!!!"

"We also got that..."

"For us or was horse type Chimera!"

Everyone looked surprised, Reus also shared his encounter

"We got Troll Chimera, that one suddenly appeared behind our heads, we were lucky we survived..."

Kine was quite surprised to hear Reus and the next moment his party mates suddenly said "You were really lucky and skilled there

Trolls are already monsters known for fast regeneration ability, if you hadn't killed him fast it would have recovered all his damages"

Reus and others just scratched their heads and the next moment Sam questioned "What did your party get?"

The party members of Flame Sword party glanced at Kine for a moment and next one of them said

"For us it was Chimera of Lion with a serpent-like monster and wings mixed in it but Kine alone finished it off with just one strike..."

Kine looked really smug about it, after knowing him more this guy looked arrogant and cold on the outside but he was quite a simple guy in heart

Reus and other Adventurers also noticed this and had warm smiles over their faces, but just as everything was going good Klaus suddenly turned his gaze towards one corner of the hall

A creepy man in the dark hood was standing there with a skeleton staff in his hands and an obvious evil look on face

"Let's see... Quite the prey has come here today, seems like the day will be good after a while..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
