Noble Household Meeting (5)

The main Greenriver Family, the Count, Countess and their son, they were literally on verge of insanity here because of Klaus's pressure

Their minds have gone insane and various nerves and popped out from their brains and body

Klaus suddenly sensed the beings outside of the room just like Zoya and next everyone returned to their own positions again

The place looked like nothing ever happened to normal beings and next moment the doors of the hall opened with Ashia walking inside with a simple look on face

"We are here lord!!!"

Molly, Simon and Felix also entered the hall behind her and as usual Molly looked extra excited

Ashia walked up to Klaus's seat and stood besides him with a straight look over her face, her gaze went to the collar of the Countess Greenriver which looked quite a bit different from the last time just like their faces

She saw that and her face went to Klaus's and Zoya, both seemed to be sweating crazily from head to toe but she just seemed to ignore all that with almost unnoticed little smile over her face

"Count Greenriver, why is the name of lady just Alma, isn't she the mother of heirs of Greenriver County now? Shouldn't she be noble now?"

The Count Greenriver looked deeply troubled by those words but Klaus's words created more anger on the Countess standing besides him

But she was holding back herself after experiencing that pressure from Klaus, Klaus grinned and once again targeted them

'I won't let you live in peace nor let you die easily!'

"From noble prospects, she is more qualified to be noble than your Countess here,

I haven't seen any considerable deeds that she had done to still have the position of countess, why is she still in that position even when her son caused the trouble here?'

Klaus's words sent shivers to Count meanwhile the Countess seemed to have stepped in weak thread that held her between the land of sanity and insanity

"Isn't it because of blood hmm, Sharon and Tessa look like good kids so your blood doesn't seem to be bad, is it just the Countess who has the blood of gutters running through her body?"

And just now Klaus's words snapped all the threads of sanity in her mind and she immediately gritted her teeth

'I have never been so humiliated in my life before!!!! I can't take it!!!'

And with an extremely enraged face Countess Greenriver immediately shouted

"How can a mere maid be the Countess of Greenriver County!? How can someone of lowly origins like her take my positions!

Just because Count had an accident with the little maid and my son lost his hands because of schemes it doesn't mean I will do nothing and sit quietly to watch this

Even if you are Duke, I'm the only daughter of the Shelton Marquis Family!"

Klaus just heard what he had been waiting to hear for all this time and next moment he commanded with grin over his face

"Molly!!! I want the tongue that just dared to challenge the authority of a Duke in his own mansion here!!!"

As Klaus said that the face of Molly got brightened up and before anyone else in the room could even react the current Countess of Greenriver family and her tongue separated completely from each other

Her tongue was seen flying out of her mouth and Molly standing besides her with blood chilling grin over her face and blood leaking from the dagger she held

"Ahh... aahhhh ....aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!'

The Countess immediately screamed with realisation on her face and fell to ground with the whole mouth filled with blood

The Count also bent to the ground to support her and the next moment Klaus stood back from his seat and said

"Never challenge the Authority of Duke in his own territory surrounded by his own peoples... You have no idea what, how and when I can do things beyond your understanding and imagination..."

Klaus's cold words resonated inside the whole room and next he announced

"From now on I declare that the Count Greenriver is denounced from his position as Count and now his son Sharon Greenriver will handle the county!"

Klaus's words shocked everyone present in the hall and the Count Greenriver felt a deep horror in his heart

"Th-this! Lord! Duke! You can't just do it like tha-?"

"I never needed to ask for your opinions you lowly piece of dark mud... And then next let's start announcing the sins of former Count Greenriver and his Countess..."

Klaus signalled Orion and he immediately started repeating the reports written in papers

"The illegal embezzlement of goods of others in his territory, the use of authority over innocent civilians by the Countess

Ignoring the sins his wife and son committed over decades of the rule over the innocent civilians

Unreasonable tax over the beings in his territory, the torcher they did to the workers

Rape, murder, frauds, and breaking the other 23 rules of Empire just to enjoy life and the troubles they gave caused to the Sharon, Tessa and Alma here

The Duke will be one to announce how to punish here!"

As Orion finished those words the eyes of Klaus shone coldly and he started speaking

"Now time to show what a Duke can do with his authority...

From now on I officially replace the head of Greenriver County to Sharon Greenriver, please do your best in maintaining the county and bring new light to the place

And according to the laws of the Empire, although nobles can't be killed so easily so for now

The previous Count, his first wife and first son will be restricted from even entering my territory of Leight Genesis ever again!"

Klaus's words silenced the whole hall, Sharon Greenriver was also shocked to his core but next his senses returned to mind and he replied

"I-i will do my absolute best Duke!!!"

But now all the limits of sanity had been destroyed inside the mind of the so-called previous countess now and her face was the ugliest thing in the whole room right now

'This... I won't accept this... I refuse to accept this... All this! All this is because of this lowly maid!!!!'

After the chaos in her mind she immediately rushed at Alma with her sharp fingers and bloodlust all over her face

The Count Greenriver also lost his sanity, for a noble his territory and household is everything but Klaus just threw him out of his own territory

After messing with a Duke they might be alive physically but their presence will be dead in social world

And all their wealth and status they collected for decades had been given to his son and daughter that were illegitimate their whole life till now

This was simply the worst nightmare that can happen for a noble, there was no sanity in their minds now

He also rushed at Sharon with sword in his hands, the first son was angry but the fear had been engraved to his very soul now even if he wanted to move nor did have any courage to fight neither the hands



But before they can do much Simon and Felix moved like gusts of winds and next moment what they noticed was their heads being smashed into grounds and the darkness slowly covering their consciousness

"Looks like we don't have any loyalty here..."

Klaus turned back and sat back to his seat with a grin over his face and asked "Any problem?"

"N-no Duke!!!"

Everyone in the room looked at Klaus with amazing fear and respect in their gazes and next all of them shouted in unison

"The 13 noble families swear to serve Duke till the very end of our existence!!!"

All the nobles knelt to grounds in unison while the grin turned to smirk over Klaus's face

[God's Descendent title is showing the effects!]

[The subjects are unable to betray you!]

[From now on all 13 noble families will be serving you with the best of their abilities and absolute loyalty!]

Klaus nodded and after few discussions of territory divisions the day ended and now the four Counts under Klaus had been announced as the 'Mystic Clovers' and reasonable for 4 main corner territories of the Duchy

Then the 3 Viscount households being responsible for their own territories just like the last 6 barons

The meeting ended with no further troubles and just usual boring discussions of nobles, nothing was interesting in here but just usual noble introductions

They came here nervous, they experienced horror inside the place but as they left they had smiles blooming over their faces

"Unexpectedly the Lord is generous!"

"Haha can't believe the overall tax is just merely 18 % hahaha!"

"Not only that an organisation as big as the Golden Turtle Organisation will be supporting us too!"

"Ahh~ the good days are coming!!!"

All the nobles were satisfied with Klaus's decisions and his insight in terms of politics and economy

The time for their joy and enjoyment had also returned and now it was time for Klaus to get real busy too


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
