Cold Blooded Negotiators (2)

Sol's reply was sharp and flawless at same time but Marquis was no longer a warm dad she has seen her whole life,

"Stop with all these formal talk, if what you say is right then explain why there is so much trade with an enemy nation of the Empire that basically flourishes through wars and you have placed all your products for them at such a low rate too..."

Sol tightened her grip over hands with little sweats over her face and she saw that side of her father

Marquis Walpurgis moved his further forward and commented in straight cold tone

"I hope you will stop with all the idiotic good flawless talk bullshit now or the consequences can be quite heavy"

'Is father going to use these tricks now, he is using our low price for the products as an excuse to create a connection between our organisation with enemy nation

This is just a strategy to make his words heavier but it works quite well but even then father really is daring to use such tricks here in presence of Duke Brahm himself...'

Sol gulped her saliva right back to her throat, the room had suddenly turned cold and all attention was over Klaus's face

Klaus was completely silent and had a poker face over him, he silently started walking towards direction of Marquis Walpurgis from Sol's back side

But he stopped right behind the seat at which Sol and Isis were sitting at and placed his hand over Sol's shoulder with a grin


Sol understood Klaus's signal and took out another set of papers from her storage crystal and presented in front of the table

"We are indeed supplying our neighbour 'Saris Kingdom' with cheap products and services, there is no denying that but there is perfect reason for that

As you all can look over these documents, you all can tell the condition of the citizens of Saris Kingdom too

The land and soil of our neighbour Saris Kingdom isn't enough and mostly unsuitable for any kind of agriculture that can provide the whole Kingdom with sufficient food to eat

That is the reason why they rely over wars to cover up their weakness, it's not their choice to wage war every year

They have made immense progress over increasing the richness of their lands and soil after gaining the technique and methods from us

And from the last decade they have yet to wage any war isn't that right?"

Sol said that and suddenly a light flashed through the eyes of every being present there and Emperor commented

"Now that you have pointed out this fact it is indeed true, a decade ago when I got reported that they aren't creating any more wars

I thought this was just a temporary situation but as time passed everything got so peaceful that I almost forgot about that..."

Sol grinned and pushed a copy of the contract to them and replied

"This is the copy of agreement between Golden Turtle Organisation and Saris Kingdom, in exchange for not creating anymore unreasonable war situations

The Golden Turtle Organisation will provide them with methods and techniques to become self-sufficient and support them till they create stability over their Kingdom"

Emperor, his assistant and even Marquis Walpurgis looked extremely shocked as they observed the copy of agreement

After a few seconds of chaos Marquis Walpurgis once again questioned coldly

"You kept such a big secret, didn't you say a businessman doesn't care about anything except his own needs then why?"

To his question, Sol just smiled and answered

"Indeed a business man and an organisation doesn't care but you know a 'Saint' and a 'Charity Organisation' does care about it

Take this, as all of you know Golden Turtle Organisation has dozens of sub organisations working under it that handle different products and services"

Sol handled them a few sets of papers and once again continued with her words

"Like clothing, equipment, weapons, artifacts, makeup products, etc., each of these services have different sub organisations handling them

There are a few that are named after Duke Brahm's family members too you know

For example the clothing merchandise is handled by sub organisation and brand named 'Sarah'

The Weapon merchandise is under sub Organisation called 'Arwin Cross'

The beauty products are under the name of 'Rianne' and equipment comes under the name of 'Arham'

There are many other varieties too, for a fact all the merchandise related to foods come under the brand name of 'Ashia'"

Sol was about to continue with her explanation but Marquis Walpurgis suddenly interrupted

"We all know that, everyone knows that Golden Turtle Organisation's sub organisation and brand name divides its product but what does it have to do with Saris Kingdom?"

Sol just smiled and continued "That was what I was explaining, we have named these brands over the names so that we can psychologically bind the image of our people with products

Which was of course a good move and just like these merchandise and sub organisations, Golden Turtle Organisation also has a Charity Organisation named 'Angel Heart'

This organisation focuses over helping the society rather than reaping profits, in a way this works to create a better image of our organisation

And this is also the sub organization under us that is helping out the citizens of Saris Kingdom under this too, now you won't tell us that the Empire discriminates over the origin of people who need charity too? Right?"

Sol questioned it with a grin over her face, this completely silenced Marquis Walpurgis but next moment Sol moved her face towards the Emperor and said

"And by the way Your Majesty all our ornamental merchandise are named after Her Majesty Empress too with the brand name 'Golden Grace'

After all she is the only aunt of Duke Brahm and we have already received her permission"

As soon as the Emperor heard this a face filled with deep shock appeared over the face, this time he couldn't hide his deep jealousy and shock

"So this is why she was showing off her ornaments too much recently huh... What a surprise really..."

The Emperor looked kind of in a sulking state right now, Marquis Walpurgis sighed and once again moved towards Sol and commented

"You lot really do have some decent loopholes huh, to think you will create a whole sub organisation just to hide your helping hands

I don't have any more questions to ask, now from the side of His Majesty the Emperor, I propose to you that Golden Turtle Organisation to give 19% profit to the Empire!"

Marquis Walpurgis looked really resolute but Sol also questioned with just a simple smirk over her face

"And your reason?"

The room became cold and heated at the same time and negotiations continued for the next few hours just like swords in the battlefield

And after a whole two hours Sol and Marquis Walpurgis were seen walking out with souls leaking out from their bodies and at background

Klaus and Emperor shaking their hands with grins over their faces, at the end Golden Turtle Organisation agreed to pay 18.7 % profits to the Empire and Marquis Walpurgis managed to gain priority rights over the future weapon merchandises

And the Empire was happy with having his name as a brand name for all revolutionary products that are going to be released now

A new brand 'First Light' after the name Cyrus the third was created

On the other hand father and daughter sat over a bench at the garden with warm smiles over their faces

Marquis started his conversation with Sol and commented

"You were really good my daughter, I really didn't expect to see my little squirrel to grow up to such a monster within such a little time"

Marquis looked really proud over his daughter's success, Sol also just nodded and replied with a smile

"I will take it as a compliment, but still I'm not comparable to you father, even with all my preparations I was still not as much as I expected..."

Sol said that with a little disappointment in her voice, Marquis misunderstood something as he heard this and commented

"Well you shouldn't show your cards from the start in a business organisation you know, we were sufficient with just 17% of profit share but we still managed to get a lot more than our expectations"

Sol smirked and commented "Hahaha, well we could have given you 20% directly too, but in a way we saved a lot of profit too"


Marquis Walpurgis was completely shocked hearing this, Sol giggled seeing that funny reaction and suddenly passed him a set of papers with a smile and commented

"Read this and Duke Brahm told me to pass this to you, he also said that a few words of advice

'It's not that it's you who is weak it is just the opponent who is to strong' so don't despair.."

Marquis just quietly took the papers and indeed it didn't take much time for him to understand the gravity of the situation


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
