God's Territory (3)

"Now please move Saint, we will need to ignite the holy fire to start the new beginning of the holy land"

Pope instructed Klaus as he came out, Klaus also just nodded with a bright smile and started following her

Behind him were the fanatic church members and some of them were clearly using the artifact which was completely similar to the camera of our modern world to capture Klaus's image

Klaus noticed all this but decided to ignore it as his focus was still over something that was more important than all this



Name_ Judgement Karma Chakra

Grade_ Tier 10

Type_ Growth Chakra Weapon

A weapon that has went through various challenges, a sword that transcended it's limits and became limitless through a favour of supreme

It can grow stronger as it's host uses it more and more over the battles and it touches the blood of stronger opponents!]

Klaus was honestly surprised by this kind of discription of his sword that had completely changed into whole another weapon

But still the sense and intuition of his can't be calmed down anytime soon

'Nothing is free, I'm sure something big is coming ahead in my future, but question is what is co-?'


Klaus was lost in his own thought process until Pope called out his name, without even realising he had arrived on top floor of the church and stood in front of stairs which led him towards an empty flame holder

"Please ignite the holy flames that will be announcing the beginning of holy and divine rule of new reign!!!"

Pope instructed Klaus and handled him a white flame which was literally floating in top of her hands

Klaus took the flame in thin air and with a nod he started climbing over the stairs with a interested face

'Is this the holy flames of church I heard so much about? Indeed it does look like those flames in a novel

But frankly it's quite useless for me as divinity which is the most important part of this flame is literally what my existence is so not interested...'

Klaus shook his head and arrived on top of stairs and looked downwards, Klaus could clearly see Pope and other members of church and his other close people there

And even behind them was crowd of various guests throughout the world and whole Rosario City gathered outside

'Whatever, it is indeed the beginning of holy-no! The Age of God!'

Klaus thought that and tossed the white flame over the flame holder and next a huge monstrous flames ignited over that gigantic flame holder on top of the church

Klaus grinned and shouted with voice that reached all ears clearly and at same time released his holy aura throughout the Rosario City

"Leave all your worries to me! As I'm the only one that can carry them all at once!!!"

These words were for his subordinates and his people who lived in his territory, Klaus had no intention to just reveal his true self just yet

But still the aura released by him healed all beings inside his territory, doesn't matter if they were blind from birth or lost limb in battle or even if they were in state of coma

Each and every single being reached the peak condition of their bodies and a huge commotion rose throughout the city

"I can see! I can finally see!"

"Miracles! Saint's miracle!!"

"So merciful! God! So merciful!!!"

"Hahahaha! Father you legs! Father you can walk again!

Various voices filled with deep affection and happiness rose throughout the city and popularity and presence of Klaus rose to whole another level

Once again after spending months fixing up all the losses of whole territory and showing another miracle after a long time

Klaus's popularity and fame reached the top of charts in one go, Klaus grinned and showed his open hands to all peoples in front of white flames that burnt in joyful tone

And closed the fist representing his strong will and confidence, everyone in the audience was automatically dazed and completely affected by Klaus's overwhelming charisma

Everybody had smiles over their faces as they saw this and the day ended with various cheers from the residence and guests present there

"May you always be healthy!!"

"Lord! You are so cool!!!"

"Long live Lord!"

"Long live Divine Lord!!!"

And almost as a bonus Klaus also managed to get free title because of the will and popularity between his citizens

[New title 'Divine Lord' has been acquired!]

And like that the other little ceremonies and rules and functions of noble took Klaus's whole day and the day ended

And next morning Rin was somehow seen walking towards the direction of Klaus's bedroom

Coincidentally Rin met Ashia on her way and decided to ask her

"Hey! Ashia! Is daddy awake yet?"

Ashia shook her head in denial and replied

"Lord still seems to be sleeping, he seems a little exhauste-?"

"Like hell!"

Ashia's words were cut off in middle as Rin continued on her way and smashed the doors open of Klaus's bedroom

Klaus was still found sleeping over his bed with a satisfied smile over his face but Rin was still the daughter of Klaus one way or another

Rin directly jumped at the air over Klaus and shouted

"Hey! Lazy! Ass! Wake up!!!"

With that Rin landed accurately over Klaus's stomach and Klaus immediately woke up with eyes widened to peak


[Health -1!]

Even Apollo seemed to be having fun with mindless notifications, Klaus shooked his head with frown over his face

'Stop with jokes...'

"And what do you want so early in the morning?"

Klaus asked Rin while acting like he was hurt, Rin looked at Klaus with a puffed face and shouted with an angry look on her face

"Why didn't you tell me I have other family members too!?!"

Klaus suddenly stopped acting and after adding two and two from different sides Klaus finally came to his realisation

"Oh! Right! I never introduced yeah..."

With that scene changed and Klaus was seen standing in front of Sol and whole Whiteblood family who were sitting over garden having early snacks and tea

Klaus was just wearing his comfy white loose shirt and black trouser and next he pointed towards the direction of Rin in reddish noble clothing and started the introductions

"So this is my daughter here! Rin Brahm, she is strong, cute and intelligent too I guess!"

"What do you mean I guess! I'm intelligent!"

Klaus immediately recieved a curved leg strike to the back of his knees through Rin and as he acted like a hurt npc

Rin started her formal introduction, she grabbed the tip of her dress and gave a slight bow

"Greetings, I'm Rin Brahm, the daughter of Duke Klaus De Brahm, it is my greatest honour to see you all here!"

In the ending of her introductions Rin gave a big bright smile almost like a literal sun, and that was quite the lethal strike to all beings present there

"Oh my grand daughter, she smiles just like Klaus!"

"Ohh right! See her cute dimples!"

"Yeah, she looks exact of little guy from his childhood..."

"Yeah but... This.. How?"

Everyone from Whiteblood family was lost in extreme happiness until that last comment from Klaus's brother didn't came out

The gazes suddenly went cold towards Klaus's direction with Sol being the coldest

"What? She is a pure blood dragon"

As Klaus said that the gazes returned to normal and everyone again nodded in understanding

"I almost forgot that right..."

"Hmm hmm"

"You escaped death today yeah"

The atmosphere returned to normal with only Klaus being the one feeling wronged by the world

And next moment Klaus's mother caught Rin's hands and started adoring her just like she did with Klaus when he was little

"Oh my little grand daughter! Although I don't consider myself old as I myself am forever 17! But still you can call me granny! I won't mind! Hahaha! So cute and fluffy!!!

Take my special move 'Ultra Charm Cheek Rub'!"

She immediately started rubbing her cheeks with Rin but Klaus was still the one feeling lonely and jealous here

'That... That is mine! That special cheek rub?!!'

Seeing the jealousy over Klaus's face, his brother and sister both gave him a big smirk clearly increasing the flames of jealousy even more


And it seems like that was super effective and actually did a lot of mental damage

[Mental endurance increased by 10000!]

'Stop the jokes if you wanna keep being alive!'



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
