Vengeance (2)


Happy Holi! Sorry for the delay, just came back from the battlefield and took a little rest here so forgot to update the chapters!

Enjoy the extra chap and good work out there Indians, Nepalese and surrounding comrades! You made your God proud! 🗿👍


"But seriously... That guy was cold, I don't know how to explain it, it was like flames that were colder than ice, Vengeance! That's the only word to describe him...."

Reus muttered those words and directly entered the inn and they returned to their daily life as they ordered there food after a big day as adventurer

While on other hand Shawn just arrived over the stage where the Space Gate was placed at, it was surrounded by various guards and knights were also present over the place

Now each main city at least had one Space Gate for emergency traveling and for workloads of important nobles

But Space Gates cost an absurd amount of money to be used, but of course there were a few exceptions which allowed a free travel to another place through Space Gates

The first priority was always the health issue of any living being after being checked by nearby healers and such

Second condition was the travelers being Royalty or a Duke family member

And lastly those belonging to Brahm Family and carried the Grade 2 or higher badge

"I would like to travel to the City of Toronto!"

Shawn showed a silver badge to the head of knights stationed at the Space Gate, the knights looked towards him with little confused expression but still he didn't even dare to question anything

'The grade 5 badge is given to the ordinary servants like maids or gardeners, grade 4 is given to guards and ordinary knights, grade 3 is for for those recruited in special orders

And then Grade 2 that this young man is carrying is the same as what the members of Dark Nova Tower's special team 'Circles' carry, I can't offend them at cost

And then there is Grade 1, this category includes people directly under Duke such as Head Maid Ashia, Sir Butler, and other leaders of important orders and such...

I would prefer to die before even thinking about offending such beings...'

"Please this way sir!"

The knight felt shivers and immediately saluted Shawn and escorted him to the Space Gate and directly sent him to his destination

Shawn found himself coming out from another Space Gate at the city of Toronto at almost the edge of the territory of Leight Genesis

This was particularly a lower grade town at almost the edge of the Empire with a serious lack of morals and such but still a lot improvement can be seen since the iron fist of Klaus started moving around this place too

As soon as Shawn arrived there with space gate shining in silver light various knights and guards stationed there immediately rushed forward to greet him

"Welcome Sir!"

Shawn looked over their faces and just nodded with his face covered under that white hood, he was still equipped with all his set materials given to him directly by Klaus

Shawn didn't say a single word and directly went to the crowd, he already had a goal in his mind but now since the first moment he arrived over this town again the heart inside him was starting to beat again

But this was not excitement or any nostalgia rather that it was stone cold, a scent of death had surrounded his presence and his eyes were literally shining in golden white light

'I thought all these years that I had forgiven them for their betrayals and such but it seems like my heart is still cold for the likes of them...'

Shawn thought that and moved in one straight direction, Shawn kept walking through various dark alleys until he arrived at the place he desired to go

But now various shadows of evil have surrounded him, Shawn observed his surroundings and noticed various people with obvious weapons had surrounded him with evil intentions

Shawn was about to escape quietly as he still hadn't founded his destination but suddenly his gaze noticed a hooded woman walking deeper into a thin street

"Hey, brother, you seem rich, why don't you give a little to us too?"

"Hahaha, have a little mercy on us beggars~"


"Yes, brother why don't you share a littl-!?"

The last one literally licked his knife while walking towards the direction of Shawn but his words were cut off in the middle because

Shawn had thrust that same dagger to his face through his mouth and now his cutted tongue was wiggling in the ground

All other thugs immediately became alert as they looked at Shawn, none of them were able to see even the movements made by Shawn

Shawn looked back at one skinny dagger holder with a cold white shine in his eyes

"Please, I need to return to my lord so please die quickly..."

Shawn right now was requesting them from the bottom of his heart, one normal person with a right mind would think Shawn was crazy in his mind

But with life like this it's normal to be a little twisted, Shawn grabbed his sword and showed his cold blade light once again

"Fast! Kill him!"

"Kill him! Or he will kill us!!!"

"Eewwiiii!!! Die!!!"

"Crazy fucker!!;"

All thugs rushed at Shawn all at once, Shawn didn't care about that crazy fearful gaze but he just felt something different

"Using my strength for my own good huh... Guess it isn't a bad feeling..."

Shawn muttered those words and directly sliced through the head in front of him and then flipped his sword backwards and stabbed it at the waist of thug rushing on his back while looking forward

Shawn took out his sword and while deflecting a dagger thrown at him with his shield Shawn took 3 heads of different thugs with one smooth curved sword strike

Now the remaining 3 looked just too scared to move, Shawn also lost his interest on those weakling who just pissed their pants over his mere glance

Shawn started walking towards the direction of the thin street that the woman in hood just went to, the skinny leader of thug was in middle of Shawn's way

Shawn passed by him without saying a single word and as he did that the skinny leader whose heart just forgot to breathe looked back towards Shawn and suddenly a grin appeared over his face

"Hahaha! I lived! Hey you two! We lived! Hahaha!"

The thug was just starting to celebrate but suddenly the two other thugs suddenly fell to the ground with crushed heads and blood rushing out like crazy

The skinny thug was scared as hell but next moment realisation hit him hard too, he looked at his chest and noticed there was a hole made by a sword present there

"When did he..."

The thug looked towards Shawn's back that had the emblem with resemblance to a fallen Angel and his eyes lost the colours

Shawn kept walking towards the thin street and with the same white cold gaze he muttered

"If I let you all be like this... Maybe the next person might not survive like I have... It's really tough living in a world like this...

So I must return to my lord and ask forgiveness for all the sins I'm going to commit here..."

Shawn said that disappeared in the shadows of that thin cold street, his shining white eyes could easily see those half dead bodies lying everywhere

But still his current goals took more priority, he kept walking without any change of emotions inside him or rather the current Shawn was just cold and hard to be melted just like this

Shawn managed to catch up to that hooded woman, she just entered a old looking house inside from a dark street

Shawn arrived at front of that house and with a cold shine he muttered

"Thank God you didn't change Mila, killing you will be easier now..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
