The Real One (2)

"Easy peasy~"

Klaus's emotionless cold gaze returned to his normal bright gaze and he grinned as next second all artifacts and chains binding the prince got crushed while Klaus slowly approached him

"What a peaceful sleep this man is having after giving so much tension to his whole race?"

Klaus bended down and observed the snoring Prince of Elves with no visible look of worry even after getting literally kidnapped by all the cultists

'Now this is some bastard I would love to kill myself hahaha!'

Suddenly a dark grin once again suddenly emerged over Klaus's face as kept looking at the Elven Prince and his memories from the novel started flashing in his mind

'This son of a happy go lucky bitch!!! After the half annihilation of Elven Race and the death of the King, this idiot was given the throne of next king which was supposed to happen just within a year from now

And this bastard being the friend of another fool called Reus almost annihilated whole elites and high elves left in here and that too just for the cause of Reus saving Yumiko, the heroine from the devils that came out from those portals and gates

You fucking godforsaken trashes!!! What kind of King risks life of his whole race for rescue the heroine type drama!? And as if that was not enough this bastard acted like good for nothing almost like burden

He missed targets despite being an High Elf!!! A race known for their accuracy and magic talent!? Are you fucking with me!!! And finally even when his whole race was on verge of collapse! This motherfucer gifted his Elf's Greatest Treasure! '7 Ring Spiritual Root' over to Reus!

As a parting gift no less! It's good thing if you watch it from perspective of Protagonist! But this bastard almost annihilated all Elves he was supposed to be King of, almost 3 times at that!

And even if that shit wasn't enough! This bastard wants to go out and play adventurer at current timeline! What was that again about being a royal blood is like being a golden bird in cage!?

Son of a bitch, you didn't say such shit when you recived all the fun of using your authority as prince everywhere? You didn't say this shit when given a private elite guards!? Never said this shit when recived training from one of greatest mages and greatest spirit masters exist!?

Fuck wants benefits of being a prince and even wants to run away from the responsibilities calling it 'Pain in the Ass' in a noble way!!!'

By now Klaus's face had been filled with dozens of popped up nerves and he had currently tightly gritted all his teeth while staring at the unconscious prince with blood red gaze

"This fucker..."

Klaus slowly surrounded the head of the prince within his open palm and at same time a purplish aura surrounded the whole body of Elven Prince ensuring his unconsciousness

Just as the room had turned dark and savior and turned into the devil, Apollo popped out with red cape on his back

[Host! You are abusing your powers!]

"I know I'm abusing my authority but remember I do overtime work all the time so that I can gain authority to abuse my authority!"


As Klaus finished his words he landed a hard punch over the dead centre of the back of the unconscious prince while controlling his strength

"Son of a dog! What was that about 'Elves are the race of nature! We won't tolerate you burning it!'

Bastard! A whole bunch of devils were trapped inside that forest after the whole year of planning from all the beastmen!!!"

As Klaus shouted that, he once again grabbed the prince high through his collar and started the barrage of slaps all over his clean face

*Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!*

"Not helping or protecting your own race and you still have face to point fingers at others who are working hard to save themselves and even help out others!?"

As Klaus shouted that he tossed the prince over to another corner of the room where he fell back over ground like some wasted rug

"Truly such a pain the asshole! If I had a son like you! I won't feel even a hint of guilt or any mercy to show while abandoning you!

I would rather adopt a kid from streets and make him the next King! Rather than having such trash lead my people who were ready to die for me!!!"

Klaus kept shouting and rambling about all shit things the Elven Prince had committed in the novel and kept beating him like how people used to wash clothes before the washing machine was made

A truly merciless way to beat to the point of having a feeling that the prince in possession of the cultists was much safer than current situation

*Duk! Clang! Tuk! Dhak!*

Klaus's ears suddenly twitched as he heard numerous people rushing in here and his gaze moved over to the Elven Prince with most of teeths shattered in pieces being held in mid air by Klaus

There was not a single place which hasn't been kicked, and there were some doubts about the direct royal bloodline to be continued? Because of terrible condition of Holyland of origin...


Klaus tossed his unconscious body over to the ground and straightened his clothes and just the next second the Elven King, Queen and both princesses along with some guards arrived there looking completely worried and panicked

"We noticed your aura here!?"

"Is my son safe!?"

"Duke Brahm! We had no idea the base of the cultists was underground hidden area of the castle!!!"

"Holy crap! Brother is dead!?"

Klaus saw all these worried faces and next second cleaned his dark presence into a bright angelic one with literal angels wings floating in background

"I truly apologise for not coming here earlier! It seems Prince was beaten like dog in absence of our knowledge here! I have already dealt with sinners so calm your worries, he will be fit and fine within a year!

Ah! And by chance if he can't make any child in future, please inform me, I'm capable enough to recreate the lost organs too"

[Fucking shameless son of a bi-]


Klaus straightened his collar while once again casually tossing away the Apollo with angelic clean smile over his face


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
