Devil Realm (1)

"Hah~ Now that's the beauty of celebration!"

Klaus smiled and gulped whole wine in one go and burped with peace in his mind and looked around him with warm gaze

"So this is where you are, Seraphim's Contractor?"

Klaus heard this smooth and sweet voice behind his back and as he turned back he noticed Yggdrasil standing behind him with a golden cup of wine in her hand

Klaus turned back and saw her looking towards him with an immensely curious gaze and next she questioned herself

"Your existence is very ridiculous to be accepted even by someone like myself who had seen most senseless and nonsensical incidents in this world

You might know so yourself but I'm the gate that connects all the worlds and dimensions through my roots,

I might not be able to move from here but my children can, we the Origin Beings can see everything that our children can see at the present time at will

But even then never saw someone like you, a Hero recognised by humanity, a Saint recognised by Gods, a contractor recognised by Seraphim and seems like even a Lord recognised by Dragons, Fairies and even..."

Yggdrasil took a glance over Elena who was acting smug after winning a drinking contest and muttered

"One of the strongest Ancients too huh... Just how did you do it, how can being as unreasonable and incomprehensible as you even exist?"

Klaus scoffed hearing her words stared right into her eyes and replied

"You indeed know a lot but there are still quite a few things you don't, right?"

Klaus pointed towards the fairies jumping around and asked

"You can't see through Fae, Luna and Cassie, do you?"

Yggdrasil took a glance and nodded with an amused smile and replied

"That is indeed a weird case, Elves and Fairies are both my children but I can't see anything those three can, I'm sure I could just a few years ago

But now I can't for 6 or maybe 7 years? I don't remember clearly because of that curse's after effects but such a thing can only happen

When the person they are following is as strong as me or is even stronger than me, it's really fun seeing so many weird things happening, can't believe a mere human not even a hundred years old can already be in the same realm of existence as me"

"If you are surprised by just this much then I think you might need to prepare yourself for more in future and to your original question, just think of it as me being an error in this world's system prepared by Gods to eliminate another error

But due to some incidents here and there I became something even better than their expectations..."

Yggdrasil heard Klaus and just took a deep breath and replied

"If you don't want to say it just say it, no need to round to things with me, I was just trying to fulfill my curiosity, after living for life as long as me there aren't many things you get curious about

Curiosities like these are the things that keep beings like us much more entertained but even more that it is existences like you who bring new storms to the world make us still feel like beings with some touch with this world"

Yggdrasil smiled and took a drink and with a smile she asked

"How is Seraphim? I haven't heard anything about her for thousands of years, she isn't the type to keep so quiet, how is she now?"

"I guess she is happy, I gave her some things to handle to keep her entertained, don't you think humans are the beings with the most unstable mindset, I guess she is happy..."

Klaus gave the reply while smartly hiding most things and next suddenly the atmosphere around them turned serious and Klaus asked

"Let's keep things matters about me aside, but you said you are the gate connecting all the Worlds right? Then do you have access to the world of Devils too?"

Yggdrasil heard that and her facial expression also turned little horrified and nervous and she commented

"Going to that world is asking for death, you know about the world, but don't you know about who rules over it?"

Klaus just shook his head in denial of her thoughts and replied

"Who said I want to enter that World myself, I just wanted to ask do you have access to that world?"

Yggdrasil seemed slightly confused and bewildered but at the end she just nodded and replied

"I do have access to entry to all the worlds but can't say the same about exit, I can send you there but can't take you out of any world"

Klaus nodded with a smirk and then moved his hand towards Yggdrasil and asked

"Yggdrasil, you owe me your life and want some entertainment don't you? So how about this? In the future let me enter the worlds I want to go to and I will always bring you something good from that place"

Yggdrasil looked at Klaus with a surprised face and after some thoughts she also bloomed in smile and replied while shaking his hand

"That's not a bad proposal, I don't consider gifts from various worlds as bad things haha!!!"

Klaus heard her and grin over his face widened even more

'Door person! Successfully Acquired!'

"Then let's start right away! Open that gate to the Devil Realm for me!"


Yggdrasil was obviously shocked over Klaus's random statement while a new plan was running wild in Klaus's mind as he stared at Yggdrasil with grin


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
