Bloody Welcome (1)

"How is it going?"

Klaus suddenly landed besides Zoya, everyone had finished setting up camps and were already preparing for the food for the night

"Everything seems to be good, I think by tomorrow evening we will arrive at the capital of Beast Kingdom with the carriage"

Klaus nodded and looked at others busy with their tasks

"Fine, then with this we only got tonight for all preparations, everyone better be prepared for the fight!"

Klaus said that and left but others present over the place seemed confused over Klaus's words


"Didn't we come to negotiate?"

"Are you going to pick a fight there my lord?"

"Fuck! I thought we would get the fluffy ear girls if we couldn't get elves but this cruel lord!"

"All my efforts have been wasted!"

Klaus completely ignored the barks of few virgin dogs burning with the curse of being single, and he just silently sat besides the fairies and started peeling some fruits along with them

'You will be worshipping me in a few days you ungrateful bastards...'

Klaus scoffed with smirk and with that the day ended and next the journey continued with no trouble whatsoever and as predicted by evening of next day Klaus arrived over the capital of Beast Kingdom

"Ho~ that seems like a den royal beast"

"As expected of residence of one of the strongest, it gives an aura of strength "

"The Walls of capital seem as good as from Dungeon City"

"Oh! I heard they have one of the strongest buildings in the world cause of the clash of beastmen often have"

The knights seemed to be discussing with excited smiles as they came out of forest and saw gigantic walls surrounding whole capital which was almost as big as capital of Empire

Klaus took a look outside and smiled

"Be a little cautious now, the Beast Kingdom isn't like other kingdoms, they are quite literally a race of warriors and strength is everything here

Usually when you enter some Kingdom or country, the capital of the place is usually at safest geographical location but we are here at capital as soon as we entered the place, this just goes as far as to prove the mentality of beastmen

Unlike others, beastmen don't make weak cannon fodder but that doesn't mean they are a heroic race instead they just like to fight, the strongest have the privilege to fight first, basically war maniacs

And unlike in human settlement where money is power here the only power is power, the people living in capital are one top warriors of all beastmen in world so be careful not to pick a fight

Beastmen don't live in closed space like Elves, they have different settlements but they have a strong sense of bond, you pick a fight with one beastman and the whole race will be running after you for your life..."

As Klaus finished his words everyone started feeling slightly nervous but Klaus just smirked and started with a crafty grin

"Don't look so visibly weak, a few beastmen actually have a hobby of toying with the weak too, look strong even if you are buffing..."

Klaus said silently sat back on the carriage having fun seeing their expressions, while the fairies stared at Klaus with side eyes

"Are you having fun toying with them?"

"What kind of lord are you?"

"What a disappointment Klaus, seriously~"

These words stabbed Klaus's heard like some nuclear missile, but next second Klaus immediately came back with sharp words

"I was never born to amuse and impress you flies and-!?"

Klaus suddenly stopped in the middle of his words and the next moment all the knights outside noticed a figure jumping towards them from the top of the walls of the capital

"So you are finally here Duke Brahm!!! Hahaha! I have been waiting forever to try this!!!"

The figure in air shouted with excitement and as the shadow vanished his feature finally revealed themselves, that person in mid air was a man looking to be at a similar age of Klaus

The man was a Lion Beastman with a shaved face but still his brownish blonde hairs were covering the place like a mane of lion, he was also wearing outside similar to hide of a lion

His both animal ears were twitching with excitement for a clash with Klaus but before he could reach Klaus, Zoya immediately made her move

"Who are you to dare attack Duke like this!?"

Zoya immediately jumped towards the air as green aura of wind surrounded her, her sword clashed directly with the sharp claws of the beastmen

"Ho! You are a fine warrior too woman!!!"

The man suddenly grinned with excitement but just the next moment Zoya smirked and her sword got covered in greenish sharp aura filled with lethal cover of sharp wind

"You have no idea, how fine my sword is"

Zoya said that and her fist directly landed on the nose of the beastman who had been distracted by Zoya's sword and Zoya took the chance again grabbed the long hairs of that beastman and smashed him over the ground without any hesitation

"Speak for your life now"

Zoya immediately placed her sword behind the head of the beastman and coldly stated those words

Everyone has gotten tense and ready for fight but just then Klaus himself stepped down of the carriage and with an amused face looked at the knocked out beastman on ground

"No need to be tense, this is considered a warm welcome among beastmen, but seriously what a surprise to a member of the royal family again welcoming me from the gates..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
