King Leonidas Lionheart (1)

"Sin wash away with life, soul is immortal, each dawn births a chance for redemption, a fresh page in the book of destiny, be better in this new page"

Klaus's words left an immense impact over all beings present over the place, the realm of healing and recovery Klaus showed them had far surpassed mortal limit that they knew off

"That must have come as a surprise..."

"Well for normal beings it's indeed quite the sight!"

"Well well well, if it isn't the Saint Brahm~"

The fairies laughed it off around Klaus while trying to tease him themselves and felt funny seeing all this and same was the feeling of others on Klaus's side

Marcus Deulake and all of knights under Klaus just smiled quietly under their breaths while making sure to not show any obvious signs outside

Sinha just recovered from such mental shock and after taking a glance at Zoya and recalling some words said by her previously he looked at Klaus again as he muttered

"A good healer indeed..."

But as he muttered those words the audience which was still stunned popped out of their dazed faces as all shock and surprise started bombing down all over their consciousness

"Was that resurrection from ancient legends!?"

"What just happened!? That body..."

"It felt like the time itself had been reversed..."

"This isn't the capability of a mere mortal, he has surpassed the realm of Saint..."

The ground was filled with people sucking up dry air as they saw such unreachable skills right in front of them with their very own eyes but still having difficulty to accept such ridiculous reality

Sinha didn't day dilly here any longer to cause anymore commotion than what was already going on in here and they immediately left the place without any second thoughts

The Beast Prince was also subconsciously taken away along with them as his gaze was stuck over Klaus's face and shivers were running all over him for what he has seen moments ago

'... Even as a pureblood beastman myself I can't sense even a dust around him let alone this entity which surpasses my all understanding of humanity or maybe even mortality

His level of healing or rather resurrection surpasses even the level of 'Saint' from legends I know of, or maybe our knowledge is just incomplete but one thing for sure is this person belongs to the realm beyond that of mortals like us

Life always teaches new things that being can't even comprehend with time in their hands...'

Sinha gave up with a deep sigh on his face as he smiled without any thoughts on his mind and just watched the path ahead while guiding Klaus and others over the inner most region of the palace

"Duke, the King is waiting..."

Sinha commented as they arrived in front of a gigantic dark golden door shaped in design of mighty beast baring it's fangs towards its opponents

Klaus observed the place with his pupils glowing slightly with that golden dot in centre and with a little smile signalled his subordinates to stay there

"The King is as lively as I heard despite the age"

Klaus commented as he sensed that fighting spirit of heavy heartbeat coming from other side of the door, Sinha hearing him was left a little taken aback but just scoffed as next moment the gates were opened leading towards the hall of beast king where the strongest of nation have gathered today to see the one rumoured to be strongest in world

"Ah~ boring ~"

"Klaus is trying to have fun alone"

"Petty... Klaus is cheap and petty~"

'I'm not petty! You are just annoying!!!'

The fairies complained but Klaus just smiled and waved his robe over his shoulder towards the back and with shiny glint in his face and with little curved corners at edges of his lips he took his first step forward inside the hall followed by the Prince Sinha

All dozens of gazes of beings present inside the hall fell over Klaus all at once and despite trying not to show any sort of pressure or will to fight the beastmen by nature emitted a sort of fighting spirit as they sensed a being stronger than them

The battle crazed race by birth with its top class warriors gazing over just one being all at once created an incredible level of pressure over the hall

Even Sinha who wasn't even the centre of all the attention felt the pressure of all fighting spirit inside the room but Klaus seemed completely unfazed as without any efforts he moved his gaze upwards and looked directly into eyes of all beastmen gathered in here

And lastly his gaze stopped directly over the one with highest authority over the whole nation, the Beast King of Nation of Beasts, the beastman with lion's mane like thick facial features with the tight colours and one cut over left eye brow

The both gazes met and just a smirk flashed in both eyes as suddenly a new intense fighting spirit exploded out right through the Beast King

"Never expected to see such a day when I will have any chance of being this excited to be meeting with someone like today! My fangs had forgotten to shine after the rest of the decades but today seems different?!! I can grow!!!"

Beast King roared in his thunderous tone as his fighting spirit which was different from pressure or aura enveloped the whole hall leaving every being except for Klaus himself in a completely stunned state of emotions

'The King is showing the will to fight!?'

'This never once happened in the last 22 years I served him!!!'

'A beastman only shows its fighting spirit to fight against someone stronger than himself, does that mean the Hero!?'

'Is stronger than the Beast King!!!'


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
