King Leonidas Lionheart (3)

"Your majesty!?"

"Hey! Stop this! This isn't the place for duels!!!"

"This is a pure mess..."

"What are you waiting for to stop this mess at once!!!"

The beastmen gathered in here were all subordinates of King Leonidas and they immediately rushed to intervene in fight but the matter has already reached beyond the line of control

Each one the beastmen activated their beast forms not taking any risk while trying to intervene in between the two of strongest in the hall but as the Sinha in his beast form was about to grab Klaus arm from back to temporarily restrain him

Klaus just did little swing with his arm in mid air and the shockwave formed by that little swing alone tossed all beings rushing forward to edges of the hall all at once crushing them over the walls and pillars or even the tough ground below


"Fuck!!! My arms!!!"

"I need some time to recover! My shoulders have detached!!!"

"What kind of strength is this!?!"

Everyone trying to restrain Klaus even for a mere moment was now stuck over ground with heavy injuries over himself or herself as they reversed to humanoid forms on their own while groaning in pain meanwhile on other hand

"You shouldn't have interfered in my fight! This is beyond you!!!"

King Leonidas roared as he also changed into his beast form with his white flame mane and furs all over the place over his body as he looked straight in the eyes of Klaus who was just watching him with an ice cold gaze while floating mid air

"That took me off guard! Now this is matters of my pride as a man now!!!"

King Leonidas roared again making shockwaves that shook the whole palace by itself leaving each being present inside the palace tremble in fear and collapse on ground by sheer pressure of mana inside in the place

"Next time pick a fight with someone who gives any shit to that"

Klaus scoffed coldly and waved his palm around him with just a casual smile and as he did that seven magic circles suddenly appeared mid air facing towards the Leonidas and with that seven chains of seven different elements rushed directly towards the direction of Leonidas

"Hahahaha! This is actually so much fun! Haha! My heart is beating real fast today! I'm satisfied?!!"

Leonidas laughed like madman as he dodged those chains that absolutely destroyed anything they made any contact with no matter if it was tiles on ground or metal equipment made up of enhanced mana tools or even top materials like mythril or such

"It's been so long since I have faced this feeling of thrill! This sense of danger! This sense of fear and shock! I have almost forgotten! This fun of battles with strong! Hahaha! I thank you, Hero for reminding me of this joy I had forgotten long ago in the river of time!"

Leonidas laughed and suddenly took a leap towards Klaus from stairs with a shining fire of deep joy in his eyes and with a feeling of touching clouds of 9th Heavens with his own hands he spread his claws that piece through most defenses he attempted to scratch through Klaus's chest

'This is a great chance, I know I can't win against him! He also knows this fact and that's why he let his guard down! No matter the power if you let your guard down like this in mid battle it will always be dangerous for your life in life death and circumstances! You are still a young hero, let me teach you new experiences in life myself'

Leonidas smiled with a stroke of warmth in his eyes and face, he seemed to be thinking himself as some sort of admirable senior or big brother towards Klaus who was going to teach Klaus about a new experience in life

But next moment all warm fluffy atmosphere was frozen cold in ice as without even trying to show any sort of effort in his movements, Klaus just casually grabbed the open claw of Leonidas with just his bare hands as he looked down over him with icy gaze

"The fuck are you looking at? Did you seriously underestimate my experience in battles and tried this elementary grade trick?"

As Klaus said the words Leonidas was filled with chills in every fiber of his existence and for a moment it felt like he had turned into mute person cause no words were coming out of his mouth despite all efforts

"Better grit your teeth now! This will be hella painful now!!!"

As Klaus said that he pulled Leonidas towards himself and crushed his whole face with a strong and thrashing strike of his knees leaving his whole face in absolute mess of blood


Even Leonidas felt the pace of time slowing down for a moment and reel of whole life flashing right in front of his eyes for the next few moments but just the next second he sensed his body being healed by Klaus's magic

"Ha.. Hahaha! I knew it, that was just a joke! A Saint wouldn't be so cruel in due-!?"

Leonidas was just saying that but by the time his sentences reached ending the actual realisation of reality also appeared on his face as he saw the same palm of Klaus that just healed him tightening again into a tight fist

"Grit your teeth tight"

Klaus cold words landed like iron weights on the soul of Leonidas and that day the shadow of Klaus's fist engraved itself over every fiber of soul of Leonidas that was going to change course of history right now


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
