King Leonidas Lionheart (6)

"The Golden Turtle Organisation is grateful for those assuring words, we will send someone for documents later, then let's meet again as the next chapter unfolds..."

Klaus flipped his robe again with little smile at corners of his face and left followed by all others leaving the whole hall in state of absolute silence

"He is indeed an opponent beyond our capabilities and hold, let's try not to make such enemies in future..."

As Klaus left the place Leonidas finally said those words with a deep light of profoundness in his gaze as he touched and observed the permanent mark of injury left over the corners of his left eyes because of Klaus's fists

But as those words landed over ears of his subordinates there eyes completely widened in shock as the new realisation flashed in there faces

"Your majesty!?"

"You mean! You provoking the fight was just to check the strength of the current Hero!?"

"To think you will pull off such a move so that we can observe everything firsthand ourselves and not underestimate him!?"

"Such wisdom and skills... As expected it can only be a King who is willing to go so far, for his people!!!"

Leonidas heard the praises and scoffed as he muttered with a lost look in his eyes

"What's the use of all wisdom when you are trying to face that level of strength, you will forget all strategies and skills the moment that fist touches you..."

As Leonidas said the words the once again turned awkwardly silent with a sense of heaviness in room but just then Leonidas commented lightning up the mood again

"But it's a relief that it's the 'Saint' who wields that fist, it won't be turning against us anytime in future as long as we don't side with evil hahaha! A great relief that we have such a strong man defending us against evils

Dismiss for the day today! I need some rest!"

As Leonidas said that the place became considerably normal and light again as everyone except for Prince Sinha left the hall with smiles and look of little worry for their King

"Then rest well your majesty"

As last person left the room the doors of hall finally closed leaving the King Leonidas and Prince Sinha again in the room, the King Leonidas stayed calm and cool for next five seconds and suddenly just erupted like some balloon as he started grabbing his body and head feeling a deep sensation of pain throughout his body

"Fuck! Fuck! Fucccckkkkk!!! That was a horrifying experience!!! I don't want it again! What the heck is wrong with that human!? He clearly wanted me dead!!! He really doesn't give a single shit about the face or life of the Kingdom's ruler like me?!! If that woman hadn't arrived today! Tomorrow might have been my funeral!!!

Fuck! Fucccckkkkk!!! What kind of crazy drugs had I taken to pick a fight with him despite all my instincts fighting against such!!! Fucccckkkkk!!! How can someone so cruel be a Saint!? A Hero!? He is more evil than the devil itself!!! What kind of balance in the world is this! This is so traumatic!!!!"

King Leonidas had absolutely lost himself to a series of exploding emotions and couldn't help but to keep shouting and complaining over ground with some sort of signs of madness over his eyes

After living a life king with strength to rival or even overpower most beings, it was a real earth shaking realisation is reality to witness a young man less than half his age that can come and kill him anytime and he won't be able to even mutter a word or grieve in pain

This was peak level shame for traumatic experience for a warrior and ruler and shook Leonidas to his very cores and implanted itself as deepest traumatic memory for him

Meanwhile Sinha watching sudden change of behaviour of Leonidas was left absolutely shocked and surprised and with blank eyes and confusion he questioned with a lot uncertainties in his eyes

"Father... Was Duke really that-"

"He's not a human!!! Anything but a human!!! He is the one who has transcended the realm of peaks!!! Tier 9? Heh! He has far surpassed something like that! He is beyond this world! Beyond the time! Beyond the existence! One can escape a murder, escape massacre, escape a death itself but

Nobody can escape that man's wrath..."

Sinha took a huge gulp as he heard about Klaus from King himself in such a crazed state, he had been just hanging out with him just a moment ago and now he was listening to his father realising just what kind of galaxy destroy being he had been playing around with just a moment ago, laughing and sharing joy of duel with him

"The world is indeed huge..."

Sinha muttered that as an image of Klaus flashed in his consciousness meanwhile the centre of all the attention and craze himself was seen moving through carriage with Sol and fairies inside

"So, may I ask why you are here, Sol?"


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