The Ocean (4)

Klaus's words have already created a state of unstable emotions among beastmen and never everyone saw Klaus looking towards the blue ocean with calm emotions under the beautiful blue skies

"I had hoped that we had more time to have deeper conversation but I'm in a bit of a hurry right now, so are you going to let us borrow a ship from you or do we make one from scratch?"

As soon as Klaus said a wave of commotion appeared all over the crowd of beastmen and next moment the people who had just picked a fight previously rushed forward and immediately pointed towards the best ships over port while continuously bowing down to Klaus

"You are free to take any ship you may like!"

"We apologise for our ignorant attitude!"

"Please just take any ship for as long as you like!"

"Forgive us!!!"

Klaus saw their panicked eyes and with a nod he replied

"The place we are going to is going to be quite far so there is a possibility we might not return within a month or your ship won't return in one piece hence how about you just sell one ship to me?"

"Ah?? Sure!!!"

The old leader of all beastmen immediately agreed without even any sort of consideration cause of the present condition

'We have already offended someone of pretty big status, even if he just takes a ship for free our village will still be safe, it's far better than having offended a hero than be helping one!!!'

The old man calculated the profit and loss over the situation with his foxy eyes filled with sweats but next as his face moved forward Klaus was seen taking out three barrels and 10 thick gold bars out from subspace besides him

"This is 3 barrel of dwarven booze, if you want to sell it you can sell it sky high price or just celebrate it with village as it's best known booze in the whole continent and next are these 10 Gold Bars made up from purest of its kind, it will be more than enough to compensate for one ship"

Klaus's generosity stunned the whole crowd of beastmen as they suddenly exploded in surprise

"You mean! You are really going to pay so much despite our behaviour!?"

"What kind of generosity is this..."

"Oh! Our whole village can celebrate for months with this much!"

"Look at the barrels! Just one is as big as 5 beastmen!!!"

Klaus scoffed seeing such reactions and next with a flip of his robe he just commented with the tone is mystery and warmth in his words

"The heart to forgive others is the reason I'm called Saint you know..."

As Klaus said the next moment suddenly various materials and equipment started to float out from Klaus's gigantic space storage and started to move towards the biggest ship stored over the port

"Time for an upgrade"

Klaus smirked and next the golden dot at centre of Klaus's pupils started to glow his whole eyes like some sort of golden flames and at same time his arms also glowed in golden shine

'With Eyes of Primordial Craftsman and Hands of Midas, I'm set to make something pretty good, but let's make it much more charismatic...'

Klaus smiled and next metals bars melted down like sort of liquid and got absorbed somewhere inside the ship somewhere, the old torn flags or such got replaced by brand new ones with the symbol of Brahm Dutchy flying over great majesty

The ship's wood was also upgraded to be much more durable and refined and stick closely with the waves of ocean in middle of storms

As much as the ocean seems beautiful from the sidelines while standing in ground, it's just an absurd monster when you arrive over at its centre, the territory called ocean itself is an death ground let alone the monsters that rule over it

"Huaaaa! Klaus's skills upgraded so much!!!"

"It kinda looks like a monster now!!!"

"What an upgrade!!!!"

The fairies were in full excitement as they saw the monstrous upgrade, the beastmen were in daze seeing a new myth coming true in front of them and similar reactions can be seen over the face of Sir Marcos Deulake and other subordinates

"Well now... That's quite Lord like thing to do"

Zoya was also stunned over the generous upgrade the pride heart of knight was forming an unconcealable smirk on her face, Sia was also trying hard to smile with that face filled with sweats, she was definitely the person who lived her life more normally than anyone present here but now

"My life is definitely gonna be story line of beauty and beast hahaha..."

Klaus scoffed and next just moved in front of that ship and the 'hammer of creation' popped over his arm and he just slowly touched the hammer with the ship and commanded one word


As Klaus did that the whole ship upgraded itself to be Mythical Grade with mysterious presence and Klaus presented everyone an enormous world class ship made for adventures over ocean, the wild ruler designed in shape of a sea dragon with its head over front that can scare any measy monster at mere glance

"Is it worthy of a ride, Empress?"

As Klaus said that next moment Elena moved forward with little smile at corners of her face while standing under a pitch black umbrella and as her sharp eyes took a glance of the enormous ship she nodded and commented with bright face which is rarely seen on her

"More than worthy for a ride, my lord"


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
