Getting Rid of the Cheater

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness, you're not one to forgive this kind of a thing," he said without a hint of remorse in his dry voice. 

'He got that one right,' Cynthia thought to herself.

"I never wanted things to reach that far between us..." Henry postponed the inevitable a while longer.

'Spill it already!' Cynthia shouted in her head.

"...I slept with her las-"


'Finally!' Cynthia mentally rejoiced as she slapped her husband with all her power, she couldn't be more thankful that she wore her high heels today of all days. Her husband of five years - who happens to be a very tall man- had finally decided to stop going around her back and confront her with what she knew already.

It was hard to jump and slap her cheating husband's face at the same time, the heels were lifesavers.

'Argh... my hand stings'

She shook her hand twice and glared at him while she was at it, she wondered if she could land another slap on his other cheek or even the same one, but that was a long shot. Henry had his trademark poker face on, but she knew him well enough to tell just how upset he was.

He was fuming.

"Cynthia, there's no way around it now... She's pregnant... I'm the father of her child..."

Her heartless husband all but sang the last few words to her face, knowing just how to burn her in the very root of her heart.

She had a miscarriage right after they got back from their honeymoon, and no matter how hard they tried after, she couldn't manage to get pregnant again. It had been five long years of crying every month when her period came as she was unable to get pregnant ever since.

At least that was what her husband thought.

Cynthia shook her hand one last time before she spat the next words at her Soon to be ex-husband's face, "I want you out of this mansion by the time I get back here, you'll hear from my lawyer from now on, I never want to see your face ever again,"

It took her very long to manage to pull off that kind of cold attitude, she would've been devastated had she not known he was cheating on her already for months now. It was hard to deal with still, only less hard.

She turned on her Louis Vuitton heels appreciating them once more for their stability and managed to successfully hit the scumbag's gut with her Gucci bag in the process, she was about to walk out of the room feeling a little light in her head when he interrupted her joy.

"Is that all that you have to say to me? Don't you at least want to hear out the rest of it?" His voice was low, an unvoiced accusation hid between the lines.

She continued to catwalk her way to the door of his office, it was soon to be his ex-office and her newly remodeled one. She managed to completely block his existence even if it was temporarily, swaying her lovely figure a bit more for him, wanting to show him exactly what he'll be missing from here on forward now that he chose her best friend over her.

She never commented on his last question, not seeing any value in it. There were too many things to tell him but none of them mattered anyway.

The woman was busy, she had places to go and people to see.

The bag that hopefully gave her husband a bruise on one of his ribs contained a secret hidden inside, it was a pregnancy test that was not like any other. She hated the sight of those pesky little white things that always delivered disappointing news to her. But this time it was different.

The test was marked positive.

She made an urgent appointment with her doctor right after, and the gynecologist asked to run a blood test just to be sure, the clinic told Cynthia not to put high hopes on the tests saying that they are not that reliable and that the possibility for a false positive was not to be ignored.

'Nothing is for sure yet,' she mused as she descended the stairs of her mansion heading towards the front door. She was going to meet up with the young detective right after her doctor appointment. Dimitri was someone she hired not so long ago right around the time when her husband started acting suspiciously.

'I have to reward him for a job well-done,'

She wore her Ray-Bans over her straight nose as she walked out of the mansion to her Tesla. The driver jumped out of nowhere startling her. 'He's loyal to the scumbag, he'll be the first one to go,' She took a mental note to make that happen this very evening. Cynthia had a list of all the spies her husband placed in the mansion, she planned to dismiss all of them by the end of the week.

She waved the driver away a couple of times to shoo him, he would surely report her whereabouts to her husband if she allowed him to take her to the clinic. Cynthia could not take that risk even if she would've felt more comfortable in the back seat of her car.

'This information will change the rules of the game we're about to play, Henry,'

The driver opened the door for her and then closed it once she was inside the car. She placed her shaking palm over her womb.

"Are you in there, little miracle?'

It was almost unbelievable, how everything in life came a bit after she stopped wanting it, or just when it was too late.

She did not want to be late for her appointment.


Cynthia went out of the clinic with the best news she had heard in her entire life, and she had an envelope in her hand to prove it.

The envelope contained the certain result of her blood test. She placed her calm palm over her womb this time and looked up at the blazing sun.

She smiled wickedly, 'See you eight months later, my sweet revenge,' Her vindictive thoughts were full of a new kind of love that she hoped would end up mending her broken heart.