[Bonus chapter]Mothers-in-Law

"What is the meaning of this~" Cynthia grumbled in her bed as she twisted and turned.

It was a new day in Washington DC, and Cynthia didn't even get a wink of sleep the night before. Right now, she had a killer headache and her eyes burned in their sockets like crazy from the lack of sleep. Even revenge was uneasy inside of her, kicking her in very strange places that had her jumping out of one position and into another one every now and then.

"Ugh, just one hour…" Cynthia begged the universe.

She came back to her house accompanied by the same cars, she only exchanged some polite words of goodnight with George and then went inside her room immediately and into her bed, not bothering to change out of her clothes for the first time in her entire life.

"What did he mean how did we end up here…"

Cynthia was totally baffled by her ex's question to the degree that had her cutting her mission short, she turned around and walked away from him. Ignoring George' that stood by the door then ignoring his eyes that kept boring into her back on the way back to her Tesla.

She could not believe that her ex was only asking himself this right now! That man who coldly went with the preparations of a second wedding to her ex-best friend after falling into her spiderwebs that she knitted so professionally all around him, while all that he had to do was simply wave a hand around to get rid of all the fragile schemes that he didn't even stop to question.

Cynthia was convinced that her ex was keen on destroying their marriage which wasn't producing any heirs for the Greens. Otherwise, he would've reached the bottom of all the plots that were going on around him the same way that Cynthia did so easily. Dimitri gathered all of the evidence of everything that happened in a matter of few weeks before the divorce. Was it so hard to hire a private detective then?

"How did we end up here… pathetic…" she grumbled again as she kicked the sheets away, "We ended up here because you're a coward, and an idiot,"




"Come in, nanny," Cynthia's voice was muffled, coming from beneath the pillow that she kept over her head.

"Good morning, Ms. Evans," next, Cynthia heard the undoubted noise of the curtains being pulled open by her nanny.

What now.

"Nanny, I didn't sleep at all, I don't want any breakfast, so close the curtains and don't expect me to come out of bed today."

"You have a guest, Ms. Evans," Nanny announced.

"Nooo~" Cynthia objected.

"Will you not at least ask who it is?"

Cynthia removed the pillow that was covering her eyes. Nanny was in a good mood, which was too much to ask for after a night like the one they spent yesterday.

"Who is it," Cynthia asked tentatively, barely adjusting to the fully lit room now.

"It is Mrs. Robinson,"


"Honestly, Cynthia. I am disappointed beyond words," Gloria said the second Cynthia walked inside the office they met in each time Gloria visited, her visits were rare.

The elegantly dressed woman was wearing a Dolce & Gabbana blazer. Iconic black was mostly her weapon of choice when she wanted to have serious confrontations like this one. The style she went with enhanced the woman's beauty and emphasized her burgundy hair.

Cynthia swallowed the lump in her throat.

The woman placed her cup of coffee down on the table next to her, then she opened her arms wide. "Come here now," Gloria ordered softly as she stood up. Cynthia ran over and threw herself into Gloria's arms.

The woman that got a divorce when Cynthia was still in high school moved away from the country but remained in close contact with the little girl that she loved so much. And though the two women managed not to cut ties entirely, they rarely spoke and only saw each other on a few holidays. That did not change the fact that Gloria's embrace was the closest Cynthia had known to a mother's one.

They stayed like that for a long time, both of them comfortable in each other's arms.

"When's your due date," Gloria murmured as she caressed Cynthia's hair.

Cynthia sniffled, "Four weeks from today," her voice cracked at the end.

"My precious girl is about to become a mother. Is that so?" Gloria's voice was thick with emotions. "I will not forgive the fact that I heard this from George's father…" she trailed off.

Cynthia took a step back. Then she smiled at Gloria, "When did you arrive?" she asked.

"I came directly from the airport, now come here again, I wasn't done with my hug,"

Cynthia hugged the woman in front of her again.


"Mr. Robinson, your guest has arrived,"

George pressed on the red button that was beneath his thumb, "Send her in," he clenched and unclenched his bandaged hand.

Sylvia Green stormed inside George's office, her face beet red and her snake-like smile gone from her features for once.

"Where. Is. My. Henry," she demanded through clenched teeth.

George glanced at his watch.

"Right about now, he should be delivered into the arms of his anxious new wife," he raised one eyebrow at the psychopathic woman in front of him. Everyone in DC knew just how obsessed Sylvia was with Henry.

Enough not to attend either of his weddings.

George smirked, "I'm sure she'll take better care of him than you ever could," his smile stretched, "now have a seat, this will be long, and it will include a little show too,"

Sylvia eyed George's roughened-up face and then glanced at his bandaged hand. The woman could very quickly conclude what happened the evening before.

Henry did not answer her second evening call, the head maid in his house told her that he never came back at night, and then this disturbing call that she received from George's secretary in the morning...

'He had gone and messed things up real bad this time, didn't he," she questioned herself as she took a seat in front of the little Robinson devil, he was so much like his father in so many ways. But then so much like his mother in the worst ways possible.

George was the worst of both.

By the look on the devil's face and his overall demeanor. Blackmail should be coming Sylvia's way soon. With that thought in mind, she took a deep breath and held it inside. Determined not to surrender. Sylvia was far too experienced to lose all the cards that she carefully cheated her way into having.

She was not going to let him hit her with full-blown blackmail in the face. Come what may, she was going to find a way to negotiate.