[Bonus chapter] Father-in-law?

A black BMW X7 was racing to reach its destination with a speed that guaranteed a traffic ticket for sure, but the driver had distinct orders, he needed to make the trip in half the time it was supposed to take by any means. The stop at the flower shop had already taken too much time because the florist that Gloria favored was an old artist that enjoyed his 'art' and worked extremely slow.

Robert glanced at his watch anxiously, then speed-dialed 2 on his phone.

"She's here," he said as soon as George answered.

"…I know," he said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" the man sounded exasperated.

"Why else, she wanted to surprise you," George wasn't in the mood for this.

"I could've picked her up from the airport at least," Robert grumbled.

"Don't worry dad, I sent her a car, did she text you?"

"Yes, I'm going there right now,"

"… Of course you are,"

Robert laughed heartily.

"Well it is the time to officially meet my daughter-in-law, is it not?"

"You have met her before,"

"Not like this,"

"You're just searching for excuses,"

"Hahaha!" Robert laughed.

"…See you soon, dad,"

George knew there was no way for his father to leave his mother alone after all this time. Not that his mother minded the attention.

George sighed inwardly.

"Yes, yes," Robert's tone of voice got serious all of the sudden and he cleared his throat. "We will talk longer about what happened yesterday, George,"

"Alright," George mirrored his father's serious tone as well.

Right when that phone call was ending, Robert's car finally parked by the front gate of the Evans mansion. The gates immediately opened for him.

'It was either George who gave instructions to the security or maybe she saw my car…' Robert thought nervously.

Each time he was about to see his ex-wife, he felt like a teenager.

He recognized his ex-wife's lovely hair color through the transparent Victorian glasshouse immediately. And marveled at how wonderfully it caught the kisses of the sun, reflecting them like that… what he would not give to run his fingers through her hair right now… he was impatient, grabbing the 120 burgundy ice roses that he had wrapped in black silk, he waited for his driver to get the door for him.

The driver opened the door with his right hand. His left hand carried an arrangement of 100 Tulips, two shades of pink.

Cynthia watched the car that had parked with high interest, Gloria had spotted her ex's car at the front gate and so Cynthia ordered the maid to notify security to open the gate for George's father. A smile replaced the interest on her face when a familiar handsome grey-haired man got out of his car, George was a younger copy of his father, it was as if she was staring into a future mirror of some sort.

"Handsome, isn't he?" Gloria sighed the words out.

"Very," Cynthia nodded enthusiastically as she watched the man and his driver approaching the two women. She had seen George's father once or twice before, but he always kept his distance. He reached a hand to his sunglasses and took them off once he was inside the glasshouse. His gaze was so intense on Cynthia.

'George got his Charisma from his father for sure.' She thought to herself.

She threw a quick glance at Gloria and noted just how much her ex's presence affected her. Long gone was the elegant mother, and in her place was a much younger looking woman. Cynthia blinked twice when she saw how Gloria tried to fix her hair, all flustered.

"Oh, you look lovely," the words slipped out of Cynthia's mouth before she could stop them. But Gloria surprised her, her warm smile did not belong to someone who got caught in an embarrassing moment. On the contrary, she was thrilled because of Cynthia's little compliment.

It was perhaps, the cutest thing Cynthia had ever seen.

"Hello there," Robert said, extending a hand to shake Cynthia's. The ladies remained seated because it was how the protocol went.

He had a firm handshake that she appreciated, "What a pleasant surprise Mr. Robinson, please be seated," Cynthia gestured to the chair that would have Robert face both women.

"Thank you," he nodded to Cynthia, then gestured for his driver to give her the flowers.

"I heard these were your favorites," he said.

"My, well. Like father like son. You shouldn't have," she smiled and gestured for the maid to take them. She grabbed the arrangement and went to set it in a suitable vase to show appreciation for the gift in front of the guests.

Robert finally looked at his ex-wife.

"Gloria," he took her extended hand in his hand and then planted a kiss on the back. Then he gave her the roses.

"Robert, you shouldn't have,"

She said that as she took them and placed them by her side, but her eyes sparkled.

"120... a rose for each day you spent away,"

Gloria blushed. The moment was so private between the two, that it had Cynthia blushing as well.

"I came here to congratulate you on the engagement," he lied smoothly to Cynthia. It was not true. He came to see his ex-wife who half smiled shyly.

But Cynthia was suddenly nervous. Should she have asked to meet her in-laws? Did they have any idea that the marriage she was about to go through was not real? "O-oh, well. Thank you very much, the circumstances…" she trailed off, not knowing what to say, she was suddenly ashamed for some reason.

Robert ignored her reaction, "I wish you a lifetime of happiness, my dear," his voice reminded her of George's.

"Thank you, Mr. Robinson" Cynthia said timidly. Wondering what made her feel this way when the man was honestly giving her his blessings.

"Call me Robert," he requested with a smile.

Cynthia smiled back, "Robert,"

He turned his attention to his ex-wife "And you, you should have called me," he reprimanded.

She laughed out loud, "It's Good to be back, Robert! Relax, enjoy the moment we're having with our beautiful daughter here, the time is their time now…"

Gloria didn't even get to finish her sentence when the gate opened and George's car came into view.

"Well, someone is in a hurry… he must've been driving when he talked to me," Robert's voice was full of his lack of approval. He hated for his son to drive and be on the phone at the same time. Even if he wasn't holding it with his hands.

And with that, it was official.

Cynthia was about to spend her day with all the Robinsons, the marriage was just a contract between them, so what exactly was she suddenly so excited about?