

Cynthia kept hearing weeping sounds around her, she thought that Henry must be having a nightmare again. She wanted to put her hand on his hair and brush it softly, it always seemed to calm him down.

But why was she feeling this heavy?

"Hu uhhhuuu"

She at least could try to wake him up then. She felt distressed. Something was wrong with her body.

"H-henry,.." her voice was strange and her throat burned.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Evans... Uhuu..."

...But this wasn't the correct Henry. No. There wasn't a thing such as a correct Henry anymore, her eyes snapped open with a jolt.

'Impossible, this must be a nightmare.'

It was one of those things that she never thought could happen until they did. Last time she felt this way was when she found out that her husband was cheating on her.

She was in a room in what looked like an abandoned apartment, and she was tied up to a chair.