First Motherhood Fears

George deeply regretted the fact that he didn't send one of the cars to scout the surrounding area earlier. And while the security in the mansion was indeed tripled, they should've extended it to reach the entire neighborhood.

George's fingers squeezed the driving wheel hard. He glanced through the rearview mirror.

Because of this rookie mistake that the Robinsons made, George had to watch as the beautiful rosy color faded away from Cynthia's cheeks and her shiny eyes hardened with anger.

George didn't want this negativity to roam around the new mother and the newborn. This shouldn't be what her face looked like right now...

"I'll take care of it, the banner will be taken down and the entire hideous thing will be shooed away within an hour, don't even bother with thoughts about it…" George promised, driving the final few miles left before they reached the mansion faster now.

"Paparazzi…" Cynthia's tone was grave.