Offers Made in Interesting Times

Cynthia sat with her fingers intertwined elegantly over her knees, her beauty was on another level today in her Pierre Cardin blue silk dress. It wasn't something she'd wear inside the house, but then, she didn't plan on staying indoors for long.

She stared a bit too intensely at Dimitri. Not only did his role change but his entire demeanor that went along with it. Even the way he sipped his drink with his eyes closed. Enjoying the Earl Grey tea with all his senses. Not asking her to choose something from the tea box for him for once. 

He opened his eyes and gave her a pleading look, "Have you considered my offer?"

Cynthia narrowed her eyes at him, she wondered what offer he was referring to exactly, she found him overbearing nowadays and she didn't want to make mistakes or give him false promises.