George’s Fears

George was in general, a very cool headed person, and so, when he showed signs of aggression, the entire executive floor buzzed with gossip.

"Have you seen him! He stomped his way inside!"

"Wasn't he supposed to be on his honeymoon? Do you think that maybe he has issues with Mrs. Robinson?"

"Evans, you idiot,"


"I heard he has problems with his parents,"

"Yeah? I guess that's better than having problems with his wife!"

Hushed questions and comments like that could be heard from behind doors. George's secretary took out two pills of a strong painkiller and gulped them down.

She sighed.

She too was wandering like the rest of the floor about what had gotten into her boss. George Robinson was by far, the best line manager she had ever worked under. The only reason why she tolerated everyone's gossip about him was that she truly believed the source behind their words was genuine concern.