Green-soft's Downfall (Part Two)

It was a painful sight for Henry's eyes.

No matter how long he looked, he just wouldn't get used to Cynthia holding another man's hand while she sat in front of him. This was the hand that he kissed so many times, the hand that fought his nightmares, the hand that wore his ring for five long years of good days and bad days. 

It was a painful sight for Henry's eyes each time. But for some reason, it was even worse today.

Any sign of intimacy between George and Cynthia while Henry was around felt forced somehow, George would either stake a claim at her by touching one part of her body, or she'd make a contact with her husband as if she was trying to prove something to herself or to her ex.

All that fake vibration to the touch between them soothed Henry's aching heart. But it wasn't like this at all today.