His Multiple Identities

"That frown on your face will become permanent any time now," Robert warned.

"Sir, no news is good news, isn't it?" Richard asked.

George didn't feel the urge to humor neither his father nor their head of security. But he had one question on his mind.

"Why are we here anyway?!" George complained, feeling like a fish out of its water, he fidgeted uncomfortably as he sat on the chair that he wasn't used to and looked around the round table that he didn't like much until he found Henry's face, "No offense,"

Henry raised both of his hands and his eyebrows up, "None taken, please know that it wasn't my idea to have our weekly security meeting in here,"

Both of them looked at Robert now. And their father gave each of them his turn to be looked at flatly, "I wanted a change in scenery, is that too much to ask?"