Her Anxieties

Cynthia was playing with John in his room that afternoon.

"Mommy, why are you so sad?"

"Me?" She exclaimed, both admiring his high level of emotional intelligence and worrying about the weight that he would have to carry all his life because of it, she smiled sweetly at her son.

"Yes, when mommy is sad, her eyes become sad too,"

She couldn't help herself anymore, "Johnny,"

"Yes, mommy?"

"If mommy caught you, you know what will happen?"

He hugged his small body and started running around while giggling, Cynthia started carefully taking wide steps to tackle him, it wasn't much different than running after him when it came to the boy's perspective.

She felt her nanny's flat stare on her back a few minutes later. Once she stopped to turn around and face Mrs. Edinburgh, Deborah was quick to take Cynthia's place and tickle John who was lying on his play time carpet now.

"Nooo!" He shouted and giggled at the same time.