A Long Night

Hours before Cynthia was reunited with her baby girl, her room in the mansion was equipped with everything a postpartum room in the hospital has as per George's orders. It came in handy considering how the second time mother and her family shared the same wish to leave the hospital as soon as it was humanly possible and go back home.

They did just that.

Cynthia was lying on her right side atop her Super King sized bed, she simply couldn't bring herself to sleep that first night of bringing Treasure home after a tiresome day where she had given birth to the baby and then had her kidnapped from her arms, she was staring at her sleeping baby with loving yet fatigued eyes, still having to pinch herself every once in a while to make sure that the present moment was not a fraction of her imagination, that Treasure was back where she belonged with her, that all of Cynthia's family were safe at the comfort of her home now.