
After waiting for ten minutes, everyone was gathered in the private room of the restaurant.

The server send in the ingredients and everyone began to cook the ingredients and eat.

At the side, Alice was watching the others dipping their ingredients in the spicy soup base and frowned. She really could not understand how everyone can tolerate the spiciness. Alice had tried eating spicy food once and had immediately regretted that decision.

Since then, she would stay away from anything spicy.

While everyone was eating, Yang Ran turned to Melvin to inquire about the cleaning up process.

The corpse was tossed into the mountain without a proper burial while the warehouse was scheduled to be caught on fire in a while.

There were always drug addicts coming over to the warehouse. It was not strange if they were a little careless and had accidentally burned the warehouse.

Anything that will lead the authorities to link them to that place was all removed.

Hearing that everything was taken care of finally gave Yang Ran a sense of relief. They came to this country only to take care of that traitor. They were not planning to look into trouble with the authorities in this country.

"It's rare for us to gather like this," Alice spoke once she was sure that the business talk was over. She looked at her comrade and smiled. "Too bad, both Dahlia and Vincent were unable to join us."

There were seven of them. However, the two, Dahlia and Vincent could only stay in F Country to look after their headquarters.

Melvin chuckled. "Then, let's take a few pictures and send them over." His expression was full of his impure intention. Melvin just wanted the other two to get jealous. His lips curled into a smile when he saw that his message got through. However, his expression changed again when he saw that Vincent or Dahlia did not reply. "Huh... I forgot that we were in different time zone." Melvin said with a shrug. "Perhaps they will see this picture in the morning."

"Alright. Don't mess up with them," Yang Ran spoke as she raised her drink. "Be careful that Vincent is not going to beat you up once you return."

Melvin thought about the old man and shivered.

The group continued to eat happily and chatted.

Of course, most of the time, it was Alice and Melvin who often bicker. Yang Ran chose to watch them as they eat while Bruce would often stop the two kids before they could go too far and start a fight. Meanwhile, Aiden continued to eat his portion in silence.

The group was always like this.

They came from various backgrounds and ages. Every one of them was skilled and had their specialties.

Among them, Bruce and Vincent were the oldest while Melvin and Alice were the youngest. Alice was especially talkative while Aiden was quiet and reserved.

Every one of them had their own secret and stories, but none of them seemed to mind it.

Surprisingly, when they got together, everyone was able to get along well. After being around each other for a few years, they had become a big family.

Yang Ran continued to watch their interaction and smiled.

After her father had left, these bunch of people had become her family.

She especially enjoyed the lively atmosphere while everyone was around.

Yang Ran raised her glass and downed the alcohol. When she put down the glass again, Aiden had stood up silently and turned to the door.

"Aiden? Where are you going?" It was Bruce who asked.

The quiet man pursed his lips into a thin line before answering. "The restroom."

"Alright. Don't get lost. We're leaving in a while," Bruce reminded him.

Aiden nodded before he turned around and leave.

On the side, Alice was done with Melvin's teasing and decided to ignore him. The girl stick closer to Yang Ran as usual and smiled. "Rachel, are we really leaving tomorrow? Can't we stay a while longer and play?"

"Of course, not. We still have a lot of jobs to do once we return," Yang Ran said. Her lips turned into a smile as she saw Alice's disappointed look. "Do you like this place?"

The girl's eyes lit up and Alice began to nod. "It's different than F Country. I like it here."

Yang Ran chuckled. "Then, let's come again and bring Vincent and Dahlia as well."

Alice smiled happily upon hearing Yang Ran's promise.

However, the smile on her face quickly disappeared the moment she heard her phone beeping loudly.

Melvin rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Alice, did you set an alarm and forget to turn it off?"

Alice did not look as if she wanted to continue and joke around with Melvin. The girl continued to tap her fingers furiously on the phone screen.

Yang Ran quickly sensed that something was off the moment she saw Alice's pale face. She put down her glass and looked at the girl with worry. "Alice? What's wrong?"

The girl seemed as if she could not hear her question. Alice stood up immediately and reach for her bag on the side. She pushed the plates and bowls in front of her to set up her computer. Her lips continued to mutter some cursing words under her breath.

Yang Ran's face darkened when she saw the way Alice had behaved.

She was close to Alice and understood the girl's actions. When something serious happened, Alice would ignore everything around her to focus on the task.

Seeing the look on Alice's face made her sure that something had happened.

"Alice? Talk to me." Yang Ran spoke.

"Something happened at the headquarter," Alice briefly explained. "I set up a surveillance system that would warn us if something happened over there."

Bruce and Melvin exchanged their glances when they heard her words.

As Alice started to tap her fingers on the keyboard, the others walked over to peek at the computer's screen.

A string of codes appeared. Then, a while later, the screen changed.

A loud gasp reverberated on their faces when they saw that the big house where they lived was on fire. People were running around to save their lives and some were trying to put off the fire. They were the brothers and sisters who had fought along their side. They were the people who had promised to stay together no matter how hard it will get. They were families.

"This... What is going on?" Bruce's voice trembled as he saw this terrifying scene.

They wished that they could head over and help their brothers and sisters to escape. However, they were thousands of miles away and could only watch everything on the screen helplessly.

Then, a group of men in all black appeared on the screen and started to shoot everyone they can see.

The scene was too horrifying.

The shooting continued before the screen suddenly turned black.