In Her Dream

In the background, the sound of the siren was heard.

The man lowered his gaze to look at the woman in his embrace. Her hair was plastered on her sweaty face. Seeing the blood in his hand made him frown.

"Ji Cheng, Take everyone back for interrogation," the man's deep voice was heard. "And... call the ambulance, quickly."

"Yes, sir." The subordinate called Ji Cheng, replied. He walked over, wanting to take the injured woman away from the commander's arm. His steps halted and his eyes widened in surprise upon seeing that the commander was carrying the woman in his arms.

"Why are you not leaving yet?"

Hearing the commander's voice, Ji Cheng lowered his eyes and turned around.


Qi Ming Wei walked into the spacious office while taking off his clothes. His brow furrowed upon seeing that there was some blood in his hand. He walked into the bathroom and decided to take a quick shower to clean up.

When he come out again, he put on a clean, fresh cloth and walked over to his desk to turn on his computer.

A deep frown appeared on his handsome face as he thought of the few incidents that happened in the past few months.

It was not a long time ago that they finally moved to Capital City and take control of some areas.

They finally got rid of the few old gangs that has been in control of the city for years. However, the younger generations seemed to think that it was their time to shine.

These days there were a few new gangs that were causing trouble to fight for the city. Their numbers began to pop up rapidly.

His team had worked hard to control the situation and eliminate any source that could threaten the safety of the city.

But these past few weeks, Qi Ming Wei began to notice that there was some strange movement in the city.

Someone was trying to take advantage of the chaotic situation. But up until now, he could not understand their intention.

Qi Ming Wei tapped his finger on the table as he looked at some reports on his computer.

His thought went back to the shooting incident at that hot pot restaurant last night.

When he come to the place, there was already a few dead bodies on the floor. Two of the men were shot at a close distance without any hesitation.

It did not seem as if it was the usual gang fight.

Someone knocked on the door, snapping him out of his thought.

He called the person in and Ji Cheng walked into the room.

Qi Ming Wei raised his head and spoke, "Do we know which group these people belong to?"

"Commander, those people we caught earlier did not seem as if they belonged to any organization," Ji Cheng spoke. "At least, not from the active gang in the city."

His lips pursed into a thin line.

Somehow, he had already anticipated this answer. If it was not the gangs in the city, then, they should come from the outside.

"Continue to investigate them," Qi Ming Wei said. "I want to know who was daring enough to use the situation in Capital City for their advantage."

"Yes, sir."

Qi Ming Wei turned to his computer before he spoke again, "What about that woman? Have we found out her identity?"

Ji Cheng walked to the commander's desk and placed a document on the table. "The woman is called Yang Ran. According to our report, the woman grew up in L City with her single father. However, after her father passed away in an accident five years ago, she decided to move to F Country."

"What was that woman doing in the alley? Why are those people chasing her?"

Ji Cheng did not speak. He also did not know the answer.

They had brought in those men who were attacking that woman earlier. However, those men refused to cooperate and say anything.

Qi Ming Wei frowned when he could not hear the answer.

"What about the woman?"

"She's still in surgery," Ji Cheng spoke. "It should be easy to remove the bullet from her shoulder. However, that woman had lost quite a lot of blood. It would be a while before we could bring her in and interrogate her."

Qi Ming Wei tapped his finger on the table as he considered a few things. Then, he stood up and spoke, "Ji Cheng, we're going to the hospital. I want to see her the first thing she wakes up."


Her brow furrowed and cold sweat beaded on her forehead.

At this time, Yang Ran was lying on the hospital bed with a few tubes and wires attached to her body. The surgery has ended a few hours ago, but she was still unconscious.

In her dream, Yang Ran could see herself in F Country.

She was back at the residence and everyone around her was alive.

Yang Ran walked into the meeting room and saw that the higher-ups were all there.

On the side, Melvin and Alice were still arguing over some stupid things as usual. Bruce tried to pacify them and stopped them from fighting. However, the two were too stubborn to listen to him.

Dahlia was watching them fight while trying to add some oil. The girl seemed to like watching the situation turn chaotic.

Meanwhile, Vincent stood at the front while watching everyone in displeased. However, if one looks closely, one would be able to see that there was a trace of warmth in his gaze.

Yang Ran walked closer and stopped next to Vincent.

The old man turned to her and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Vincent? Why do you look so surprised? Is there something on my face?"

The man hesitated before speaking. "Rachel, why are you here?"

Her lips turned into a smile. "Why can't I be here? Isn't this my home?"

As soon as she spoke those words, Yang Ran seemed to notice that everyone was looking in her direction. They were all watching her with a strange look in their eyes.

"Why are you guys looking at me that way?" Yang Ran asked.

Alice walked over and looked at her with concern. "Rachel, you are not supposed to be here."

Dahlia nodded. "This was not your time yet."

Yang Ran quickly noticed that something was off after hearing their words. She looked around with an uncomfortable look on her face before noticing that someone else was missing.

She looked at Vincent again and asked, "Where is Aiden?"

The temperature in the room dropped.

Melvin pointed in one direction where Aiden was seen sitting alone with his hands covering his face.

Yang Ran walked over to his side and asked, "Aiden? What's wrong with you?"

The man stopped trembling. He lowered his hand and stared back at Yang Ran with a complicated gaze. His lips moved as he continued to mumble. "Rachel, I'm sorry."