Clear This Misunderstanding

Yang Ran looked at the man in front of her anxiously. If one saw the way she was acting this time, they would surely believe that she was scared.

However, in her mind, Yang Ran was making her plan on how to escape this situation.

She could not get caught for anything.

The reason why she was allowed to be alive was to look for the person who was responsible for everything. She must not fall before she could get her revenge.

"This is a mistake," Her voice trembled. "How can I possibly be a murder suspect. Commander Qi, I'm sure that there was a misunderstanding."

"Then, how about you help me to clear this misunderstanding?"

Yang Ran's gaze turned cautious. "What do you want me to do?"

"You can start by answering a few of my questions," Qi Ming Wei said. "For starters, tell me your name."

Yang Ran hesitated. "My name is Yang Ran." She leaned over with an agitated look on her face. "Commander Qi, please. I'm innocent." Sensing that the man was looking at her suspiciously, Yang Ran reminded herself not to get too much into her acting.

If she overdid it, this man would surely find her suspicious. Once he had this doubt, he would start to investigate her thoroughly. Nothing good would ever come out of it.

"I don't know why those people were after me," Yang Ran spoke. "When that man come and murdered my friend, I have no other choice but to protect myself."

By now, Yang Ran was sure that the commander in front of her had linked her to Alice and Aiden's death. She had indeed shot Aiden to death.

When this commander found her, she still had the gun with her.

Even if she wanted to lie, she have to make it believable.

"That's right..." Her brow furrowed. "What about that man? Is he alive?"

"He's dead."

Her hands started to tremble. Yang Ran was acting as if she was too frightened that she had murdered someone with her hand. "I was only trying to protect myself." She continued to mumble under her breath.

Qi Ming Wei continued to stare at the woman in front of him with a deep, penetrating gaze. His hands were clasped together as he leaned over.

Looking at the woman's body language, she did not seem to be lying. That, or this woman was simply too good at acting.

However, he had also looked into the shooting at the motel. According to the information he got. The girl at the door was shot to death the moment she opened the door. Something must have happened between Yang Ran and that man before she pulled the trigger on him.

His eyes narrowed as he recalled that the wound on that man's body had hit the man's vital organ perfectly.

Either this woman was lucky or she was really good at shooting guns.

"According to my investigation, you have been staying in F Country for a few years."

Her hand under the blanket tightened into a fist. She guessed that this commander should have investigated her a little bit.

"Why are you here?"

"It was my father's death anniversary. I come over to visit his resting place. Sweep up his tomb and catch up with him." She lowered her gaze and spoke again. "It has been a long time since I came over to visit him."

Qi Ming Wei seemed to be pondering over her words. After a while, he retracted his gaze and stood up. "Here's the thing. Miss Yang, I am currently investigating a few murder cases in this city."

Her body shivered. Yang Ran wondered if they would link the event at the restaurant to her.

"Last night, there has been a shooting at a hotpot restaurant not too far away from the motel you were staying at." His lips curled into a smile. "I don't suppose you know anything about it?"

"I saw the police car patrolling the area and heard some stories," Yang Ran said "What I know might not be too different from what others might know."

"And what is it that you know?"

"That a group of people was having their meal before a group of people come and start to shoot?" Yang Ran shook her head. "Other than that, I don't know anything else." She looked anxious again and asked, "Commander Qi, is this... an interrogation?"

His lips curled into a smile. "Of course, not. I've told you. I am only trying to help you to clear this misunderstanding."

Yang Ran muttered a few curses in her heart.

This man was talking nonsense. She was not stupid enough to believe his words.

"Your friend, that young girl. What is her name?"

There was a long silence before she answered. "Her name is Jiang Li." Yang Ran lowered her gaze. Her lips turned into a faint smile and a drop of tears fell into her cheek. Among everyone in the organization, only she knew Alice's real name. Perhaps, it was because of that that the two of them became very close.

"How did you know her?"

"She's a friend. We met in F Country. I knew her from the internet and somehow we became close," Yang Ran continued to cook up some story. "She heard that I was coming to visit my father's grave and wanted to tag along and have fun."

"Then, what about the man you shoot yesterday? What did he want?"

Yang Ran shook her head. "I don't know. As soon as he comes in, he started to shoot my friend. Then, he started to spout some nonsense that my friend had something that he wanted. But, I don't know what it is that he was looking for. I knew that he was going to kill me next. So I shot him first. Commander Qi. You have to believe me. It was only for self-protection."

"Then, where did you get that gun?"

"It wasn't mine. It was Jiang Li's. I don't know where she got the gun, but I always knew that she always carried them with her. Ah Li said that the world is a dangerous place for us women. It would be safer to carry a gun with her. I just did not think that Ah Li would die this way."

For now, she could only push this matter to Alice. Moreover, Alice had held the gun yesterday. Her fingerprints should be all over it and this commander would have no choice but to believe her lie. At least for now.

Qi Ming Wei narrowed his eyes. He could not stop thinking that this woman was hiding something from him. However, he could not figure out what it was.

At this time, someone came over and knocked on the door.

A man in a military walked into the room and whispered something to the commander, causing his expression to darken.

QI Ming Wei turned to Yang Ran and pause. Then, without saying a word, he left with his officer.