Sneaking In

The music was loud.

On her left and right, people were dancing along to the music.

Her hands tightened around Eric's arms.

It was the first time she had entered the club, a territory that belonged to her long-time competitor.

Yang Ran glanced at the person behind her and raised a brow. After walking around for a while, she could not believe that Morelli would appear at a place like this to discuss some important matters regarding their business.

Eric merely let out a chuckle. He led Yang Ran to the stairs where there were two men, dressed in suits and ties. Eric flashed his card and the two men quickly stepped forward and used the scanner to detect any weapon on their bodies.

When they could not find anything suspicious, the two men stepped back to let them pass.

One of the men followed them over to the elevator. He helped pressed the elevator's button and nodded. " Mr. Tan. Have a good evening."

Yang Ran continued to follow Eric in silence. She scanned the elevator and retracted her gaze once she noticed the surveillance camera on top.

Lowering her head, she then whispered, "Where are we going?"

Eric merely glanced at her. Yang Ran quickly noted that this might not be a suitable place and time to talk.

The elevator stopped with a ding. Eric led Yang Ran out and the two of them were greeted by a hostess. They were then led into a private room.

They walked passed a few of the club's customers along the corridor. Yang Ran was surprised to see that there were a few familiar faces.

She would never have guessed that some reputable politician in F Country would be visiting a club like this, accompanied by sexy women on his left and right.

Yang Ran lowered her gaze until they finally arrived at their private room. Seeing that the room was empty, Yang Ran twirled to look at Eric. She raised her brow and a playful smile curled on her lips. "It seemed that you're a frequent visitor to this club?"

Eric pushed up his glasses and let out a chuckle. "This is not a good place. But the VVIP section is quite good for a private meeting. As you can see, the privacy around here is the reason why some people liked coming over."

Her lips pursed into a thin line as she recalled seeing that certain politician.

Seeing that Yang Ran seemed a little distracted, Eric walked closer and put his hand around her cheek. "I'll be meeting a few people after this." His lips turned into a faint smile. "The person you were looking for should be on the top floor."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Rachel, I can only take you this far." His expression turned serious. "Be careful. If you need any help, text me. I will do whatever I can to help."

There was a conflicted look on her face.

Yang Ran knew well how she was going to implicate Eric if she was caught. "I won't implicate you in this matter."

They looked into each other's eyes for a while before Yang Ran finally turned around and left the room.

Eric couldn't help but sigh upon seeing how Yang Ran had left. A few seconds later, he picked up his phone and dialed his assistant's number. "You can bring them up."


Meanwhile, Yang Ran quickly headed to the restroom, pretending that she had drunk a little too much. As she walked along the corridor, Yang Ran continued to look around the place, scanning the place while planning for her escape if something were to happen.

Yang Ran let out a sigh of relief upon running into the hostess on the corridor. She asked luring the unsuspected lady to the restroom and finally knocking out the woman.

In a few minutes later, Yang Ran walked out of the restroom again, wearing the hostess's clothing. Her make-up and hairstyle had changed again. This time, Yang Ran did her makeup and hair to imitate the hostess's style.

The corner of her lips tilted up as she slid the special pass into her pocket.

She avoided the staff from the establishment and finally reached the top floor.

There was only one room on top. Seeing a group of hostesses, Yang Ran walked with them and finally found the person she was looking for. Just like that, she managed to sneak into the room.

At this time Morelli was discussing with a group of his friends about new shipping that was going to take place next month.

Hearing the details of his business transaction made her eyes darken. Yang Ran felt nauseous, but she could only suppress that feeling now.

She had always known that Morelli was involved in drugs transaction and such. But, she had never thought that this guy would be involved in human trafficking as well.

Yang Ran continued to help Morelli to pour the drinks into his glass throughout the meeting. There were too many men and she could only stay patiently until Morelli was alone.

More than an hour later, the discussion finally ended.

Morelli sent that hostess to leave with his men while he sat in the room alone.

Seeing that his guard was ushering everyone to leave, Yang Ran had no choice but to walk to the door as well. However, just as the other girls had left, Yang Ran kicked the subordinate out before shutting the door. With a click, the door was locked.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Just as Yang Ran turned around, Morelli was already pointing his gun at her.

She raised both hands up high and smiled.

Morelli began to hesitate upon seeing the way she reacted.

Rather than killing the woman in front of him, what Morelli wanted at this time was some answer. He wanted to know what was this person trying to do.

"Don't be scared," Yang Ran spoke. Her eyes were on Morelli's gun as she walked over to his side. "Mr. Morelli, we need to talk. I feel that the two of us have a lot to say to each other."

Morelli looked at her with a puzzled look on his face. For some reason, he had this feeling as if this woman's voice was a little familiar. "Who are you?"

Yang Ran walked until she reached his side. Then, she tugged her hairband and leaned over. "It has been a few months. Have you forgotten all about me?"

The man's face turned pale. "Rachel?"