I Don't Plan to Catch You

As she was still pretending that she did not know the commander, Yang Ran chose not to correct him.

She flashed a smile and exchanged her greetings with the president. Noticing the way the old man was giving her a lookover quickly made her feel uncomfortable.

The president asked her a few questions and Yang Ran made up a few lies to hide her identity. It was as if she and the commander both were playing along nicely.

Fortunately, the President did not hold them back for too long. Seeing that the young commander seemed to have an interest in the woman, President Liang decided to let him off and once again urged him to relax while they were on the cruise.

Yang Ran stood at the side while wondering what was going on between the two.

She could sense that QI Ming Wei's relationship with the president did not seem very usual.

Once the president turned around, Qi Ming Wei dragged Yang Ran out of the hall and they both stopped once they were at a spacious but quiet deck.

The night was dark.

Yang Ran looked around the dimmed-light surrounding. Her lips turned up into a seductive smile as she approached him slowly. She raised her hand and rested it on the commander's chest. "You... Mister, just what are you trying to do by taking me to this quiet and dark place?"

Even now, she decided to play dumb and would not admit her identity.

The commander might have thought that he could recognize her silhouette and eyes. However, as long as she did not admit to it, the commander would not be able to do anything to her, right?

Qi Ming Wei continued to stare into Yang Ran's eyes for a long time. No matter how this woman had tried to deny it, Qi Ming Wei was very sure that he had recognized her.

He would always remember the look in her eyes.

When they met, this woman was badly injured. However, even if she had to stay in the hospital bed for a long time, her eyes would remain alive. There was something in her eyes that made him convinced that Yang Ran might know a lot more than what she said.

Several murder cases happened around the time Yang Ran visited Capital City. He did not believe that her appearance that night was an accident.

Yang Ran was lying.

Qi Ming Wei has always been curious about her from then. His interest in her heightened the moment she managed to escape from him and left the country.

Seeing that she was still pretending made him chuckle.

There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Qi Ming Wei approached closer and whispered, "What do you think I'm going to do?" Her startled expression made him laugh. "Miss Yang Ran, are you still planning to pretend that we don't know each other?"

Yang Ran batted her eyes, wanting to continue her act.

"You are even willing to play with me and deceive the President," Qi Ming Wei continued. The corner of his lips tilted up into a smile. "When I introduced you as miss Xiao Ran, you should have said something about it, right?"

"I just did not want to embarrass you."

The corner of his lips twitched.

It seemed that no matter what he say, this woman would not admit her identity.

"Then, would you mind telling me your name?"

Yang Ran raised a brow. "Mister, for safety purposes, I can't give my name to a stranger. I'm just a weak woman who knows nothing. Who knows what you are going to do to me next?"

A Weak woman?

What rubbish!

After Yang Ran had left for F Country, Qi Ming Wei had sent a few of his men to investigate. Later, he found out that she was a leader of a mercenary group. There was no way that a weak woman would be able to lead a big group such as that.

His gaze dropped as he was reminded of the news that his subordinate had delivered next.

Someone had annihilated the entire group, leaving Yang Ran all alone.

He tried to find her again, but the woman was very good at hiding. Moreover, his men were not going to make trouble in F Country.

After knowing what happened to her group, Qi Ming Wei could not help but to pity her.

His instinct that Yang Ran was involved in those shooting incidents had also grown stronger.

Qi Ming Wei leaned over until the two of them came face to face.

His sudden movement caused Yang Ran to take a step back.

"This makeup technique really makes your nose appear higher and your eyes appeared wider."

Yang Ran thought that this person who commented on her make-up like this was simply too rude.

His hand stretched out as if he was about to touch the make-up on her face. However, before he could touch her, Qi Ming Wei retracted his hand. He stepped back and spoke, "Miss Yang, you don't have to be wary of me. I don't plan to catch you."

Her eyes widened in surprise. She knew that the commander has been looking for her ever since they parted on the street nearby the Orchid Hotel.

"At least not while we are on this cruise."

His next sentence made her want to beat him to a pulp.

Doesn't that mean that he would still catch her the moment the cruise reached its final destination?

Yang Ran gritted her teeth angrily. It seemed that the commander really liked to tease her a lot.

But at least, he did not always put on a serious look on his face like before.

Yang Ran took a deep breath as she warned herself not to get involved with a person such as Commander Qi.

Although she was interested in his good look, now was not the time for her to play around.

Before she could find Mr. Huang or the map that her father had supposedly left for her, Yang Ran did not have a plan to fool around. She had a lot of important missions and could not afford to be distracted.

Yang Ran put on her best smile and spoke, "Mister, I thank you again for helping me with that tricky situation earlier. However, I do think that it was best if we don't meet again."

Qi Ming Wei watched as she turned around and left. His brow rose and he quickly grabbed her wrist. "Who said you can leave?"