Do I Look Good?

Qi Ming Wei stood in front of the mirror as he adjusted his cuff. His eyes were staring vacantly into the mirror. His thought was preoccupied.

After parting with Yang Ran and escorting the boys back to their suite, Qi Ming Wei caught the sight of Liang Si speaking with his father. It did not take him too long to figure out that this boy was telling his father about his exchange with Yang Ran in the restaurant.

His eyes narrowed as he thought of the person he was working for at this time.

President Liang had pulled him over to his side just to stop him from investigating a certain matter.

Now that he had become the head of security, President Liang did not keep him too close to his side.

He tried to distract him with many other things, including making him do minor tasks.

In the beginning, Qi Ming Wei had a lot of complaints. Later, he understood that the president did not keep him close because of his capability.

Qi Ming Wei could feel that President Liang was keeping an eye on him.

The phone on his desk buzzed, snapping him out of his trance.

Qi Ming Wei walked over to the table and read the message that his subordinate, Ji Cheng had sent to him. He stared at the message for a few seconds longer. Then, Qi Ming Wei tapped his reply before he slid the phone into his pocket.

Taking a deep breath, Qi Ming Wei turned around and headed out.

He first met with the group of guards to listen to their report as well as to remind them of a few matters regarding the President and his family's safety.

When he finished, Qi Ming Wei went to the president's suite and stood in the living area as he waited for the president to get ready.

The president's eldest son, Liang Si walked over and looked at him. "Commander Qi, you don't have a date tonight?"

Qi Ming Wei merely shot his brow up.

"What happened to that pretty lady this morning?" Liang Si continued to ask. "Did you get rejected?" His excitement showed on his face as he thought of this possibility.

"Don't get your hopes up. A lady like her wouldn't possibly be interested in a kid like you."

"What do you mean?" Liang Si was displeased. "The president is my father. I can give her what she wanted." As long as he mentioned his father's name, all girls wanted to get close to him. So, what if the woman was a little older?

The corner of his lips twitched. "You're too young. Just go and focus on your study first."

Liang Si was about to retort when his parents came out of the bedroom. Seeing them, Liang Si quickly turned obedient.

"President Liang," Qi Ming Wei greeted him.

"You're here as well," President Liang nodded. He turned around and let his wife help to adjust his collar. "Having a few guards around us would be enough. Commander Qi, you don't have to stay close to me all the time."

Qi Ming Wei pursed his lips into a thin line.

"That's right. What about that woman from last night?" President Liang had a big smile on his face. "Why don't you invite her to come along?"

Liang Si, who was still around, let out a chuckle. He still believed that someone as cold and boring as Commander Qi should not be getting a girlfriend anytime soon.

"I'll have to ask if she would want to accompany me," Qi Ming Wei spoke.

President Liang laughed happily. "Don't just think about work." He slapped the commander on his shoulder. "It's really safe here on this cruise. You should take the opportunity to sit back and relax. When we return, things are going to be hectic and I'm afraid that you won't have the opportunity to take a break."

"I understand." Qi Ming Wei nodded. Then, he watched as the president turned around and left the room with his wife and kids. Then, his gaze shifted to the guards who were accompanying the President.

The two of them have been on the president's security team for years.

Qi Ming Wei might be in charge of the president's security. However, the two guards were the people that could stay close to the president.

President Liang waved his hand to dismiss him once he arrived at the hall.

Qi Ming Wei spoke briefly with the security team before he turned around and headed out.

When he arrived at the spot where he left Yang Ran yesterday, he found that the woman was already waiting for him.

Hearing his footsteps, Yang Ran turned around and met his gaze. A seductive smile curled on her lips as she waited for him to approach.

"Commander Qi." Yang Ran nodded. Her tone had a hint of laziness.

Qi Ming Wei approached her slowly.

This time, Yang Ran was dressed in a black evening gown with a high slit on the side. The makeup she wore was almost the same as last night.

"Have you been waiting for long?" Qi Ming Wei asked.

"It's alright." Yang Ran answered with a shrug. "I thought that you are not going to show up." She took a step back before twirling around in front of him. Then, Yang Ran stopped in front of him and pushed the slit on her dress slightly, to show her long legs. "What do you think? Do I look good?"

"You look alright."

Yang Ran clicked her tongue. Her lips were muttering a few complaints.

Qi Ming Wei chuckled. "Before I forgot... Give me your phone."

Her brow furrowed. "What are you going to do?"

"Just give it to me for a few seconds."

Yang Ran hesitated. However, she still passed him her phone.

Qi Ming Wei turned off the phone before handing it over back to Yang Ran. "This is for security purposes." His lips turned into a smile. "You're not going to be able to use your phone in there."

Her eyes narrowed. Yang Ran was still wondering why the commander wanted her to pretend with him. She thought that his relationship with the president looked quite good.

However, even if she asked, Yang Ran was aware that the man would not give her an answer.

Qi Ming Wei extended his arms and raised a brow. "Shall we?"