That Heartless Woman!

President Liang's scandal went from bad to worst in a short time.

His rivals worked really hard to drag him down from his position.

It began with a few pictures of him partying with his friends on the cruise. Somehow stories about how he had accepted and given bribes were everywhere. The reporters dug into his life and found out that President Liang's abuse of power as well.

Those businessmen and politicians who had shown up at the cruise were somehow linked to President Liang.

A lot of his friends began to distance themselves from him.

In just a short time, President Liang was pressured by his rivals as well as his supporters to resign.

A month later, President Liang had no choice but to offer his resignation.

An election was held and a new president was chosen.

With President Liang's resignation, Qi Ming Wei was finally free from his position as the head of security.