It Really is Different

After watching Yang Ran for more than an hour, Qi Xi Feng finally came face to face with the girl that he met at the hospital.

The beauty in front of him had changed into someone else.

Although her appearance might be slightly different, Qi Xi Feng was confident that the person in front of him now was the same person he met.

Qi Xi Feng could not help but feel amazed.

He had known that makeup could make someone look so different, but it was a different thing to watch the procedure in front of him.

"Grandpa, what do you think?" Qi Ming Wei spoke.

Qi Xi Feng continued to watch Yang Ran quietly. Although he knew that his grandson was staring at him, Qi Xi Feng did not say a word.

Seeing the way the old man was staring at her made Yang Ran heave helplessly. She had done her makeup many times before, but no one had stared at her as long as Qi Xi Feng before.