What am I to You?

Yang Ran closed her eyes, as she let Qi Ming Wei help her wash her body. Now that she thought about it, she was always enjoying letting him give her such treatment like this.

If this happened a few more times, then, what would happen if she would get used to this treatment?

As the thought came to her mind, Yang Ran let out a sigh.

She wondered if she was being a bit ridiculous right now. How can someone like her get used to this treatment?

"Is it comfortable?"

Qi Ming Wei's voice reverberated in the large bathroom.

He let out a laugh upon seeing that she did not answer him but instead continued to pretend that she was sleeping.

Qi Ming Wei scooped some water with his hand to help her bathe. Then, he looked at her face with her makeup and stood up.

Yang Ran opened her eyes again when Qi Ming Wei left the bathroom. She could not help but wonder if he was angry after she had ignored him a few times.