I Want to Kill Him

Yang Ran could not figure out the reason Dylan Huo would show up at this place.

If she remembered correctly, this man was supposed to be in detention. The last time she visited L City, Yang Ran accidentally ran into this man. Seeing that he wanted to harm Qi Ming Wei, Yang Ran turned things around and coincidentally helped Qi Ming Wei to catch this wanted man.

But why was he here? When did he come out?

She did not hear Qi Ming Wei talking about this before.

While Yang Ran was in a daze, Dylan continued to give her a look over. After a while, a bright smile curled on his lips. "Miss Yang Ran?"

Yang Ran snapped out of her trance. She noticed the way Dylan was looking at him and remembered something... Back when they were in L City, she was still wearing her disguise. Dylan would not remember that she was the woman he met at the amusement park.

A light flickered in her eyes as the thought came to her mind.