Butler Hu was Especially Happy

When Yang Ran woke up again, the sky outside had already turned dark.

She took her time to recall where she was before she finally move to leave the bed. It was not her first time staying in Qi Ming Wei's room, but this time, Yang Ran could not help but notice that there were a few changes around.

Seeing some stuff that belonged to her made her a little stunned.

In the past, the room had a boring monotone color. But now, the splash of color around made the room seem a little livelier.

Yang Ran walked over to the bathroom to wash up.

As her stomach started to grumble. Yang Ran decided to go downstairs and look for food. As she entered the kitchen, Butler Hu was seen talking to a few cooks.

The group noticed her presence and turned around.

"Miss Yang," Butler Hu spoke politely. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I'm a little hungry. Is there anything that I can eat?"