You're Too Annoying

Yang Ran woke up in the morning only to find that a certain someone was staring at her. She closed her eyes, planning to continue her sleep again when Qi Ming Wei lowered his head to kiss her face repeatedly.

Annoyed, Yang Ran tried to push him away. However, the man only held her tighter to him. She heaved a long, heavy breath and spoke, "Qi Ming Wei, you're too annoying."

The man's laughter reverberated in the room. Qi Ming Wei pulled Yang Ran into his arms and buried his nose in the crook of her neck. "Wake up. I'll bring you out to play. Ran Ran, you haven't come and play around Y City, right?"

Hearing his words, Yang Ran finally stopped trying to push him around. "Where are we going?"

"The past few weeks have been hectic for us," Qi Ming Wei said. "I'll take you to visit a few places to let you relax and clear your mind. Later, we can return to Capital City and face Huang Wen Zhou."