Can No One Really Help Him?

Huang Wen Zhou's body went limp and his face paled. As the soldier dragged him away from the scene, the old man did not even Huang Wen Zhou did not even try to struggle away.

He kept on thinking about his lab and the experiments he made.

Huang Wen Zhou had never thought that Yang Ran would be working with Commander Qi. Because of this unexpected situation, Huang Wen Zhou did not put on his guard, letting them enter his laboratory and find out what he was up to.

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he was.

Yang Ran's words and threats came over to his mind. This time... can no one really help him?

Huang Wen Zhou tried to think of someone who could help. Throughout his life, he had known many powerful people. Surely, he could think of someone.