Anxious from Curiosity

It was a couple of days later that Yang Ran heard something about the handwriting again.

Yang Ran was starting to get leg cramps and Qi Ming Wei was around to give her leg a message. Yang Ran thought of the changes in her body after she got pregnant and sighed.

These days, her body did not feel as if it was hers. Moreover, she began to have cravings for all sorts of food. It really made her wonder just what sort of personality would Little Thing have when he was born later.

"Is your leg still hurt?" Qi Ming Wei asked after a while. His brow furrowed. He was worried about his wife. The expression on her face earlier showed that she was in a pain.

Yang Ran opened her eyes and looked at the man. "No. It's not hurting anymore." A smile appeared on her face. "While you're at it, how about giving the other leg a massage as well?"

Qi Ming Wei chuckled. He reached for her other leg and started to massage it diligently.