Huang Wen Zhou's Story

Huang Wen Zhou and Angela Lin were classmates. When Angela Lin was invited to the lab to work there, she brought over Huang Wen Zhou to help her with her research.

The two of them along with a few other people would work hard working on their research, hoping that it would give benefit mankind.

Later, the result was not what they want, and Angela, as the head of the research decided to abandon their work. Huang Wen Zhou had tried to convince Angela to continue working on the drug, but she refused.

Angela had seen what her drug had done to people and she was afraid that this drug would be bad for mankind instead. Whenever she thought of the patient who died, Angela would feel guilty.

Coincidentally, her long-time boyfriend asked to marry her and Angela was using this excuse to pull herself out of the research.

She told everyone that she wanted to concentrate on her marriage instead.

Meanwhile, Huang Wen Zhou could not accept her decision.