His body shines a bright white colour. A long serpent-like tail slithers out from his lower back. His body grows taller than any of the surrounding trees. And his head morphs into a scaly, serpent-like head with horns growing from his cranium. The human Haruki impersonated becomes this being of utter beauty. No words could describe this awe-inspiring scene. As I stare at his mighty figure, tears stream down my face. My arms are unwilling to wipe them away, and my head refuses to move its gaze from Haruki. But my mind does not care for this display of beauty. Instead, it shows a replay of my crimes last night.
Enough… That's… enough…
'I am not Haruki, only an incarnation of his mind. In this form, I am unable to process thought, so I sent my consciousness into you.'
How is that possible?
'I… can't explain it. But just know that I am your ally. And I'm here to help you.'
I'm beyond help, Haruki. I killed those men. It's as you said, five lives no longer live because of me. I deserve to suffer.
'No, you don't. Niklaus, you've suffered enough. But knowing you, you won't forgive yourself without a push.'
What are you—
A light burst in my mind and all the grief I felt washed away, like a castle of sand.
'Niklaus, you are forgiven.'