Chapters [111-112]

Chapter 111. Tables Have Turned


Lu Ze came back to his senses and suppressed his uncontrollable thoughts.

The future would wait until the future. He needed to cultivate first.

If he didn't cultivate, he could only dream.

Then, Lu Ze closed his eyes and began to cultivate.

Time flew by rapidly, and ten days had already passed.

It was a Sunday morning.

Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes. A crystal color flashed in his eyes as he raised his lips, showing a confident smile.

Hahahahahaha! I'm a prodigy~

Strength god art, it finally reached three times amplification today!

This was the current limit his body could handle.

He clenched his hands into a fist and dark crystal color flashed. The nearby air vibrated.

Six spirit force strands, triple power amplification. There was also new progress in wind and fire god art.

These past ten days, Lu Ze's improvements were tremendous!

Of course, this was due to Merlin's 'arduous' teaching.

Every morning and night, he would be beaten up in all directions!

Just thinking about that pain, Lu Ze's smile froze.

But every time after he was beaten up, Merlin would point out his inadequacies. The experience of a star state being was very helpful to him.

After all, although there were [purple orbs] that could help him increase his enlightenment, he was still feeling the road as he went. The teachings of a powerful being made his growth many times faster!


Lu Ze felt his surging power.

He was going to give Uncle a surprise…

After breakfast, Lu Wen and Fu Shuya went to work. Lu Ze urged a confused Lu Li to the training grounds.

She glanced at Lu Ze strangely and said, "Lu Ze, did your brain finally melt down? It's my first time seeing you so eager to get beaten up."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched as his face went cold. "Superficial! Big chest, no brain, long hair, short vision. You have it all!"

He forced himself not to speak of his improvements. He was going to shock everyone.

The tables have turned today!

Lu Li narrowed her eyes and flicked her long hair. "Really?"

Lu Ze: "…"

For some reason, he felt quite nervous being looked at like this again. Did she do something?

It was a misperception, right?

Lu Ze shook his head. He felt he had been very careful lately. He shouldn't have fallen into her traps.

Lu Li smiled gently. "Let's go, Brother."

Lu Ze glanced at her again. He couldn't discern anything, so he left with her.

At the training grounds, Merlin and Alice were already waiting there.

Seeing Lu Ze and Lu Li, Alice showed a bright smile and waved her hands, "Good morning! Senior schoolmate, Li!"

Merlin smiled. "Since you're here, let's begin."

He couldn't wait to stabilize the dimension as he smiled at Lu Ze.

His happiness relied on beating Lu Ze every morning and night these few days.

For some reason, it felt very good to beat this kid up. He could always use the best way to get hit. He seemed very experienced in getting hit.

This made him very happy beating the kid up.

Looking at how Alice admired him so much every day, his hands were even itchier.

Lu Ze saw how Merlin couldn't wait and sneered on the inside.


He wasn't the same 'him' as yesterday now!

Today, he shall rise!

But he kept a calm face. He couldn't let Uncle see this. Otherwise, what if this guy cheats?

Inside the dimension, Lu Ze and Merlin stood opposite each other and began the sparring of a new day. Lu Li and Alice stood on the side, gazing at the fight.

Although Lu Ze had been beaten up morning and night for these ten days, his progress was indeed fast. This made the two wonder what progress he would have today.


In mid-air, Lu Ze's entire body flowed with crystal glow. Green wind circulated as his right leg whipped towards Merlin. The power in the attack was on a different level compared to ten days ago.

Right now, his power was almost abstruse martial state level seven.

Merlin felt Lu Ze's attack. His eyes flashed as his face showed some more seriousness. Although he could beat this kid up every day, his progress was indeed fast.

His right hand was covered in white flames as his palm weakened Lu Ze's focused attack.

At the same time, he used Lu Ze's attack and floated back like a leaf, easily dissipating Lu Ze's attack.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed with cold light. His right leg tapped on the ground as he used wind god art to full power. He then chased after Merlin.

Fist, palm, elbow. Lu Ze's entire body turned into a weapon. Each attack shook the air as ripples spread across in all directions. When they touched the white flame, they finally disappeared.

Facing Lu Ze's fierce attacks, Merlin's serious look deepened further.

Since he said he would use equal power, Merlin wasn't going to go back on his words. And, even if he kept that promise, he would have no problem suppressing this kid.

At least for five days, this power was enough.

Merlin shook Lu Ze away with a palm and smiled. "It seems that's all your progress for today. Now, it's my turn. Are you ready?"

Lu Ze smiled. "Come at me, Uncle."

I'll let this old guy know today—

—What it means to don't abuse a poor person when he is young.

I'm going to get revenge for all the beating I took these past ten days!

Merlin instantly appeared behind Lu Ze as his white flamed palm pressed towards Lu Ze's back.

Lu Ze felt the coldness in the scorching heat of the flame. His eyes focused.

Triple the power!

Mental force surged. Crystal color flashed in his cells. Lu Ze relaxed his body as his strength increased another fold.

At the same time, Lu Ze felt his exertion was increased many times whether it was mental force or stamina. There came slivers of pain all over his body.

There was a price to pay for using this.

The crystal color on his body suddenly flashed and then receded.

The powerful force shook the air.

The fully unleashed Lu Ze shocked Lu Li and Alice as they opened their mouths wide and gazed at him in disbelief.


Chapter 112. This Person is So Shameless


Lu Ze suddenly became much stronger in an instant. Naturally, not only were Lu Li and Alice shocked but so was Merlin.

Merlin's mouth twitched.

Oh shit!

His face was instantly slapped.

Just before, he felt confident that at least for five days, this degree of power was enough.

He was ready to find an excuse to increase his power on the fourth day, and then, he could keep beating this kid up.

Now, what's going on???

Did he improve his strength god art again?

This kid's power was almost abstruse martial state level eight now, right?

Plus during this time, the kid kept improving his battle technique. Merlin suddenly didn't feel so confident anymore.

With such a current level of power, Merlin found that he might not be able to suppress Lu Ze.

He might even have some trouble.

Lu Ze felt the attack behind him coming closer. A green light flashed in his eyes. His body turned into the wind as he disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, he appeared on Merlin's side and punched.


With the sound of the furious roar of a dragon, the green fist force carried this relentless momentum towards Merlin.

White flames circulated around Merlin's body. His right palm struck out towards the green fist force.


An even more shocking explosion sounded.

Green and white light flashed, filling this not so big dimension.

The shocked away air turned into waves that spread in all directions.

Even Lu Li and Alice, who were being protected by Merlin, could feel this power.

They looked nervously at the center of the battle, wanting to know the situation.

When the green and white light slowly disappeared, Lu Li and Alice gasped in disbelief.

Beneath the head-on collision, Merlin and Lu Ze took a step back each!

Although Merlin just used a power equivalent to that of Lu Ze's cultivation level, Merlin was still a star state being.

Even at the same level of cultivation power, the technique and knowledge of god art were almost equivalent to the extreme of that cultivation level.

Yet, Lu Ze could fight evenly with him. This meant that Lu Ze's power at this level was pretty much full.

Alice's eyes flashed with admiration as she murmured, "Senior schoolmate, is so strong."

Meanwhile, Lu Li quickly started recording sneakily. Except this time, the content was different from before.

Lu Ze was quite handsome today.

At this moment, Lu Ze glanced at Merlin and raised his lips, feeling proud of himself.

Just when he planned to speak, he found that Merlin disappeared.

Lu Ze immediately felt things weren't good. He tensed up, ready to defend with full power.

Just at this moment, he suddenly felt his hand was grabbed. Then, he lost control of his body. He spun up and down in the air.

It was so fast that his thought and eyes couldn't keep up. Even his stomach rumbled.

Not, not good…

His brain was shaking.

After some time, Lu Ze was finally put down.

He just felt the sky was still spinning. His legs softened as he sat down but even after that, Lu Ze still felt he was spinning. He quickly laid down.

Oh my! This was scary!!

He was so shameless!

He was bullying the noob.

At this moment, he heard a happy voice. "Alice, I'm going to a restaurant. Do you want to come with Dad?"

"Dad you go, I'll cultivate here with Li and Senior schoolmate."


Even Lu Ze, whose brain was shaking, could hear the disappointment in Merlin's tone.

Then, Merlin left the training ground.

At this moment, Alice and Li came over worriedly. "Are you okay?"

Lu Ze shook his head. "I want to vomit a little. I feel you two are spinning. I just need a little time to recover."

Alice said apologetically, "Senior schoolmate, sorry. Father abused you like this. I'll cook you some good food!"

Immediately, Lu Ze's eyes lit up and said, "Really?!"

Instantly, Lu Ze felt that everything that happened was worth it.

He wanted to eat Alice's exquisite cooking.

Seeing how happy Lu Ze was, Alice narrowed her eyes and smiled. "Mhm! Senior schoolmate can eat whatever you want."

Oh really??

That was great!

He had quite some ingredients left. It was best that he had one of each…

Seeing how excited Lu Ze was and how Alice was smiling, Lu Li felt annoyed.

It was just food.

Did he need to be this excited??

She wanted to cook good food, but she found that her talent really was not high in this area. She tried a few times secretly, but she couldn't cook edible food.

This made her desperate.


Lu Li calmly saved the clip from today and smiled.

Subsequently, Alice and Lu Li began cultivation while Lu Ze continued to stay dizzy.

Soon, Lu Ze stopped feeling dizzy and got up.

He carefully sensed his situation. His legs were still soft but it wasn't a huge problem.

Then, he looked at Lu Li and Alice.

With Merlin's teachings and his energy, their improvements were rapid.

At this moment, Lu Li had completed seven small perfect states, and her darkness god art improved too.

Alice just needed to awaken the source flame, and her cultivation level would naturally increase. She was a level five martial warrior now.

They worked on cultivation very hard. The tasks Merlin gave them wasn't easy, but they would clench their teeth and finish it every day.

Seeing the two cultivate, Lu Ze didn't bother interrupting them.

He left the training grounds, returned to his room and began cultivation.

Spirit force, strength god art. Both have reached the maximum of his current state, so Lu Ze placed his focus on wind and fire.

He used a [wind element crystal ball] and began cultivation.

A few hours later, Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes and exhaled. He got up with some anticipation.

It was dinner time!
