Chapters [123-124]

Chapter 123. Put Down Your Fist, Life Needs Calmness


When he could see again, Lu Ze was back in his room.

His brows were locked in a frown. He was resisting a severe pain all over his body, but his eyes were happy.

Pain and happiness!

That was a wave of fat!

Although it was only a moment, that little flame input the secrets of the flame into his mind. He couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

It contained many more secrets than the fire crystal balls of the red lion!

He quickly used a [purple orb] to clear up his mind, and then, he began learning the secrets.

Gradually, flames started to burn on the surface of Lu Ze's body. Then, his figure blurred for an instant. He seemed to have fused with the fire.

He was the fire, and the fire was him.

With every breath, the flames were jumping. They were being intimate with him.

That feeling of being surrounded by flames was very warm. It made Lu Ze mesmerized.

It was very comfortable and warm.

Lu Ze's brows expanded, but his eyes remained shut. He showed a happy smile, seemingly very euphoric.

He just innately immersed himself in the flames. The air in the room started to heat up. The temperatures went up by tens of degrees.

At this moment, a sharp siren sounded, scaring the shit out of Lu Ze.

He opened his eyes, and he was dumbfounded. Lu Ze looked around and suddenly found that the room Nangong Jing prepared for him was burning.

The blankets and stuff were completely turned to dust. Now, he was burning some furniture made with advanced materials.

These things were very resistant to fire.

Lu Ze was so scared that his face got pale.

Oh my!

He just seemed to have survived a disaster.

But now, he burned the precious ship of that violent alcoholic. Was there still salvation for him?

Lu Ze felt very anxious.

Before he could think about how to survive, his door was kicked open.

Nangong Jing rushed in while still wearing her pajamas and so did Lin Ling, who was also wearing pajamas.

Clearly, the siren woke the two up.

When they charged in, it seemed like a fire disaster.

Then, Nangong Jing and Lin Ling looked at the embarrassed Lu Ze.

The atmosphere became very awkward.

Moments later, Nangong Jing raised her lips and gritted her teeth. "Oh, Lu Ze, so you weren't burned to death?"

Seeing her smile, Lu Ze's mouth twitched. Even the hot hair couldn't stop Lu Ze's sweat that was dripping like crazy.

Her smile contained the urge to beat people up.

Quickly surrender!

Not, be philosophical!

He got up nervously. "Teacher Nangong, calm down! Put down your fist, life requires calmness!"

Then, he waved his right hand, and the flames in the room seemed to have been ordered and sucked into Lu Ze's hand.

He didn't want this flame to keep burning.

This was her precious private ship!

Although the mainframes wouldn't be burned, the decorations would.

By then, Nangong Jing would hang him and whip him.

Although Nangong Jing already seemed to have such intentions, Lu Ze still wanted to struggle a bit.

Seeing this, Nangong Jing and Lin Ling's eyes narrowed. They looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.

Their brains were full of question marks.

Who am I? Where am I? Am I dreaming?

Didn't Lu Ze use the wind element?

Why was he so good at playing with fire??

Up until now, they didn't know Lu Ze also knew fire god art!

After quenching the flames, Lu Ze looked at the trashed room, and his mouth twitched.

It's over. He pretty much burned all that could be burned. Would he be over too?

He wanted to cry. If he knew earlier, he wouldn't indulge himself in the flames.

It felt good, but he was on the border of suicide!

Lu Ze looked up and saw the two looking at him in disbelief.

What's wrong?

Did they finally realize how handsome he was?

In that case, would Teacher Nangong let him go on account of how handsome he was?

Lu Ze suddenly had ignited hope for the future.

Lu Ze was embarrassed to speak since the two didn't talk.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while before Nangong Jing suddenly said with surprise, "Lu Ze, you also know fire god art?"

Hearing this, Lu Ze just realized that he didn't tell them he knew fire god art.

But Lu Ze didn't intentionally hide this.

However, he was a little disappointed.

He thought they were shocked due to his handsome looks.

Pfft, it was just because of the fire god art?

Lu Ze nodded and smiled. "I just awoke it not long ago. It has not been a month yet."

Lin Ling's eyes widened. She asked in shock, "How come you awoke another god art?!"

She thought she already knew the limit of Lu Ze, but now she realized what she saw was fake!

Hearing this, Lu Ze scratched his head, not knowing how to respond.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "Perhaps, because my passion is like fire? As a hot-blooded youth, it seems reasonable to awaken the fire god art, right?"

Then, he nodded as though very satisfied with his explanation.

Nangong Jing: "…"

Lin Ling: "???"

The two nearly clenched their fists after seeing Lu Ze's face.

What passion like fire?

If that was the case, there would be fire god arts everywhere.

Their glances started to show the impulse of beating people up. Lu Ze smiled awkwardly. "I don't know. I guess I'm the legendary prodigy?"

The two glanced at each other. They were completely speechless about how shameless Lu Ze was.

But there were myriads of ways to awaken god art. Even the entire universe couldn't completely understand it. They didn't know it too.

They just wanted to beat this guy since he looked so satisfied.

Then, the two stopped fussing about this problem.

Looking at the room, Nangong Jing's mouth twitched. Her exquisite cute face showed a hideous smile. Meanwhile, Lin Ling took a step back and showed Lu Ze a pitiful glance.

Lu Ze couldn't resist taking a step back as he said awkwardly, "Teacher, put down your fists, you will become a buddha!"

Nangong Jing clenched her fists and grinned. "You're very right, but I'm not going to listen!!"

"But I'm your personal student that was lost for 18 years! Can you really do that??"

"Our teacher-student relationship ends today! Eat my iron fist judgment!!"

Thus, in a certain room of the spaceship, all sorts of discorded voices could be heard.


Chapter 124. The Smell of Powerful Beings? Is it Good?


Half an hour later, Lu Ze sat on the dust-covered bed and pressed on the huge lump on his head. His mouth twitched, and he almost dropped tears of pain.

Pfft, this violent alcoholic.

She hit ruthlessly!

He was going to remember this!

Seeing Lu Ze's state, Lin Ling couldn't resist laughing. She blinked her eyes and said, "Lu Ze, you're the first to receive such a beating and not faint."

Lu Ze's body stiffened.

He glanced at Nangong Jing who painfully looked at the room and suddenly felt he was rather lucky.

There were people who were knocked out?

It was that terrifying!

He was shaking with fear.

As though sensing Lu Ze's eyes, Nangong Jing turned around and laughed at him. "How about it? I'm very experienced in controlling my power. I won't leave any internal injuries."

Lu Ze couldn't speak for a long time.

So she had experience in beating people?

Should he compliment her??

Then, Nangong Jing smiled and said, "You don't need to compensate me this time."

Lu Ze was stunned, and his complaints immediately disappeared. He even felt a little touched.

All of Nangong Jing's things looked pretty luxurious. They wouldn't be cheap. If she really wanted him to compensate for the damage, he would probably go broke. Yet, she was this generous and didn't seek compensation from him.

Did he misunderstand her?

Was she actually a good person?

Just when Lu Ze felt touched, Nangong Jing sighed with satisfaction. "I didn't expect beating you felt so good. It's easy to get addicted. I hope there are a few more chances."

Lu Ze: "…"

What just made him go blind, misleading him to feel that this violent woman was a little gentle?

She still wanted to beat him a few more times?


He was definitely not going to give her a chance!

Then, Nangong Jing arranged a new room for Lu Ze. The three began to cultivate again.

Five days later, Lu Ze opened his eyes slowly. There were red flames burning at the bottom of his eyes.

During these five days, Lu Ze would go find the male lion and touch the flame every day he went to the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

But, it seemed that each time he touched it, the flame grew smaller.

Thus, every time the male lion saw him, it immediately charged over immediately. The male lion wasn't too happy, but Lu Ze was very happy.

After all, his fire god art was getting stronger and stronger. It had even surpassed his wind god art.

Lu Ze opened his hands and flames rose up. They turned into flowers, birds, or seemingly live animals.

After playing for a moment, Lu Ze annihilated the flames and got up. He cleansed himself and left the room.

Nangong Jing and Lin Ling were already in the living room.

Nangong Jing was still laying on the couch while drinking. Her face was already red.

Meanwhile, Lin Ling was still playing games of past war campaigns.

Lu Ze walked over and sat on the couch.

At this moment, Nangong Jing burped and said slowly, "We're about to leave warp drive cruising. It's about one day until we reach the Xiaer system."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling were both a little surprised. The two glanced at each other. They were both excited and nervous.

During these few days, Nangong Jing also told them about the battlefield.

Xiaer system was located at the borders of the human race and blade demon race. The land rights were uncertain, but there were quite some resources here that both races needed.

Thus, both sides proclaimed the system to be theirs and sent their armies in to excavate.

Both sides were evenly matched in power, and these resources weren't considered extremely rare, so they were preventing a large scale war from happening. However, small scale conflicts were incessant.

At least, if a new resource site was found, they would fight over it first. Then, the surviving side gets the right to excavate it!

Lu Ze sighed. Most wars in the universe started due to resources.

Without resources, one couldn't progress. If you didn't progress, it meant you would fall behind and that would mean getting beaten.

Only those naturally near-invincible races didn't need such things.

Now, they were almost about to arrive on the battlefield.

Their hearts were beating fast.

At this moment, Lu Ze took out the food Alice prepared for him. With a smile, he offered, "Let's eat first. This is made by my cute junior schoolmate. You guys are lucky!"

Nangong Jing smelled this, and immediately, her eyes lit up. She gulped down her saliva and said, "Alice made it. I've long eaten it before you."

After all, she knew Alice since they were little.

When Alice first began cooking, it was big brothers and sisters like her who tasted it first.

Lu Ze glanced at her. "Then, you don't want to have it?"

"I do!"

What a joke. Alice learned from Uncle Merlin.

No, she must take out some good wine.

Thinking about this, Nangong Jing took out a bottle from her storage ring. The liquid was gold in color. It emitted an intense aroma.

She happily swung it a few times before starting to drink.

Lin Ling's eyes lit up too. "Lu Ze you had such good things, and you didn't take it out earlier. That's not good enough!"

Lu Ze smiled. "She made it just for me, okay? I'm seeing that we're going to the battlefield now, so that's why I took it out. Otherwise, I'm not giving it to you guys."

He couldn't have enough for himself.

Food wasn't going to spoil in the storage ring. When taken out, it would taste exactly the same as when it was placed inside.

The three ate happily while the scene outside changed from a dark twisted tunnel into the cosmic space.

At this moment, Nangong Jing raised a brow. Her eyes went cold as she grinned. "I smell the scent of a powerful being."

Lin Ling's eyes focused. Looking at Nangong Jing's face, it could only be enemies.

Lu Ze asked, "The scent of powerful beings? Is it fragrant?"

Nangong Jing: "…"

Lin Ling: "???"

The atmosphere fell silent.

Looking at how Lu Ze kept eating, veins popped out on their heads.

Did this guy leave his brain behind on the way??

Seeing the two look at him, Lu Ze realized what happened.

It was Nangong Jing's fault. After all, he was just enjoying Alice's beautiful food.

He scratched his head awkwardly. "I thought it was some food. Don't look at me like this. I will feel embarrassed."

Lin Ling smiled. "Oh, you're really humble. You would feel embarrassed?"

Nangong Jing didn't even want to talk to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze laughed drily and said, "What should we do? Find a planet to land?"

They weren't planetary states yet.
