Chapters [155-156]

Chapter 155. Cut Into Mosaics


The tunnel walls hung quite some lights that emitted a warm, white light.

The walls were full of hacking marks and had quite some blood on it.

The blood was looking dark now.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. This was probably the blood of the beasts and soldiers.

Everyone wore spirit powered armor. When their metal shoes stepped on the ground, it made crisp clanks that echoed in the tunnel.

The air still had the smell of dust and blood.

When they went in a few hundred meters, all the lights were broken.

Behind them was the light and before them was the darkness that seemed to devour them.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "If a white-robed woman came out now, it would be a scary movie."

Lu Ze was scared of scary movies the most in his past life. Now that he was strong, he wasn't so scared.

Lin Ling: "Which martial artist is scared of ghosts?"

Ye Mu smiled. "Ghosts aren't scary, but the fabled void spirit race, dark demon race, and many other races look quite like ghouls."

This made the timid Ian and Jessica shrink their necks.

Then, Xuan Yuqi said, "Those races are outside the Milky Way, right? They're very far from us."

Lu Ze asked, "Are they strong?"

Lin Ling replied, "Most are stronger than the human race."

Everyone fell into silence.

Humans had little time for development, and they weren't those naturally powerful races.

They could have a spot in the Milky Way all because of the sacrifices of the ancestors.

Ye Mu smiled. "When I go out of the Milky Way to travel, I will subjugate the cosmos with one sword."

"Keep dreaming."

Yuantian Qianhua laughed.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. Should he set a small goal such as ruling the Milky Way galaxy or something?

But thinking about this, it seemed too little of a goal for a transmigrator.

It needed to be grander, such as crushing a galaxy with one hand or stomping a cosmic lord…

The group went forward a few hundred meters more. The light behind them were like stars now.

They were gradually being devoured by the darkness completely.

Luckily, they were all Abstruse Martial State martial artists. Ordinary darkness didn't affect their vision.

The tunnel ahead split off into left and right. The group stopped there.

Both branches were silent and dark.

Ye Mu looked at Lu Ze. "Ze, which way do we go?"

Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling. "Lin Ling, which way do we go?"

Didn't she say she had a way?

Go, Lin Ling!

Find the right way!

Of course, Lu Ze didn't dare to say it out loud.

Lin Ling got up proudly. Her eyes flashed with color as she glanced at the two tunnels.

Then, she pointed at the right one. "This one."

Lu Ze looked at her. "Please tell me your reason!"

Lin Ling smiled. "My god art improved. I can see the remnant spirit force in the air. The right one has quite some beast spirit force."

Lu Ze nodded. "As I expected, your god art improved."

Just when Lin Ling was happy, Lu Ze said. "What a coincidence, my god art improved, too."

Lin Ling: …

Everyone looked at the happy Lu Ze speechlessly. This guy had such strange taste?

Did he love crushing Lin Ling's spirit that much?

Lu Ze smiled. "Okay, let's go."

Then, he walked in first and everyone followed behind him.

The tunnel was dark and twisted. Some areas were tens of meters wide and some were three meters thin.

There were cracks on quite some walls. Some places even collapsed.

If beasts passed through the collapsed area, they would clear the tunnel.

Their footsteps echoed. Along the way, there were quite some pieces of clothes as well as blood.

Lu Ze looked at this and his eyes flashed. These belonged to the miners, right?

Half an hour later, they came to a round cave that was a few hundred meters wide.

There were heaven blue crystal shards as well as excavation marks. These shards glowed in the dark.

At this moment, there were 12 three-meter tall beasts.

They have hard, black shells, four sharp claws, and hideous looks.

They were gnawing away at the crystal pieces, as though it was some delicacy.

Lu Ze and his squad set their chi in stealth. They were shocked at what these beasts did.

This was the first time they encountered a mine-eating beast.

"They are probably the beasts Captain Mu Han spoke of, right?" Lin Ling whispered to Lu Ze's ear.

Lu Ze nodded. "Probably."

There were no other beasts, after all.

"They don't seem very strong; they're all low-level Abstruse beasts."

Ye Mu raised a brow.

Green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and 12 vibrant wind blades appeared in the air and instantly sliced at the beasts.

Clank!!… Screech!

There was the sound of metal clashing when the blades struck the shell. Then, they cut inside.


Blood splashed on the cave floor. The huge pain made their eyes go red as they roared.

They were backstabbed while eating!

Lu Ze frowned. "Their defences… seem strange."

The wind blades he just sent should be able to kill ordinary low Abstruse Martial State.

Yet, these beasts blocked his attacks. Their defense would be considered good even among middle-stage Abstruse beasts.

Were their hides this thick??

The black scaled beasts were alert now.

Their spirit force flowed as they tensed up, ready to face the ambush.

Green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes again, and a few thousand wind blades appeared in the air.

They immediately squeezed the cave and lit it up with green light.

Then, these thousands of wind blades sliced down like a thunderstorm.

At this moment, Lu Ze finally realized why that blue bird boss flooded him with countless wind blades.

This feeling felt very high up. It was satisfying.

He wanted to do it again.

The howls of the beasts stopped instantly, and the cave fell into silence.

Lin Ling and the rest felt sorry for the beasts.

They were cut up into mosaics.

Lu Ze looked at the pile of mosaics and fell in thought.

He said, "Their shells are so tough."

Everyone's eyes flashed as they nodded. "Indeed."

Lu Ze said. "I might need to use a huge effort to cut them open."

Xavier and the rest also nodded.

No wonder Captain Mu Han felt helpless.

They were hard to deal with indeed.

Lin Ling glanced at the bodies. "Their shell seems to be made up of metals. There's plenty of weaknesses. If it was me, I could break it open with one sword."

Everyone's mouth twitched.

They admired Lin Ling's god art…

Finding weakness god art was too effective against these tough hide beasts.

Lu Ze had a strange face. "Made up of metal?"

Lin Ling nodded, "It should be their talent? They were eating ores, weren't they? Perhaps they could digest it and use it to form armor?"

Lu Ze glanced at the ground.

There really were all sorts of wonders in the universe.

Ye Mu and the rest glanced at each other and said, "Ze, Lin Ling, how about you guys continue? We probably wouldn't be able to help even if we went."

They had their pride, too.

Up until now, they did nothing. If a beast tide came, Lu Ze might need to protect them instead.

Lin Ling could at least find the way, and she could kill the beasts relatively easier here.

If they did nothing and were to split military merit with Lu Ze and Lin Ling, they would be losing face.


Chapter 156. Don't? You'll Be Buried Alive


Lu Ze looked at the firm-faced group and smiled. "If you guys are certain then up to you."

Lu Ze could understand their pride.

All those who could come to the Federal University were the most talented in an entire solar system. No one would want to be a freeloader.

Ye Mu and the squad smiled. "Of course. When we go out, we'll go tell Captain Mu Han that we'll go support the miner rescues."

Lu Ze nodded.

Then, Ye Mu and the rest returned. The tunnel was complicated, but they remember the way back.

Only Lu Ze and Lin Ling remained in the tunnel.

Lin Ling's eyes flashed. "If it wasn't that my god art can help find beasts, I would've left too."

Lin Ling's use was just to guide the way. If Lu Ze could find the beasts himself, he could kill them all himself.

Lu Ze smiled. "There's not that many ifs. Stop sighing, and let's go. We might be able to make it back in time for dinner."

Lin Ling glanced at Lu Ze speechlessly.

This guy was still thinking about food!

Lu Ze smiled and turned around to look at the four tunnels. His smile stiffened. "Lin Ling, which one do we go to?"

Oh my! If he was here alone, he would definitely get lost.

Lin Ling pointed to the very right tunnel. "This tunnel has the highest density of foreign spirit force."

Lu Ze frowned. "So, other tunnels have it, too?"

Lin Ling nodded and pointed at the two tunnels to the left. "It's in there, too. Which one do we go to?"

Lu Ze thought about it and said, "Let's go to the one with the most first."

Lin Ling nodded.

It was Lu Ze fighting anyway. She was just a cute audience; she didn't mind.

Then, the two headed down the right tunnel.

It was curved and went up and down, but it was still going down over all.

During the meantime, the two encountered quite some solo beasts. There were Spirit Martial State, Abstruse Martial State, and even low-level Core Martial State beasts.

Those Core Martial State low-level beasts had defences equivalent to Core Martial State middle stage.

As they went deeper, more and more beasts appeared. Their power grew stronger, too.

It was another empty cave; green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes and whirlwind covered the entire cave. More than ten high-level Abstruse Beasts and two low-level Core Martial State beasts' ligaments hovered around in the air, but they were still swept inside the whirlwind.

The sharp wind inside sliced on their bodies, and clanks sounded non stop. The beasts started howling.

Moments later, the cave was full of bodies.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling came inside the cave and studied the bodies.

Lin Ling said. "They're getting even stronger."

Lu Ze nodded. "It's fine now. Let's go in further. There shouldn't be an Aperture Opening State beast, right?"

Lu Ze felt he shouldn't be that unlucky.

It should be an easy mission.

How come he didn't feel it was easy.

The two pressed on.

Three hours later, there were less and less branching tunnels. There were more and more undug heaven blue crystals. The tunnels were illuminated in blue light.

When the two were walking forward carefully, Lu Ze suddenly stopped.

"What's going on?"

Lin Ling asked.

Lu Ze said, "It seems to be the end of the tunnel ahead."

The end should be the beast lair they dug, right?

Lu Ze looked ahead, but he didn't dare to use mental force to check it. It wouldn't be good if a powerful beast inside sensed it.

Lin Ling dazed and said, "Let's go check it first?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Let's be careful."

The two went forward carefully. At the end of the tunnel, they peeped their heads inside the cave.

The cave had a diameter of a thousand meters. Blue crystals emitted light from the walls and ground, lighting up the entire cave.

Inside were tens of huge, black-shelled beasts gnawing at the blue crystals. Their sharp teeth crushed the ores.

There was also heavy breathing from the beasts.

In the center of the beasts laid a 50-meter long, huge black-shelled beast. It frowned a little.

Its chi was very strong—probably high Core Martial State power. With its strong defences, even Lu Ze wasn't certain he could kill it.

Lin Ling patted Lu Ze's shoulder and pointed in a direction. "Look there, Lu Ze."

Lu Ze glanced, and there was a huge hole of a hundred meters in diameter. The inside was pitch-black.

It was a cave dug open by the beasts.

The Federal miners probably dug to this cave and were caught by the beasts. Then, they were attacked.

So, did that mean there were more beasts inside?

Just that huge beast alone made him feel not so confident.

If they fought, and they called for their parents or something, he would really cry.

Lin Ling's eyes flashed, and she suddenly smiled. "Ze, do you still remember the insectoid tide?"

Lu Ze was in a daze and replied. "Of course."

Lin Ling raised her lips. "Just like how we attacked those flying insectoids, I'll tell you the weakness of the beast, and you attack."

Lu Ze's eyes lit. "We can do that!"

He completely forgot that Lin Ling could see through their defences.

Lu Ze smiled at her. "Then, tell me where the weakness of that biggest beast is. I'll take care of them now."

Hearing this, Lin Ling's eyes shone brighter. She started to sweat.

It was very difficult for Lin Ling, as this was a high-level Core Martial State beast.

If her god art didn't improve, she would definitely fail.

Now, she could possibly succeed.

Seeing Lin Ling frown in pain, Lu Ze's eyes flashed but didn't tell her to stop.

She wasn't that type of person.

At this moment, the huge, black beast suddenly looked up and let out an ear-piercing howl.

It shook the cave as dust fell.

The other beasts also looked up warily.

The huge beast looked toward the tunnel.

It noticed someone peeking while it was eating. This made it furious.

Lu Ze turned to Lin Ling. "We're found."

Lin Ling said, "I need a little bit more time…"

Before she finished, the black beast flashed with spirit light as a faint green, basketball-sized energy ball formed in its mouth.

It then turned into a green light that shot toward Lin Ling and Lu Ze.

The energy inside made Lu Ze serious.

This was a Core Martial State level nine beast.

Red flames flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as a fire barrier blocked in front of the ball.


Terrifying energy was released in the cave. Green and red light filled the space.

The walls started cracking as dust and rocks fell nonstop.

Lu Ze looked at the expanding crack, and his eyes flashed. Green wind grabbed Lin Ling's thin waist as Lu Ze brought her into the cave.

They couldn't fight in the tunnel here or it would collapse, and they would need to rebuild it.

When they came in, the tens of black beasts charged at them.

If it wasn't that the rocks containing the heaven blue crystals were rather tough, this cave would have probably collapsed already.

Lu Ze's eyes went cold.

Green and red light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as he opened five-times strength god art.

He went into his strongest form instantly.

He would finish the battle quickly.

Otherwise, if the cave collapsed, wouldn't he be buried alive?

He opened his right hand.

A red flame appeared, forming red prisons that devoured the beasts.

Then, wind spun around the prisons, too.

The weakest beasts were just Abstruse Martial State and were instantly roasted to charcoal. They smelled bad.

However, the remaining eight Core Martial States survived.

That Core Martial State level nine roared. Its spirit light flashed, and it instantly broke free.

Its armor was completely unscatched.

It… even shone brighter?

Lu Ze looked on dazedly. Did it repair its armor for it?

He needed to charge a fee!

Clearly, the beast didn't intend to pay as it charged toward Lu Ze.

Lu Ze couldn't clash with the beast head on yet. Otherwise, the cave might collapse.

He dodged the attack with Lin Ling.

The beasts lost speed while they strengthened their defences. Lu Ze could easily play around with the huge beast, while dealing with other weaker ones.

In a short few seconds, two weaker, black beasts were roasted.


Feeling his pals getting killed nonstop while he was getting played, the huge, black beast went into fury.

It stopped chasing and roared.

Terrifying spirit force wave spread out.

Was this guy going to use a big move?

Please don't? We're going to be buried alive.

His mouth twitched as he said, "Lin Ling, we're about to be buried alive? Are you still not done?"

Lu Ze glanced at Lin Ling and found her face was very pale. Her body seemed weak, too. Only her eyes were brighter.
