Chapters [171-172]

Chapter 171. Freedom-Loving Boss


When Lu Ze went around and failed to find a boss, his lips raised like crazy.

He didn't know if it was because other bosses didn't want to do something as low as killing a new boss, or there was some special rule. But since no one came, this was his showground.

He was the only one with a power of aperture opening state level here.

He looked at the direction of the chi. Although he wasted some time, this chi still hadn't reached aperture opening state yet. He still had a chance.

That's right, this time Lu Ze didn't want the leftover god art items. He was going to kill a newly born boss.

As an adult, of course, he wanted it all.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as he turned into the wind and carefully charged at the direction of the chi.

The closer he got, the more Lu Ze noticed how restless the wind element was. Lu Ze raised a brow.

It seemed it was still a blue bird boss.

He just digested some secrets of the blue bird boss' wind god art. He felt this whirlwind defensive formation couldn't stop him.

He could easily go in and kill the newly born boss and obtain the [orbs and runes].

Then, he would use them to learn powerful wind divine art and exert his dominance in the following war. He would gain the fandom of countless young girls, marry a beautiful white rich girl, and reach the peak of human life!

Lu Ze thought of the script already and took a firm step forward.

But when he appeared there and saw the multiple times stronger whirlwind, he was completely dazed.

He finally knew why there was no aperture opening state boss coming here to ambush.

Whoever came would die.

The whirlwind constantly shot out terrifying wind blades. Just one of these would kill him.

They were much stronger than the wind blades he saw last time.

Something was wrong with the script.

Wasn't he supposed to easily go in and kill the newly born boss??

How was he going to go in now??

The wind was getting weaker, but Lu Ze's mouth twitched, and he turned to run.

The wind got weaker, but the blue bird reached aperture opening state. It was still getting stronger. He had no chance.

He must quickly leave and not get caught.

If he left now, he could later go steal… cough, take the wind god art and the runes left behind by the boss.

If he was found here, he would die on the spot.

When he ran for ten kilometers and lay down again, he heard a sharp call.


Then, a blue light shone in the night sky.

Violent winds blew past, and all the grass and earth were blown into the sky. The beautiful and elegant blue bird boss stood up.

After a few catwalks, the bird looked to the sky. It desired flight.

Thus, it expanded its over 100 meters long wings and flew into the sky.

Watching the blue bird boss disappear into the night sky, Lu Ze had the feeling of his child growing up and leaving him.

Due to this, Lu Ze had decided to inherit the blue bird's wealth.

After the bird left, the hiding beasts roared and charged towards the whirlwind. The ground was shaking.

Lu Ze grinned. Although he didn't expect the whirlwind to be a super big one, these core martial state now were no match for him.

He turned into a gust of wind, instantly surpassing all the beasts and approaching the whirlwind.

Then, like last time, he used wind god art to direct away the wind blades and slowly entered the whirlwind.

Lu Ze did this in just a few seconds. This was a huge difference from last time.

After all, he had aperture opening state power now.

When Lu Ze got in, he still jumped around. He was very hyped.

The inside was the same as last time, except that the wind was larger than the previous one. There were also two more lines on the rune.

When Lu Ze saw this, he didn't stop and immediately came before the god art. He sat down, devoured the god art, and started learning it.

Lu Ze originally wanted to take the god art out and use it, but he realized there was no safe place outside. On the first map, there were still rabbit holes.

…. Wait, there should be rabbit holes here too.

Lu Ze thought of the rabbit that killed him with a glance and killed off his bold idea.

Thus, Lu Ze decided to use the god art for cultivation immediately.

If he was lucky, he would be able to digest the god art and runes before the blue bird boss came back.

If he was unlucky, he would glare at the bird ferociously. He would die with honor.

He just hoped the blue bird boss would be gentler and use fewer wind blades. Otherwise, it would be too painful.

An hour later, Lu Ze opened his eyes. A green light flashed in his eyes. He looked at the sky and soon breathed easy.

There was no blue bird looking at him.

Thus, Lu Ze began to digest the rune.

Lu Ze didn't learn the information in the rune but just chose to remember it. He would learn it outside.

After all, divine art was too hard. If he didn't use hacks, it would waste some time.

It was probably because he wasn't talented enough?

Lu Ze was hurt.

An hour later, Lu Ze opened his eyes again.

He looked around immediately and showed a smile of satisfaction.

This blue bird was a freedom-loving boss.

It was out for this long and still didn't come back.


Chapter 172. This isn't simple


Lu Ze patted his butt and got up. He ran out of the whirlwind immediately.

He would quickly escape before the boss came back!

He left the whirlwind and dashed out for more than ten kilometers before looking back at the whirlwind.

He was very happy. He obtained quite a lot, and he didn't die!

He actually didn't die!

He was touched.

He had decided to chant a poem:

I left secretly, just like how I came. I waved my sleeves and took some god art and runes.

Good poem, good poem!

So artistic! The world was shocked.

Lu Ze left in the night sky with satisfaction.

The second day.

In some place of the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] grass plain.

A whirlwind suddenly appeared and tore the surrounding grass to pieces.

Black scaled leopards howled but stopped short.

Lu Ze looked happily at the large pack of leopards that turned to dust.

He earned so much last night. His wind god art was almost on par with his fire god art.

Now that his wind god art improved, Lu Ze's power increased more.

He was probably stronger than those who just reached aperture opening state.

He didn't know exactly know how strong he was.

He picked up the [light orbs] and was planning to leave when he raised a brow and looked to the grass on the side.

There were rustling sounds, and then, a black scaled leopard slowly walked out.

Lu Ze was stunned.

It was a solo one?

This was the first time he saw one that didn't follow a pack.

Lu Ze felt the fierce look of the leopard and felt things weren't so simple.

Looking at its temperament, it was probably a lonely king?

At this moment, the leopard lowered his body slightly and roared. A violent chi shot out.

Lu Ze's eyes narrowed. Red and green lights flashed in Lu Ze's eyes. Crystal color flashed too as fire and wind twirled together. He instantly used full power.


This guy had aperture opening state chi?!

This wasn't an ordinary black scaled leopard.

Did this guy's genes mutate?

Lu Ze frowned. He became vigilant.

At this moment, black spirit light flowed out of the black scaled leopard's body as it lunged off the ground.


A huge ditch appeared where the black scaled leopard was. Its body turned into a dark beam that struck at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze clenched his right hand into a fist. Strength, wind, and fire god art were all activated.

This fist seemed to contain the whole world.

He took a step forward, twisted his waist, and punched out.


The red-green fist force struck out and smashed with the black flowing light.

The wave of power swept by, plowing the grass that was nearly 1000 meters away.


The black light collided with the fist, and a pitiful howl could be heard. Then, the black scaled leopard came back with the same speed it came forward, scattering large amounts of blood in the air.

Lu Ze grinned.

The leopard appeared too late. If it was yesterday, Lu Ze would at most be on par with it.

But he wasn't the Lu Ze from yesterday right now.

He was very strong! Very invincible!

The black scaled leopard flipped in the air and spat a mouthful of blood. Its chi was weakened, but it became more bloodthirsty.

He was injured from the previous clash, but the pain activated his ferocity.

Lu Ze raised a brow. He lunged forward.


A thunderous explosion sounded, and the ground Lu Ze stood on sunk. His body shot forward like a rocket.

As a mature jungler, Lu Ze wasn't going to give up such a good chance of finishing his prey.

Lu Ze wanted to laugh.

This was the first [aperture opening state beast orb].

He could cultivate even faster.

What a good fortune bringing leopard!

Just when Lu Ze felt happy, the injured black scaled leopard's chi rose up again.

Lu Ze: "???"


The black scaled leopard roared, and its black spirit light grew even denser. Then, it shot at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

This dumb leopard was like him.

Don't be scared, just fight!

It was very like him.

The beast and human clashed in the air. Lu Ze's fiery fists clashed with the black spirit light claw.


Fire waves, wind blades, and spirit force entwined together. The already plowed land was plowed again.

After the clash, Lu Ze looked at this black scaled leopard in shock.

Did this guy use a hack?

Its injuries recovered this quickly?

Even its power increased?

Lu Ze felt his hack was 'OP' enough, but this leopard also had hacks?

Lu Ze saw that the shattered shells of the black scaled leopard were visibly recovering.

Then, its chi recovered again.

Why did this scene feel so familiar?

Don't worry, let me think.

Lu Ze remembered something.

This… was a god art, right??

Lu Ze thought of the grey lizard that was eaten last night.

He had seen this god art before.

At that time, he was still an immature noob hunter.

At that time, he saw the battle between the unicorn warhorse and the grey lizard.

The grey lizard had a regenerative god art.

This black scaled leopard's god art was exactly the same as that grey lizard boss!
